
311 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Minerva\SkinOptions;
* Extended Template class of BaseTemplate for mobile devices
class MinervaTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
/** @var bool Specify whether the page is a special page */
protected $isSpecialPage;
/** @var bool Whether or not the user is on the Special:MobileMenu page */
protected $isSpecialMobileMenuPage;
/** @var bool Specify whether the page is main page */
protected $isMainPage;
/** @var bool */
protected $isMainPageTalk;
* Start render the page in template
public function execute() {
$title = $this->getSkin()->getTitle();
$this->isSpecialPage = $title->isSpecialPage();
$this->isSpecialMobileMenuPage = $this->isSpecialPage &&
$title->isSpecial( 'MobileMenu' );
$this->isMainPage = $title->isMainPage();
$subjectPage = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()
->getSubjectPage( $title );
$this->isMainPageTalk = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $subjectPage )->isMainPage();
Hooks::run( 'MinervaPreRender', [ $this ] );
$this->render( $this->data );
* Returns available page actions
* @return array
protected function getPageActions() {
return $this->isFallbackEditor() ? [] : $this->data['pageActionsMenu'];
* Returns template data for footer
* @param array $data Data used to build the page
* @return array
protected function getFooterTemplateData( $data ) {
$groups = [];
foreach ( $data['footerlinks'] as $category => $links ) {
$items = [];
foreach ( $links as $link ) {
if ( isset( $this->data[$link] ) && $data[$link] !== '' && $data[$link] !== false ) {
$items[] = [
'category' => $category,
'name' => $link,
'linkhtml' => $data[$link],
$groups[] = [
'name' => $category,
'items' => $items,
// This turns off the footer id and allows us to distinguish the old footer with the new design
return [
'lastmodified' => $this->getHistoryLinkHtml( $data ),
'headinghtml' => $data['footer-site-heading-html'],
// Note mobile-license is only available on the mobile skin. It is outputted as part of
// footer-info on desktop hence the conditional check.
'licensehtml' => $data['mobile-license'] ?? '',
'lists' => $groups,
* Get the HTML for rendering the available page actions
* @return string
protected function getPageActionsHtml() {
$templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ . '/../../components' );
$pageActions = $this->getPageActions();
$html = '';
if ( $pageActions && $pageActions['toolbar'] ) {
$html = $templateParser->processTemplate( 'PageActionsMenu', $pageActions );
return $html;
* Returns the 'Last edited' message, e.g. 'Last edited on...'
* @param array $data Data used to build the page
* @return string
protected function getHistoryLinkHtml( $data ) {
$action = Action::getActionName( RequestContext::getMain() );
if ( isset( $data['historyLink'] ) && $action === 'view' ) {
$args = [
'historyIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass(
'history-base20', 'mw-ui-icon-small', '', 'wikimedia'
'arrowIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass(
'expand-gray', 'small',
'mf-mw-ui-icon-rotate-anti-clockwise indicator',
// Uses icon in MobileFrontend so must be prefixed mf.
// Without MobileFrontend it will not render.
// Rather than maintain 2 versions (and variants) of the arrow icon which can conflict
// with each othe and bloat CSS, we'll
// use the MobileFrontend one. Long term when T177432 and T160690 are resolved
// we should be able to use one icon definition and break this dependency.
] + $data['historyLink'];
$templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ );
return $templateParser->processTemplate( 'history', $args );
return '';
* @return bool
protected function isFallbackEditor() {
$action = $this->getSkin()->getRequest()->getVal( 'action' );
return $action === 'edit';
* Get page secondary actions
* @return array
protected function getSecondaryActions() {
if ( $this->isFallbackEditor() ) {
return [];
return $this->data['secondary_actions'];
* Get HTML representing secondary page actions like language selector
* @return string
protected function getSecondaryActionsHtml() {
$baseClass = MinervaUI::buttonClass( '', 'button' );
/** @var SkinMinerva $skin */
$skin = $this->getSkin();
$html = '';
// no secondary actions on the user page
if ( $skin instanceof SkinMinerva && !$skin->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() ) {
foreach ( $this->getSecondaryActions() as $el ) {
if ( isset( $el['attributes']['class'] ) ) {
$el['attributes']['class'] .= ' ' . $baseClass;
} else {
$el['attributes']['class'] = $baseClass;
$html .= Html::element( 'a', $el['attributes'], $el['label'] );
return $html;
* Get the HTML for the content of a page
* @param array $data Data used to build the page
* @return string representing HTML of content
protected function getContentHtml( $data ) {
if ( !$data[ 'unstyledContent' ] ) {
$content = Html::openElement( 'div', [
'id' => 'bodyContent',
'class' => 'content',
] );
$content .= $data[ 'bodytext' ];
if ( isset( $data['subject-page'] ) ) {
$content .= $data['subject-page'];
return $content . Html::closeElement( 'div' );
return $data[ 'bodytext' ];
* Gets the main menu HTML.
* @param array $data Data used to build the page
* @return string
protected function getMainMenuData( $data ) {
return $data['mainMenu']['items'];
* Render the entire page
* @param array $data Data used to build the page
* @todo replace with template engines
protected function render( $data ) {
$skinOptions = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'Minerva.SkinOptions' );
$templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ );
$internalBanner = $data[ 'internalBanner' ];
$preBodyHtml = $data['prebodyhtml'] ?? '';
$hasHeadingHolder = $internalBanner || $preBodyHtml || isset( $data['pageActionsMenu'] );
$hasPageActions = $this->hasPageActions( $data['skin']->getContext() );
// prepare template data
$templateData = [
'banners' => $data['banners'],
'wgScript' => $data['wgScript'],
'isAnon' => $data['username'] === null,
'search' => $data['search'],
'placeholder' => wfMessage( 'mobile-frontend-placeholder' ),
'headelement' => $data[ 'headelement' ],
'main-menu-tooltip' => $this->getMsg( 'mobile-frontend-main-menu-button-tooltip' ),
'siteheading' => $data['footer-site-heading-html'],
'mainPageURL' => Title::newMainPage()->getLocalURL(),
'userNavigationLabel' => wfMessage( 'minerva-user-navigation' ),
// A button when clicked will submit the form
// This is used so that on tablet devices with JS disabled the search button
// passes the value of input to the search
// We avoid using input[type=submit] as these cannot be easily styled as mediawiki ui icons
// which is problematic in Opera Mini (see T140490)
'searchButton' => Html::rawElement( 'button', [
'id' => 'searchIcon',
'class' => MinervaUI::iconClass(
'search-base20', 'element', 'skin-minerva-search-trigger', 'wikimedia'
], wfMessage( 'searchbutton' ) ),
'userNotificationsHTML' => $data['userNotificationsHTML'] ?? '',
'data-main-menu' => $this->getMainMenuData( $data ),
'hasheadingholder' => $hasHeadingHolder,
'taglinehtml' => $data['taglinehtml'],
'internalBanner' => $internalBanner,
'prebodyhtml' => $preBodyHtml,
'headinghtml' => $data['headinghtml'] ?? '',
'postheadinghtml' => $data['postheadinghtml'] ?? '',
'pageactionshtml' => $hasPageActions ? $this->getPageActionsHtml() : '',
[UI] [new] add user menu Add new user menu. The changes required include: - Break up AuthMenuEntry into reusable components. They're now simple, independent, static functions in AuthUtil that are easy to reason about and compose. There's lots of verbose code because of the builder and director patterns. That is, most of the code is for building the thing we actually want to build instead of just building it. It's easy to write but no fun to read--even simple configurations are extremely verbose expressions that must be threaded through the system. These builders are also single purpose and unlikely to be reusable unlike a URI builder, for example. As objects, they're not especially composable either. - Similarly, break up Menu/DefaultBuilder into BuilderUtil and ban inheritance. Inheritance has not worked well on the frontend of MobileFrontend. I don't think it's going to work well here. E.g., I could have made changes to the base class' getPersonalTools() method such that the client passes a parameter for the advanced config or maybe I just override it in the subclass. In either case, I think it makes the whole hierarchy nuanced and harder to reason about for something that should be simple. - Add ProfileMenuEntry and LogOutMenuEntry for the user menu. - Rename insertLogInOutMenuItem() to insertAuthMenuItem() which matches the entry name, AuthMenuEntry. - Extension:SandboxLink is needed to display the sandbox link in the user menu. - Performance note: the toolbar is now processed in MinervaTemplate, which corresponds to removing the buildPersonalUrls() override. - To mimic the design of main menu, the following steps would be necessary: 1. Create a user/Default and user/Advanced user menu builder and also a user/IBuilder interface. 2. Create a user/Director. 3. Create a service entry for Minerva.Menu.UserDirector in ServiceWiring. The Director is actually powerless and doesn't get to make any decisions--the appropriate builder is passed in from ServiceWiring which checks the mode. 4. Access the service in SkinMinerva to set a userMenuHTML data member on the Minerva QuickTemplate. 5. In MinervaTemplate, access the userMenuHTML QuickTemplate member and do the usual song and dance of inflating a Mustache template. This patch does everything except add a service, which was agreed to be unnecessary, so that logic is now in SkinMinerva. - Wrap the existing echo user notifications button and new user menu button in a nav element. This seems like a semantic improvement. - The existing styling and logic for the search bar and search overlay are pretty messy and delicate. Changes made to that LESS endeavored to be surgical. There's lots of room for improvement in the toolbar but it's out of scope. - Rename logout icon to logOut. Bug: T214540 Change-Id: Ib517864fcf4e4d611e05525a6358ee6662fe4e05
2019-06-25 20:12:58 +00:00
'userMenuHTML' => $data['userMenuHTML'],
'subtitle' => $data['subtitle'],
'contenthtml' => $this->getContentHtml( $data ),
'secondaryactionshtml' => $this->getSecondaryActionsHtml(),
'dataAfterContent' => $this->get( 'dataAfterContent' ),
'footer' => $this->getFooterTemplateData( $data ),
'isBeta' => $skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::BETA_MODE ),
'tabs' => $this->showTalkTabs( $hasPageActions, $skinOptions ) &&
$skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::TALK_AT_TOP ) ? [
'items' => array_values( $data['content_navigation']['namespaces'] ),
] : false,
// begin rendering
echo $templateParser->processTemplate( 'minerva', $templateData );
* @param IContextSource $context
* @return bool
private function hasPageActions( IContextSource $context ) {
return !$this->isSpecialPage && !$this->isMainPage &&
Action::getActionName( $context ) === 'view';
* @param bool $hasPageActions
* @param SkinOptions $skinOptions
* @return bool
private function showTalkTabs( $hasPageActions, SkinOptions $skinOptions ) {
$hasTalkTabs = $hasPageActions && !$this->isMainPageTalk;
if ( !$hasTalkTabs && $this->isSpecialPage &&
$skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::TABS_ON_SPECIALS ) ) {
$hasTalkTabs = true;
return $hasTalkTabs;