"thanks-thank":"{{Doc-actionlink}}\nA link to thank another user. This appears next to messages such as {{msg-mw|editundo}} and {{msg-mw|rollbacklink}} and should be translated in a similar fashion.\nFor languages that need it, the gender of each of the thanked and thanking users is available.\n{{Identical|Thank}} \n* $1 - The user that is thanking\n* $2 - The user that is thanked",
"thanks-thanked":"This message immediately replaces the message {{msg-mw|Thanks-thank}} after it's pressed. It means that the thanking operation has been completed.\n\nIt can be translated as \"''thanked''\" in \"You thanked the user\" or \"The user has just been ''thanked''\" - whatever is appropriate to your language.\nFor languages that need it, the gender of each of the thanked and thanking users is available.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The user that is thanking\n* $2 - The user that is thanked\n{{Identical|Thanked}}",
"thanks-button-thank":"Text of a button to thank another user. Same as {{msg-mw|Thanks-thank}}, but the context is in a button.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The user that is thanking, for gender\n* $2 - The user that is being thanked, for gender\n{{Identical|Thank}}",
"thanks-button-thanked":"This message immediately replaces the message {{msg-mw|Thanks-button-thank}} after it's pressed. It means that the thanking operation has been completed.\n\nSame as {{msg-mw|Thanks-thanked}}, but the context is in a button.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The user that is thanking, for gender\n* $2 - The user that is being thanked, for gender\n{{Identical|Thanked}}",
"thanks-thank-tooltip":"Tooltip that appears when a user hovers over the \"thank\" link. Parameters:\n* $1 - The user sending the thanks. Can be used for GENDER support.\n* $2 - The user receiving the thanks. Can be used for GENDER support",
"thanks-thank-tooltip-no":"Tooltip that appears when a user hovers over the \"No\" confirmation link (which cancels the thank action). Parameters:\n* $1 - The user sending the thanks. Can be used for GENDER support.",
"thanks-thank-tooltip-yes":"Tooltip that appears when a user hovers over the \"Yes\" confirmation link (which confirms the thank action). Parameters:\n* $1 - The user sending the thanks. Can be used for GENDER support.",
"thanks-confirmation2":"A confirmation message to make sure the user actually wants to send thanks to another user.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The user sending the thanks. Can be used for GENDER.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Thanks-confirmation-special}}",
"thanks-thanked-notice":"{{doc-singularthey}}\nPop-up message that is displayed after a user has thanked another user for their edit.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username of the user that was thanked\n* $2 - the gender of the user that was thanked\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Flow-thanks-thanked-notice}}",
"thanks-form-revid":"Label for form field where the user inputs the revision ID.",
"echo-pref-subscription-edit-thank":"Option for getting notifications when someone thanks the user for their edit.\n\nThis is the conclusion of the sentence begun by the header: {{msg-mw|Prefs-echosubscriptions}}.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-edit-thank":"This is a short description of the edit-thank notification category.\n{{Related|Echo-pref-tooltip}}",
"echo-category-title-edit-thank":"This is a short title for the notification category.\n\nUsed as <code>$1</code> in {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-message}} and as <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|Echo-email-batch-category-header}}\n{{Related|Echo-category-title}}\n{{Identical|Thank}}",
"notification-thanks-diff-link":"The text of a link to the user's edit.\n\nUsed for <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|Notification-thanks}}. Should have capitalization appropriate for the middle of a sentence.\n\nThis is an object in a sentence so it should be in object case in languages where there is a special object form for words.",
"notification-thanks":"Format for displaying notifications when a user is thanked for their edit. Parameters:\n* $1 is the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 is a link to the user's edit. The text of the link is {{msg-mw|Notification-thanks-diff-link}}.\n* $3 is the title of the page the user edited.",
"notification-thanks-flyout2":"Format for displaying notifications in the flyout when a user is thanked for their edit. Parameters:\n* $1 is the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 is the title of the page the user edited.",
"notification-thanks-email-subject":"E-mail subject. Parameters:\n* $1 is the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-thanks-email-batch-body":"E-mail notification. Parameters:\n* $1 is the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 the title of the page the user edited.",
"notification-link-text-respond-to-user":"Label for button that links to a user page.",
"log-name-thanks":"Name of log that appears on [[Special:Log]].",
"log-description-thanks":"Description of thanks log",
"logentry-thanks-thank":"Log entry that is created when a user thanks another user for an edit. Parameters:\n* $1 is a user link, for example \"Jane Doe (Talk | contribs)\"\n* $2 is a username. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $3 is a user link, for example \"John Doe (Talk | contribs)\n* $4 is the username of the recipient. Can be used for GENDER.\n{{Identical|Thanked}}",
"log-show-hide-thanks":"Shown on [[Special:Log]] as a link to show/hide thanks log entries. (Hidden by default)\n* $1 - one of {{msg-mw|Show}} or {{msg-mw|Hide}}\n{{Related|Log-show-hide}}",
"thanks-confirmation-special":"A confirmation message shown on [[Special:Thanks]] to make sure the user wants to send thanks for an edit.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Flow-thanks-confirmation-special}}\n* {{msg-mw|Thanks-confirmation2}}",
"flow-thanks-confirmation-special":"A confirmation message shown on [[Special:Thanks]] to make sure the user wants to send thanks for a comment.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Thanks-confirmation-special}}",
"flow-thanks-thanked-notice":"{{doc-singularthey}}\nMessage displayed after a user has thanked another user for their comment.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username of the user that was thanked\n* $2 - the gender of the user that was thanked\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Thanks-thanked-notice}}",
"notification-flow-thanks":"Format for displaying notifications when a user is thanked for their comment on a Flow board.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 - a link to the comment. The text of the link is {{msg-mw|Notification-flow-thanks-post-link}}.\n* $3 - the title of the topic the comment belongs to\n* $4 - the title of the page where the comment is located\n* $5 - the username (of the thanked person ?). Can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-flow-thanks-post-link":"The text of a link to the comment made by the user.\n\nUsed for <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|notification-flow-thanks}}. Should have capitalization appropriate for the middle of a sentence.\n\nThis is an object in a sentence so it should be in object case in languages where there is a special object form for words.",
"notification-flow-thanks-flyout":"Format for displaying notifications in the flyout when a user is thanked for their comment on a Flow board. Parameters:\n* $1 - the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 - the title of the topic the comment belongs to\n* $3 - the title of the page where the comment is located\n* $4 - the username. Can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-flow-thanks-email-subject":"Email subject when a user is thanked for a comment on a Flow board. Parameters:\n* $1 - the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 - the username. Can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-flow-thanks-email-batch-body":"Email notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the username of the person sending the thanks, as plain text. Can be used for GENDER.\n* $2 - the title of the topic the comment belongs to\n* $3 - the title of the page where the comment is located\n* $4 - the username. Can be used for GENDER.",
"apihelp-flowthank-example-1":"The \"[[w:Universally unique identifier|UUID]]\" in question is an [[w:alphanumeric|alphanumeric]] string which identifies a message (in the Flow extension).\n----\n{{doc-apihelp-example|flowthank}}",