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synced 2024-11-15 11:46:55 +00:00
These are annotations for ESLint as described at: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#specifying-globals I'm not sure where the `…: false` comes from. I assume it is a mistake and does not have an effect. I tried to move these annotations closer to the line they are about in case there is only one line. And move it to the top when there is more than one line using the global. Change-Id: I4bd112c5fddd8a97d829a9b91707b8eb7cd7a332
264 lines
6.4 KiB
264 lines
6.4 KiB
/* global Map */
import { fromElement, getTitle, isValid } from '../../src/title';
QUnit.module( 'title#getTitle', {
beforeEach() {
this.config = new Map();
this.config.set( 'wgArticlePath', '/wiki/$1' );
this.location = global.location = { hostname: 'en.wikipedia.org' };
mediaWiki.RegExp = {
escape: this.sandbox.spy( ( str ) => {
return str.replace( /([\\{}()|.?*+\-^$[\]])/g, '\\$1' );
} )
mediaWiki.Uri = this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' );
afterEach() {
global.location = null;
mediaWiki.RegExp = null;
mediaWiki.Uri = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a url with a title query param', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/w/index.php?title=Foo';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
query: {
title: 'Foo'
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The query title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url if it conforms wgArticlePath', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/Foo';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: href,
query: {}
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The ASCII title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url properly decoded', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/%E6%B8%AC%E8%A9%A6';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: href,
query: {}
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The UTF-8 title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should accept urls with fragments', function ( assert ) {
let href = '/wiki/Example_1#footnote_1';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: href,
query: {},
fragment: 'footnote_1'
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'It accepts pretty urls with fragments.'
href = '/w/index.php?title=Example_2#footnote_2';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
query: { title: 'Example_2' },
fragment: 'footnote_2'
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'It accepts title parameter urls with fragments.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip pretty urls with invalid % encoded characters', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/100%';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: href,
query: {}
} );
assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that mw.Uri cannot parse', function ( assert ) {
const href = 'javascript:void(0);'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).throws(
new Error( 'Cannot parse' )
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that are external', function ( assert ) {
const href = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: 'www.youtube.com',
path: '/watch',
query: { v: 'dQw4w9WgXcQ' }
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls not on article path without one title query param', function ( assert ) {
// No params
let href = '/Foo';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: '/Foo',
query: {}
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
// Multiple query params
href = '/Foo?a=1&title=Foo';
mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( {
host: this.location.hostname,
path: '/Foo',
query: { a: 1, title: 'Foo' }
} );
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.module( 'title#isValid', {
beforeEach() {
mediaWiki.Title = {
newFromText: this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' )
afterEach() {
mediaWiki.Title = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is empty', ( assert ) => {
assert.strictEqual( isValid( '', [] ), null, 'Doesn\'t accept empty titles' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title can\'t be parsed properly', ( assert ) => {
mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( null );
isValid( 'title', [] ),
'Doesn\'t accept unparseable titles'
mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.callCount, 1,
'mediaWiki.Title.newFromText called for parsing the title' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is not from a content namespace', ( assert ) => {
mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( {
namespace: 1
} );
isValid( 'title', [ 5 ] ),
'Only content namespace titles are accepted'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title object if the title is from a content namespace', ( assert ) => {
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 3
mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( mwTitle );
isValid( 'title', [ 1, 3, 5 ] ),
'A content namespace title is accepted'
} );
QUnit.module( 'title#fromElement', {
beforeEach() {
global.location = {
host: 'own.host',
pathname: '/w/index.php',
search: '?oldid=1&extra=1'
mediaWiki.Title = {
newFromText: this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' )
afterEach() {
global.location = null;
mediaWiki.Title = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should accept anchor links that point to the own page', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = 'http://own.host/w/index.php?oldid=1&extra=1#example';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 1,
title: 'Page',
fragment: 'example'
mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'Talk:Page#example' ).returns( mwTitle );
assert.propEqual( fromElement( el, config ), mwTitle );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should ignore anchor links that are not identical', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = 'http://own.host/w/index.php?oldid=1#example';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
assert.strictEqual( fromElement( el, config ), null );
} );