Gilles Dubuc 6eb64f39ba Track the most recent upload time for duration events
This will allow us to see if images uploaded recently, which have been
subjected to thumbnail prerendering, load faster.

Change-Id: I4ce358ff54e4ca4e290349aa3ff4810ad4714d24
2014-11-11 18:14:24 +01:00

197 lines
7.6 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
QUnit.module( 'mmv.logging.DurationLogger', QUnit.newMwEnvironment({
setup: function () {
this.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers();
} ) );
QUnit.test( 'start()', 8, function ( assert ) {
var durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
durationLogger.samplingFactor = 1;
try {
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling start() without parameters' );
assert.ok( $.isEmptyObject( durationLogger.starts ), 'No events saved by DurationLogger' );
durationLogger.start( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event start saved' );
this.clock.tick( 1000 );
durationLogger.start( 'bar' );
assert.strictEqual(, 1000, 'Later event start saved' );
durationLogger.start( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event start not overritten' );
this.clock.tick( 666 );
durationLogger.start( [ 'baz', 'bob', 'bar' ] );
assert.strictEqual( durationLogger.starts.baz, 1666, 'First simultaneous event start saved' );
assert.strictEqual( durationLogger.starts.bob, 1666, 'Second simultaneous event start saved' );
assert.strictEqual(, 1000, 'Third simultaneous event start not overwritten' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'stop()', 5, function ( assert ) {
var durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
try {
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling stop() without parameters' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event stop saved' );
this.clock.tick( 1000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event stop not overwritten' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo', 1 );
assert.strictEqual(, 1, 'Event start saved' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo', 2 );
assert.strictEqual(, 1, 'Event start not overwritten' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'record()', 21, function ( assert ) {
var dependenciesDeferred = $.Deferred(),
fakeEventLog = { logEvent : this.sandbox.stub() },
durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
durationLogger.samplingFactor = 1;
durationLogger.schemaSupportsCountry = this.sandbox.stub().returns( true );
this.sandbox.stub( mw.user, 'isAnon' ).returns( false );
this.sandbox.stub( durationLogger, 'loadDependencies' ).returns( dependenciesDeferred.promise() );
try {
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling record() without parameters' );
durationLogger.setEventLog( fakeEventLog );
durationLogger.start( 'bar' );
this.clock.tick( 1000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'bar' );
durationLogger.record( 'bar' );
assert.ok( !fakeEventLog.logEvent.called, 'Event queued if dependencies not loaded' );
// Queue a second item
durationLogger.start( 'bob' );
this.clock.tick( 4000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'bob' );
durationLogger.record( 'bob' );
assert.ok( !fakeEventLog.logEvent.called, 'Event queued if dependencies not loaded' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'bar', duration : 1000, loggedIn : true, samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'bob', duration : 4000, loggedIn : true, samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 2, 'logEvent called when processing the queue' );
durationLogger.start( 'foo' );
this.clock.tick( 3000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 2 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 2 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'foo', duration : 3000, loggedIn : true, samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after record' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Stop value deleted after record' );
durationLogger.setGeo( { country : 'FR' } );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( true );
durationLogger.start( 'baz' );
this.clock.tick( 2000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'baz' );
durationLogger.record( 'baz' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 3 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 3 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'baz', duration : 2000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after record' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Stop value deleted after record' );
durationLogger.stop( 'fooz', $.now() - 9000 );
durationLogger.record( 'fooz' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 4 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'fooz', duration : 9000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'logEvent has been called fives times at this point in the test' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'Record without a start doesn\'t get logged' );
durationLogger.start( 'foofoo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foofoo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'Record without a stop doesn\'t get logged' );
durationLogger.start( 'extra' );
this.clock.tick( 5000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'extra' );
durationLogger.record( 'extra', { bim: 'bam' } );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 5 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'extra', duration : 5000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1, bim : 'bam' },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'loadDependencies()', 3, function ( assert ) {
var promise,
durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
this.sandbox.stub( mw.loader, 'using' );
mw.loader.using.withArgs( [ 'ext.eventLogging', 'schema.MultimediaViewerDuration' ] ).throwsException( 'EventLogging is missing' );
promise = durationLogger.loadDependencies();
assert.strictEqual( promise.state(), 'rejected', 'Promise is rejected' );
// It's necessary to reset the stub, otherwise the original withArgs keeps running alongside the new one
this.sandbox.stub( mw.loader, 'using' );
mw.loader.using.withArgs( [ 'ext.eventLogging', 'schema.MultimediaViewerDuration' ] ).throwsException( 'EventLogging is missing' );
promise = durationLogger.loadDependencies();
assert.strictEqual( promise.state(), 'rejected', 'Promise is rejected' );
// It's necessary to reset the stub, otherwise the original withArgs keeps running alongside the new one
this.sandbox.stub( mw.loader, 'using' );
mw.loader.using.withArgs( [ 'ext.eventLogging', 'schema.MultimediaViewerDuration' ] ).callsArg( 1 );
promise = durationLogger.loadDependencies();
assert.strictEqual( promise.state(), 'resolved', 'Promise is resolved' );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );