Track the most recent upload time for duration events

This will allow us to see if images uploaded recently, which have been
subjected to thumbnail prerendering, load faster.

Change-Id: I4ce358ff54e4ca4e290349aa3ff4810ad4714d24
This commit is contained in:
Gilles Dubuc 2014-11-05 11:40:31 +01:00
parent 22a1ac4dfd
commit 6eb64f39ba
5 changed files with 138 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ $wgHooks['EventLoggingRegisterSchemas'][] = function( array &$schemas ) {
$schemas += array(
'MediaViewer' => 10308479,
'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance' => 7917896,
'MultimediaViewerDuration' => 8572641,
'MultimediaViewerDuration' => 10427980,
'MultimediaViewerAttribution' => 9758179,
'MultimediaViewerDimensions' => 10014238,

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
function DurationLogger() {
this.starts = {};
this.stops = {};
oo.inheritClass( DurationLogger, mw.mmv.logging.Logger );
@ -66,42 +67,78 @@
this.starts[ typeOrTypes[ i ] ] = start;
return this;
* Logs a duration if a start was recorded first
* Saves the stop of a duration
* @param {string} type Type of duration being measured.
* @param {number} start Start timestamp that to substitute the one coming from start()
* @param {number} start Start timestamp to substitute the one coming from start()
L.stop = function ( type, start ) {
var e, duration, message, startTimestamp;
var stop = $.now();
if ( !type ) {
throw 'Must specify type';
startTimestamp = this.starts.hasOwnProperty( type ) ? this.starts[ type ] : start;
if ( startTimestamp !== undefined ) {
duration = $.now() - startTimestamp;
e = {
type : type,
duration : duration,
loggedIn : !mw.user.isAnon(),
samplingFactor : this.samplingFactor
message = type + ': ' + duration + 'ms';
mw.log( message );
this.log( e );
// Don't overwrite an existing value
if ( !this.stops.hasOwnProperty( type ) ) {
this.stops[ type ] = stop;
if ( this.starts.hasOwnProperty( type ) ) {
delete this.starts[ type ];
// Don't overwrite an existing value
if ( start !== undefined && !this.starts.hasOwnProperty( type ) ) {
this.starts[ type ] = start;
return this;
* Records the duration log event
* @param {string} type Type of duration being measured.
* @param {Object} extraData Extra information to add to the log event data
L.record = function ( type, extraData ) {
var e, duration;
if ( !type ) {
throw 'Must specify type';
if ( !this.starts.hasOwnProperty( type ) || this.starts[ type ] === undefined ) {
if ( !this.stops.hasOwnProperty( type ) || this.stops[ type ] === undefined ) {
duration = this.stops[ type ] - this.starts[ type ];
e = {
type : type,
duration : duration,
loggedIn : !mw.user.isAnon(),
samplingFactor : this.samplingFactor
if ( extraData ) {
$.each( extraData, function ( key, value ) {
e[ key ] = value;
} );
mw.log( 'mw.mmw.logger.DurationLogger', e );
this.log( e );
delete this.starts[ type ];
delete this.stops[ type ];
return this;
mw.mmv.durationLogger = new DurationLogger();

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
$document.ready( function () {
mw.loader.using( [ 'mmv.bootstrap.autostart', 'mmv.logging.DurationLogger' ] , function() {
mw.mmv.bootstrap.whenThumbsReady().then( function () {
mw.mmv.durationLogger.stop( 'early-click-to-replay-click', start );
mw.mmv.durationLogger.stop( 'early-click-to-replay-click', start ).record( 'early-click-to-replay-click' );
// We have to copy the properties, passing e doesn't work. Probably because of preventDefault()
$( ).trigger( { type : 'click', which: 1, replayed: true } );

View file

@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
viewer = this,
$initialImage = $( initialImage );
@ -278,6 +279,8 @@
this.setupProgressBar( image, imagePromise, imageWidths.real );
metadataPromise = this.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo( image.filePageTitle );
imagePromise.done( function ( thumbnail, imageElement ) {
if ( viewer.currentIndex !== image.index ) {
@ -285,22 +288,38 @@
if ( viewer.imageDisplayedCount++ === 0 ) {
mw.mmv.durationLogger.stop( 'click-to-first-image' );
metadataPromise.done( function ( imageInfo ) {
if ( !imageInfo || !imageInfo.uploadDateTime ) {
uploadTimestamp = imageInfo.uploadDateTime.toString();
// Convert to "timestamp" format commonly used in EventLogging
uploadTimestamp = uploadTimestamp.replace( /[:\s]/g, '' );
// Anonymise the timestamp to avoid making the file identifiable
// We only need to know the day
uploadTimestamp = uploadTimestamp.substr( 0, uploadTimestamp.length - 6 ) + '000000';
mw.mmv.durationLogger.record( 'click-to-first-image', {
uploadTimestamp: uploadTimestamp
} );
} );
viewer.displayRealThumbnail( thumbnail, imageElement, imageWidths, $.now() - start );
} ).fail( function ( error ) {
viewer.ui.canvas.showError( error );
} );
metadataPromise = this.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo(
).done( function ( imageInfo, repoInfo, userInfo ) {
metadataPromise.done( function ( imageInfo, repoInfo, userInfo ) {
if ( viewer.currentIndex !== image.index ) {
if ( viewer.metadataDisplayedCount++ === 0 ) {
mw.mmv.durationLogger.stop( 'click-to-first-metadata' );
mw.mmv.durationLogger.stop( 'click-to-first-metadata' ).record( 'click-to-first-metadata' );
viewer.ui.panel.setImageInfo( image, imageInfo, repoInfo, userInfo );
// File reuse steals a bunch of information from the DOM, so do it last

View file

@ -33,7 +33,34 @@
assert.strictEqual(, 1000, 'Third simultaneous event start not overwritten' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'stop()', 17, function ( assert ) {
QUnit.test( 'stop()', 5, function ( assert ) {
var durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
try {
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling stop() without parameters' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event stop saved' );
this.clock.tick( 1000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'Event stop not overwritten' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo', 1 );
assert.strictEqual(, 1, 'Event start saved' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo', 2 );
assert.strictEqual(, 1, 'Event start not overwritten' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'record()', 21, function ( assert ) {
var dependenciesDeferred = $.Deferred(),
fakeEventLog = { logEvent : this.sandbox.stub() },
durationLogger = new mw.mmv.durationLogger.constructor();
@ -45,9 +72,9 @@
this.sandbox.stub( durationLogger, 'loadDependencies' ).returns( dependenciesDeferred.promise() );
try {
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling stop() without parameters' );
assert.ok( true, 'Exception raised when calling record() without parameters' );
durationLogger.setEventLog( fakeEventLog );
@ -55,6 +82,7 @@
durationLogger.start( 'bar' );
this.clock.tick( 1000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'bar' );
durationLogger.record( 'bar' );
assert.ok( !fakeEventLog.logEvent.called, 'Event queued if dependencies not loaded' );
@ -63,6 +91,7 @@
durationLogger.start( 'bob' );
this.clock.tick( 4000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'bob' );
durationLogger.record( 'bob' );
assert.ok( !fakeEventLog.logEvent.called, 'Event queued if dependencies not loaded' );
@ -81,12 +110,14 @@
durationLogger.start( 'foo' );
this.clock.tick( 3000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 2 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 2 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'foo', duration : 3000, loggedIn : true, samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after stop' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after record' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Stop value deleted after record' );
durationLogger.setGeo( { country : 'FR' } );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( true );
@ -94,14 +125,17 @@
durationLogger.start( 'baz' );
this.clock.tick( 2000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'baz' );
durationLogger.record( 'baz' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 3 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerDuration', 'EventLogging schema is correct' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 3 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'baz', duration : 2000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after stop' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Start value deleted after record' );
assert.strictEqual(, undefined, 'Stop value deleted after record' );
durationLogger.stop( 'fooz', $.now() - 9000 );
durationLogger.record( 'fooz' );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 4 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'fooz', duration : 9000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1 },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
@ -109,8 +143,22 @@
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'logEvent has been called fives times at this point in the test' );
durationLogger.stop( 'foo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'Stop without a start doesn\'t get logged' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'Record without a start doesn\'t get logged' );
durationLogger.start( 'foofoo' );
durationLogger.record( 'foofoo' );
assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 5, 'Record without a stop doesn\'t get logged' );
durationLogger.start( 'extra' );
this.clock.tick( 5000 );
durationLogger.stop( 'extra' );
durationLogger.record( 'extra', { bim: 'bam' } );
assert.deepEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 5 ).args[ 1 ], { type : 'extra', duration : 5000, loggedIn : false, country : 'FR', samplingFactor : 1, bim : 'bam' },
'EventLogging data is correct' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'loadDependencies()', 3, function ( assert ) {