Volker E cfcb8d4755 build: Update 'svgo' to latest v3.2.0 and re-crush SVGs
The latest update of 'svgo' dependency includes three optimizations on
converting path commands, which
- improves closing paths and how we determine if to use absolute or
  relative commands.
- round arc or convert to lines based on the geometric sagitta
- convert cubic Bézier curves to quadratic Bézier curves where possible
- removing obsolete 'grayscale.svg' which was introduced in
  I0f2c2b24aece3b but seems to have not been in use. It itself is not
  reasonable, as an SVG filter needs an element to be applied to, which
  this SVG didn't feature.
- unifying npm command to qua standard notation `minify:svg` and add
  “parent” command `minify` as well.

Bug: T354875
Change-Id: Ie4d8ef85b9b9d28943a7216f0b5ed6392592a43e
2024-01-18 12:04:02 +01:00

8 lines
3.2 KiB

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