Volker E 268e1406d4 Unify SVG markup
Align SVG markup across Foundation products by:
- unifying XML declaration,
- removing unnecessary `standalone="no"` attribute as it's default,
- removing unnecessary `enable-background` attribute as it got removed
  from standard
- removing all SVG editor metadata
- adding `width` and `height` attributes where missing,
- removing all `g` group elements except where necessary for transforms,
- putting attributes on `path`,
- removing unnecessary ids and
- unifying whitespace.

- changing 'expand' and 'gear' icon colors to resemble general button style,
- while at this renaming 'gear_gray' to 'gear' including CSS reference,
- slightly adapt remaining colors to WikimediaUI color palette and
- deleting unused, unreferenced icon files.

Saving up to 79% file size before gzipping.

Bug: T178867
Change-Id: I9e54a3a972903811f5205def05397383f3484d63
2018-01-23 23:59:28 -08:00

5 lines
1.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<path fill="#222" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 32.166016 3.8144531 A 3.5558667 3.5558667 0 0 0 28.919922 5.5898438 L 0.4765625 54.855469 A 3.5558667 3.5558667 0 0 0 3.5566406 60.189453 L 60.443359 60.189453 A 3.5558667 3.5558667 0 0 0 63.523438 54.855469 L 35.080078 5.5898438 A 3.5558667 3.5558667 0 0 0 32.166016 3.8144531 z M 31.990234 22.191406 C 32.927734 22.191406 33.702474 22.503906 34.314453 23.128906 C 34.939453 23.740885 35.251953 24.522135 35.251953 25.472656 C 35.251953 26.46224 34.926432 28.311198 34.275391 31.019531 L 33.240234 35.277344 C 32.875651 36.78776 32.608724 38.584635 32.439453 40.667969 L 31.580078 40.667969 C 31.488932 39.183594 31.189453 37.386719 30.681641 35.277344 L 29.666016 31.019531 C 29.054036 28.467448 28.748047 26.638021 28.748047 25.53125 C 28.748047 24.528646 29.047526 23.721354 29.646484 23.109375 C 30.245443 22.497396 31.026693 22.191406 31.990234 22.191406 z M 32.029297 43.460938 C 32.901693 43.460938 33.64388 43.773438 34.255859 44.398438 C 34.880859 45.010417 35.193359 45.759115 35.193359 46.644531 C 35.193359 47.516927 34.880859 48.265625 34.255859 48.890625 C 33.64388 49.502604 32.901693 49.808594 32.029297 49.808594 C 31.156901 49.808594 30.408203 49.502604 29.783203 48.890625 C 29.171224 48.265625 28.865234 47.516927 28.865234 46.644531 C 28.865234 45.772135 29.171224 45.023438 29.783203 44.398438 C 30.395182 43.773438 31.14388 43.460938 32.029297 43.460938 z"/>