Localisation updates from http://translatewiki.net.

Change-Id: I60b07ce6c8b8035b8a661eced0c2b9ba77ac7075
This commit is contained in:
Translation updater bot 2013-02-17 20:38:37 +00:00
parent 3136e3a043
commit e358053bc9

View file

@ -189,12 +189,9 @@ See also:
'echo-dismiss-button' => 'Text for the button that dismisses a notification type. Keep this short.',
'echo-dismiss-message' => 'Message asking the user if they want to turn off all notifications of a certain type. Parameters:
* $1 - the name of the type; one of the following:
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-welcome}}
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-edit-user-talk}}
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-reverted}}
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-article-linked}}
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-add-comment}} (not ready yet)
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-add-talkpage-topic}} (not ready yet)',
** {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-title-article-linked}}',
'echo-dismiss-title-edit-user-talk' => 'Used as the name of notification type.
Used as <code>$1</code> in {{msg-mw|Echo-dismiss-message}}.',
@ -1576,10 +1573,15 @@ $5',
/** Hindi (हिन्दी)
* @author Akash.bhargude
* @author Ansumang
* @author Siddhartha Ghai
$messages['hi'] = array(
'prefs-echo' => 'मला म़ारा',
'prefs-displaynotifications' => 'Display options',
'prefs-emailfrequency' => 'When would you like to receive e-mail notifications?',
'prefs-echosubscriptions' => 'Notify me when someone…',
'echo-no-agent' => '[कोई नहीं]',
'echo-no-title' => '[कोई पृष्ठ नहीं]',
'notifications' => 'सूचनाएँ',
@ -1831,8 +1833,10 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
'prefs-echo' => '通知',
'prefs-displaynotifications' => '表示の設定',
'prefs-emailfrequency' => 'メールで通知を受け取る頻度',
'prefs-echosubscriptions' => '以下の場合に通知を受け取る',
'echo-pref-web' => 'ウェブ',
'echo-pref-email' => 'メール',
'echo-pref-subscription-edit-user-talk' => '自分のトークページに誰かが投稿したとき',
'echo-pref-subscription-article-linked' => '自分が作成したページへのリンクを誰かが作成したとき',
'echo-pref-subscription-reverted' => '自分の編集を誰かが差し戻したとき',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-never' => '通知メールを何も受け取らない',
@ -1840,7 +1844,7 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
'echo-pref-email-frequency-daily' => '通知を1日ごとに要約',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly' => '通知を1週間ごとに要約',
'echo-pref-notify-hide-link' => '通知のリンクとバッジをツールバーに表示しない',
'echo-dismiss-message' => '$1の通知をすべて止める',
'echo-dismiss-message' => '$1についての通知をすべて止める',
'echo-dismiss-title-edit-user-talk' => 'トークページヘの投稿',
'echo-dismiss-title-article-linked' => 'ページヘのリンク',
'echo-dismiss-title-reverted' => '編集の差し戻し',
@ -2003,7 +2007,7 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'prefs-echo' => '알림',
'prefs-displaynotifications' => '보이기 설정',
'prefs-emailfrequency' => '언제 이메일 알림을 받겠습니까?',
'prefs-echosubscriptions' => '다른 사용자가 수행할 때 알림…',
'prefs-echosubscriptions' => '다음 경우에 알림…',
'echo-pref-web' => '웹',
'echo-pref-email' => '이메일',
'echo-pref-subscription-edit-user-talk' => '내 토론 문서에 대한 게시물',
@ -2022,8 +2026,8 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'echo-no-agent' => '[알 수 없는 사용자]',
'echo-no-title' => '[문서 없음]',
'echo-error-no-formatter' => '알림에 대해 정의한 형식이 없습니다',
'echo-error-preference' => '<b>오류:</b> $1(을)를 설정할 수 없습니다.', # Fuzzy
'echo-error-token' => "<b>오류</b> '''오류''' {{SITENAME}} $1.", # Fuzzy
'echo-error-preference' => '오류: 사용자 환경 설정을 설정할 수 없습니다',
'echo-error-token' => '오류: 사용자 토큰을 얻을 수 없습니다',
'notifications' => '알림',
'tooltip-pt-notifications' => '내 알림',
'echo-specialpage' => '내 알림',
@ -2496,19 +2500,28 @@ $messages['nl'] = array(
'echo-desc' => 'Meldingensysteem',
'prefs-echo' => 'Meldingen',
'prefs-displaynotifications' => 'Weergaveopties',
'prefs-emailsubscriptions' => 'Stuur mij een e-mail als iemand',
'prefs-emailfrequency' => 'Wanneer wilt u melding via e-mail ontvangen?',
'echo-pref-email-edit-user-talk' => 'Een bericht op mijn overlegpagina plaatst',
'echo-pref-email-article-linked' => 'Koppeling maakt naar een pagina die ik heb aangemaakt',
'echo-pref-email-reverted' => 'Een bewerking van mij terugdraait',
'prefs-echosubscriptions' => 'Stuur mij een melding wanneer iemand...',
'echo-pref-web' => 'Web',
'echo-pref-email' => 'E-mail',
'echo-pref-subscription-edit-user-talk' => 'Berichten op mijn overlegpagina',
'echo-pref-subscription-article-linked' => 'Koppeling maakt naar een pagina die ik heb aangemaakt',
'echo-pref-subscription-reverted' => 'Een bewerking van mij terugdraait',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-never' => 'Stuur mij geen meldingen via e-mail',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately' => 'Individuele meldingen als ze binnenkomen',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-daily' => 'Een dagelijkse samenvatting van meldingen',
'echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly' => 'Een wekelijkse samenvatting van meldingen',
'echo-pref-notify-hide-link' => 'Verberg de koppeling en badge voor meldingen in mijn werkbalk',
'echo-dismiss-button' => 'Sluiten',
'echo-dismiss-message' => 'Alle meldingen uitschakelen over $1',
'echo-dismiss-title-edit-user-talk' => 'berichten op mijn overlegpagina',
'echo-dismiss-title-article-linked' => "gekoppelde pagina's",
'echo-dismiss-title-reverted' => 'teruggedraaide bewerkingen',
'echo-no-agent' => '[Niemand]',
'echo-no-title' => '[Geen pagina]',
'echo-error-no-formatter' => 'Er is geen opmaak ingesteld voor de melding',
'echo-error-preference' => 'Fout: de gebruikersinstelling kon niet ingesteld worden',
'echo-error-token' => 'Fout: het gebruikerstoken kon niet opgehaald worden',
'notifications' => 'Meldingen',
'tooltip-pt-notifications' => 'Uw meldingen',
'echo-specialpage' => 'Mijn meldingen',
@ -3427,6 +3440,7 @@ $5',
* @author Hydra
* @author Liangent
* @author Shirayuki
* @author Xiaomingyan
* @author Yfdyh000
* @author 乌拉跨氪
@ -3464,7 +3478,7 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'notification-reverted2' => '您在[[$2]]上的 $4 次编辑已被[[User:$1|$1]]{{GENDER:$1|撤销}}$3',
'notification-reverted-flyout2' => '您在{{PLURAL:$4|$2的编辑}}已被$1{{GENDER:$1|回退}} $3',
'notification-edit-talk-page-email-subject2' => '您有一条新的讨论页消息',
'notification-edit-talk-page-email-body2' => '{{SITENAME}} 用户 $1 在您的讨论页{{GENDER:$1|留言}}
'notification-edit-talk-page-email-body2' => '{{SITENAME}}用户$1在你的讨论页面{{GENDER:$1|留言}}
@ -3473,7 +3487,7 @@ $3
'notification-edit-talk-page-email-batch-body2' => '$1 在您的讨论页{{GENDER:$1|留言}}',
'notification-edit-talk-page-email-batch-body2' => '$1在你的讨论页面{{GENDER:$1|留言了}}',
'notification-article-linked-email-subject2' => '您在{{SITENAME}}上创建的{{PLURAL:$2|一个页面|页面}}被连接',
'notification-article-linked-email-body2' => '$4{{PLURAL:$5|已被}}{{SITENAME}}用户$1{{GENDER:$1|链接}},链接来自页面:$2
@ -3500,8 +3514,7 @@ $6',
'echo-email-footer-default' => '$2
'echo-link-new' => '$1条新通知',