2024-02-16 10:34:14 -07:00

37 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

Version 0.9.1

  • Problem with adduser solved

Version 0.9.2

  • Problem with headlines in headingmode corrected
  • Addcategories: bug fixed
  • CATLIST variable defined

Version 0.9.3

  • Allow ¦ as an alias for |
  • Escapelinks= introduced

Version 0.9.4

  • Allow "-" with categories =
  • Disable UTF8 conversion for sortkey
  • Headingcount= added

Version 0.9.5

  • "offset=" added (basic mechanism for scrolling through result lists)

Version 0.9.6

  • When including templates (includepage={xx}yy) spaces between {{ and the template name now will be accepted
  • Syntax and semantics of secseparators changed
  • Multiple template includes allowed (multisecseparators)
  • Multiple chapter inclusions of the same heading allowed (multisecseparators)
  • Single # includes text up to the first heading
  • Userdateformat introduced
  • Changed call-time reference passing to avoid warn message
  • TITLE var added

Version 0.9.7

  • Bug corrected with transclusion of labeled sections
  • Addfirstcategory works with more than one category selected (risking to produce ambiguous results)

Version 0.9.8

  • Fixed problem with section inclusion (multipl einclusion of same page did not work wit user tag variant
  • NOTOC and NOEDITSECTION are automatically placed before mode=category
  • PAGE and TITLE variables passed to templates
  • Linksto, uses, titlematch and their not-equivalents now understand a set arguments which form an OR-group

Version 0.9.9

  • Default template inclusion added
  • Rowcolformat added
  • Multicol tag understands now %PAGE% and other parameters

Version 1.0.0

  • Lastrevisionbefore added
  • Allrevisionsbefore added
  • Firstrevisionsince added
  • Allrevisionssince added
  • Dominantsection added
  • Replaceintitle added

Version 1.0.1

  • Include as an alias for pageinclude
  • Title= introduced

Version 1.0.2

  • Categorymatch and notcategorymatch introduced
  • Categoryregexp and notcategoryregexp introduced
  • Titleregexp and nottitleregexp introduced

Version 1.0.3

  • Behaviour of categoryregexp slightly changed

Version 1.0.4

  • Added linksfrom

Version 1.0.5

  • Added createdby, notcreatedby, modifiedby, notmodifiedby, lastmodifiedby, notlastmodifiedby

Version 1.0.6

  • Allow selection criteria based on included contents

Version 1.0.7

  • Some improvements of includematch (regarding multiple occurencies of the same section)

Version 1.0.8

  • Added notlinksfrom
  • Solved problem with invalid arguments at linksto, linksfrom etc.
  • Includematch now tests template INPUT against the regexp
  • Replaceintitle now also works in standard mode

Version 1.0.9

  • Added openreferences

Version 1.1.0

  • Changed parser cache disabling

Version 1.1.1

  • Experimental support for simple category hierarchies

Version 1.1.2

  • Allow to include sections by number

Version 1.1.3

  • Bug fix for 1.1.2 (pass by reference warning)

Version 1.1.4

  • Technical improvement, more flexible argument parsing at DynamicPageList4()
  • Easy access at include for one single template parameter
  • Activation of first version of special page (require once)
  • Allow comment syntax with #
  • Date parameters now accept separation characters

Version 1.1.5

  • Allow cache control via new parameter

Version 1.1.6

  • Bug fix for template inclusion

Version 1.1.7

  • Removed path from require_once for special page php source

Version 1.1.8

  • Addauthor, addlasteditor, goal=categories

Version 1.1.9

  • Ordermethod=titlewithoutnamespace

Version 1.2.0

  • Replaced " by ' in SQL statements

Version 1.2.1

  • Added missing $dbr->addQuotes() on SQL arguments
  • Titlemaxlength now also works with mode=userformat

Version 1.2.2

  • Added variable CATNAMES (i.e. category list without links)
  • Changed code to allow multiple selection conditions on revisions

Version 1.2.3

  • Accept %0 for transclusion of text before the first chapter
  • Added experimental feature for graph generation

Version 1.2.4

  • Error corrected: ordermethod "sortkey" did not work because of missing break in case statement
  • Removed experimental feature for graph generation
  • Repair error with wrong counting of selected articles

Version 1.2.5

  • Added includenotmatch

Version 1.2.6

  • Added 'distinct' option
  • Added '%PAGESEL%' variable
  • Linksto, linksfrom etc. no longer complain about empty parameters
  • Changed SQL query basics to allow duplicate use of page table;
  • Linksto and linksfrom may cause SQL syntax trouble if something was missed

Version 1.2.7

  • Bugfix with %PAGES% and multicolumn output
  • Bugfix with undefined variable sPageTable near #2257

Version 1.2.8

  • Syntax - allow 'format' as an alias for 'listseparators'
  • Syntax - if 'format' or 'listseparators' is set, 'mode=userformat' will be automatically assumed
  • Internal - empty parameters are silently ignored

Version 1.2.9

  • Resultsfooter
  • \n and Para will be replaced by linefeed in resultsheader and -footer
  • Parameter recognition in 'include={template}:nameOrNumber' improved; nested template calls are now handled correctly

Version 1.3.0

  • Accept 'yes' and 'no' as synonyms for 'true' and 'false' at all boolean parameters

Version 1.3.1

  • Minor modification: resultsheader and resultsfooter do no longer automatically write a newline

Version 1.3.2

  • The warning caused by missing selection criteria will now only be issued if no DEBUG level was set
  • %NAMESPACE% added
  • Headingmode now works with multiple columns (space for 1 heading == 2 entries)
  • Bugfix: parameter syntax errors were not shown in some cases
  • New parameter: reset (clears references of a DPL page to templates, images, categories, other pages
  • To be used with care as ALL links are cleared, regardless where they come from
  • Bugfix: ambiguous 'page_name' in SQL statement fixed (appeared when namespace= and linksfrom= were used together)
  • Modification: includematch: uses always preg instead of ereg - patterns must have delimiters! Before #patterns
  • Had been matched using ereg
  • ?? includematch should be checked to be a valid preg_match argument
  • Added oneresultheader

Version 1.3.3

  • Bugfix: parameter checking fixed at 'ordermethod'; multiple parameters were not checked correctly

Version 1.3.4

  • Column size calculation changed at multi column output
  • Ambiguity of page_id at linksfrom+...(e.g. uses) eliminated.
  • Subcategory expansion: replace ' ' by '_' in query

Version 1.3.5

  • Bug at ordermethod=category,sortkey resolved

Version 1.3.6

  • Special page for DPL deleted
  • Allow individual collations for sorting, this makes case insensitive sorting possible
  • Hardwired collation change: for sorting the club suit symbol's sort value is changed
  • So that the club suit will always appear AFTER the diamond suit
  • Bugfix: %PAGES% did not work in mode=category
  • Added a switch to include/exclude subpages

Version 1.3.7

  • Allow 0 and 1 for boolean parameters, and on / off
  • Bugfix: in release 1.3.6 using odermethod=sortkey led to a SQL syntax error

Version 1.3.8

  • Bugfix at template parameter etxraction: balance of square brackets is now checked when extracting a single parameter

Version 1.3.9

  • Added pagesel as sortkey in ordermethod
  • Added noresultsfooter, oneresultfooter
  • Added 'table' parameter -- needs a {xyz}.dpl construct as first include parameter

Version 1.4.0

  • Added option 'strict' to 'distinct'

Version 1.4.1

  • Minor bugfix at option 'strict' of 'distinct'
  • Behaviour of DEBUG changed

Version 1.4.2

  • Bug fix SQL error in 'group by' clause (with table prefix)
  • Bugfix: ordermethod sortkey now implies ordermethod category
  • Bugfix: SQL error in some constellations using addpagecounter, addpagesize or add...date
  • Allow multiple parameters of a template to be returned directly as table columns
  • Design change: reset is handled differently now; no need for a separate DPL statement
  • New parameter 'eliminate'
  • Debug=5 added
  • Added 'tablerow'
  • Added 'ignorecase' (for (not)linksto, (not)uses, (not)titlematch, (not)titleregexp, title,

Version 1.4.3

  • Allow regular expression for heading match at include

Version 1.4.4

  • Bugfix: handling of numeric template parameters

Version 1.4.5

  • Bugfix: make Call extension aware of browser differences in session variable handling

Version 1.4.6

  • Added: recent contributions per page/user

Version 1.4.7

  • Added: skipthispage

Version 1.4.8

  • Nothing changed in DPL, but there were changes in Call and Wgraph

Version 1.4.9

  • Improved error handling: parameters without "=" were silently ignored and now raise a warning
  • Parameters starting with '=' lead to a runtime error and now are caught

Version 1.5.0

  • Changed algorithm of parameter recognition in the Call extension (nothing changed in DPL)

Version 1.5.1

  • Bugfix at addcontributions:; table name prefix led to invalid SQL statement
  • Check for 0 results after titlematch was applied

Version 1.5.2

  • Includematch now understands parameter limits like {abc}:x[10]:y[20]
  • Bug fix in parameter limits (limit of 1 led to 2 characters being shown)
  • Offset and count are now implemented directly in SQL

Version 1.5.3

  • When using title= together with include=* there was a false warning about empty result set
  • New parser function {{#dplchapter:text|heading|limit|page|linktext}}
  • Articlecategory added
  • Added provision fpr pre and nowiki in wiki text truncation fuction
  • Support %DATE% and %USER% within phantom templates
  • Added randomseed

Version 1.6.0

  • Internal changes in the code; (no more globals etc ...)

Version 1.6.1

  • Ordermethod= sortkey & categories decoupled, see line 2011
  • Hooks changed back to global functions due to problems with older MW installations
  • Escaping of "/" improved. In some cases a slash in a page name or in a template parameter could lead to php errors at INCLUDE

Version 1.6.2

  • Template matching in include improved. "abc" must not match "abc def" but did so previously.

Version 1.6.3

  • Changed section matching to allow wildcards.

Version 1.6.4

  • Syntax error fixed (self::$createdLinks must not be unset as it is static, near line 3020)
  • Dplmatrix added

Version 1.6.5

  • Added include(not)matchparsed
  • Bug fix missing array key , line 2248
  • Bug fix in DPLInclude (call time reference in extractHeadings)
  • Added %VERSION%

Version 1.6.6

  • SQL escaping (protection against injection) added at "revisions"
  • %TOTALPAGES% added

Version 1.6.7

  • Bugfix at goal=categories (due to change in 1.6.6)

Version 1.6.8

  • Allow & at category

Version 1.6.9

  • Added check against non-includable namespaces
  • Added includetrim' command

Version 1.7.0

  • Bug fix at articlecategory (underscore)
  • Bug fix in installation checking (#2128)
  • New command 'imageused'

Version 1.7.1

  • Allow % within included template parameters

Version 1.7.2

  • Experimental sorting of result tables (tablesortcol)

Version 1.7.3

  • %SECTION% can now be used within multiseseparators
  • Preliminary patch for MW 1.12 (recursive template expansion)

Version 1.7.4

  • New command: imagecontainer

Version 1.7.5

  • Suppresserrors
  • Changed UPPER to LOWER in all SQL statements which ignore case
  • Added updaterules feature
  • Includematch now also works with include=*; note that it always tries to match the raw text, including template parameters
  • Allowcachedresults accepts now 'yes+warn'
  • Usedby
  • CATBULLETS variable

Version 1.7.6

  • Error correction: non existing array index 0 when trying to includematch content in a non-existing chapter (near #3887)

Version 1.7.7

  • Configuration switch allows to run DPL from protected pages only (Options::$options['RunFromProtectedPagesOnly'])

Version 1.7.8

  • Allow html/wiki comments within template parameter assignments (include statement, line 540ff of DynamicPageListInclude.php)
  • Accept include=* together with table=
  • Bugfix: %PAGES% was wrong (showing total pages in some cases
  • Bugfix: labeled section inclusion did not work because content was automatically truncated to a length of zero
  • Added minrevisions & maxrevisions

Version 1.7.9

  • Bugfix in errorhandling: parameter substitution within error message did not work.
  • Bugfix in ordermethod=lastedit, firstedit -- led to the effect that too few pages/revisions were shown
  • New feature: dplcache
  • Bugfix: with include=* a php warning could arise (Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated ..)
  • New variable %IMAGE% contains image path
  • New variable: %PAGEID%
  • DPL command line argument: DPL_offset

Version 1.8.0

  • Execution time logging
  • Added downward compatibility with Extension:Intersection:
  • Accept "dynamicpagelist" as tag and parser function
  • New command: showcurid
  • Debug=6 added
  • Source code split into several files
  • Auto-create Template:Extension DPL
  • Changed "isChildObj" to "isLocalObj" near line 1160 (see bugreport 'Call to a memeber function getPrefixedKey() on a non-object')
  • Removal of html-comments within template calls (DPLInclude)
  • Reset/eliminate = none eingeführt
  • DPL_count, DPL_offset, DPL_refresh eingeführt
  • New feature: execandexit

Version 1.8.1

  • Bugfix: %DATE% was not expanded when addedit=true and ordermethod=lastedit were chosen
  • Bugfix: allrevisionssince delivered wrong results

Version 1.8.2

  • Bugfix: ordermethod=lastedit AND minoredits=exclude produced a SQL error

  • Bugfix dplcache

  • Config switch: respectParserCache

  • Date timestamp adapt to user preferences

Version 1.8.3

  • Bugfix: URL variable expansion

Version 1.8.4

  • Bugfix: title= & allrevisionssince caused SQL error
  • Added ordermethod = none
  • Changed %DPLTIME% to fractions of seconds
  • Titlematch: We now translate a space to an escaped underscore as the native underscore is a special char within SQL LIKE
  • New commands: linkstoexternal and addexternallink
  • Changed default for userdateformat to show also seconds DPL only; Intersection will show only the date for compatibility reasons)
  • Bugfix date/time problem 1977
  • Time conditions in query are now also translated according to timezone of server/client

Version 1.8.5

  • Changed the php source files to UTF8 encoding (i18n was already utf8)
  • Removed all closing ?> php tags at source file end
  • Added 'path' and changed href to "third-party" in the hook-registration
  • Added a space after showing the date in addeditdate etc.
  • Changed implementation of userdate transformation to wgLang->userAdjust()
  • Include now understands parserFunctions when used with {#xxx}
  • Include now understands tag functions when used with {~xxx}
  • Title< and title> added,
  • New URL arg: DPL_fromTitle, DPL_toTitle
  • New built-in vars: %FIRSTTITLE%, %LASTTITLE%, %FIRSTNAMESPACE%, %LASTNAMESPACE%, %SCROLLDIR% (only in header and footer)
  • Removed replacement of card suit symbols in SQL query due to collation incompatibilities
  • Added special logic to DPL_fromTitle: reversed sort order for backward scrolling
  • Changed default sort in DPL to 'titlewithoutnamespace (as this is more efficient than 'title')

Version 1.8.6

  • Bugfix at ordermethod = titlewithoutnamespace (led to invalid SQL statements)

Version 1.8.7

  • Experimental calls to the CacheAPI; can be switched off by $useCacheAPI = false;
  • One can set option[eliminate] to 'all' in LocalSettings now as a default
  • Editrulesnow takes several triples of 'parameter', 'value' and 'afterparm'
  • Editrules can now produce a screen form to change template values
  • Title< and title> now test for greater or less; if you want greater/equal the argument must start with "= "
  • The majority of the php modules are now only loaded if a page contains a DPL statement
  • Added %DPL_findTitle%
  • First letter changed toUpper in %DPL_fromTitle%, %DPL_toTitle%, %DPL_findTitle%,
  • Enhanced syntax for include : [limit text~skipPattern]
  • UNIQ-QINU Bug resolved
  • Convert spaces to underscores in all category (regexp) statements
  • We convert html entities in the category command to avoid false interpretation of & as AND

Version 1.8.8

  • Offset by one error in updaterules corrected
  • Bugfix in checking includematch on chapter content
  • Made size of edit fields depend on value size
  • Deleterules: does some kind of permission checking now
  • Various improvements in template editing (calling the edit page now for the real update)
  • Call to parser->clearState() inserted; does this solve the UNIQ-QINU problem without a patch to LnkHolderArray ??

Version 1.8.9

  • Further improvements of updaterules
  • Include: _ in template names are now treated like spaces
  • Providing URL-args as variables execandexit = geturlargs
  • New command scroll = yes/no
  • If %TOTALPAGES% is not used, the number of total hits will not be calculated in SQL
  • When searching for a template call the localized word for "Template:" may preceed the template´s name
  • Categories= : empty argument is now ignored; use none to list articles with NO category assignment
  • Include: we use :and whitespace for separation of field names
  • {{{%CATLIST%}}} is now available in phantom templates
  • %IMAGE% is now translated to the image plus hashpath if used within a tablerow statement
  • The function which truncates wiki text was improved (logic to check balance of tags)
  • Setting execandexit to true will prevent the parser cache from being disabled by successive settings of allowcachedresults
  • Bug fix: replacing %SECTION% in an include link text did not work wit hregukar expressions as section titles
  • Command fixcategory added
  • Adding a way to define an alternate namespace for surrogate templates {ns::xyz}.abc
  • Accept @ as a synonym for # in the include statement, @@ will match regular expressions
  • Syntax changed in include: regexp~ must precede all other information, allow multiple regexps :[regex1~regex2~regex3~number linkText]
  • Allow %CATLIST% in tablerow
  • Allow '-' as a dummy parameter in include
  • Allow alternate syntax for surrogate template {tpl|surrogate} in include
  • Multiple linksto statements are now AND-wired (%PAGESEL%) refers to the FIRST statement only
  • Multiple linkstoexternal statements are now AND-wired
  • New parser function #dplnum
  • Allow like expressions in LINKSTO (depending on % in target name)
  • Prevent %xx from being misinterpreted as a hex code when used in linksto (e.g. %2c)
  • Added hiddencategories = yes / no / only [dead code - not yet WORKING !]

Version 1.9.0

  • Added dplvar
  • Added dplreplace
  • Changed DLPLogger, getting rid of deprecated methods like addMessage()
  • Minor bugfix in include {tpl¦phantom tpl} , problem with different namespaces
  • #dplvar accepts all variables from the URL

Version 1.9.1

  • Ordermethod=titlewithoutnamespace now creates capitals in mode=categories according to page title
  • Bug fix in namespace= , invalid values now lead to an error message (had been silently translated to the main namespace before)
  • Category mode: first char bugfix

Version 2.0.0

  • Added %ARGS% to template surrogate call
  • Replaced "makeKnownLinkObjects" by "fullurl:" to get rid of the need to change $rawHtml
  • Eliminated rawHTML usage
  • Eliminated calls to parser->clearState and parser->transformMsg, now CITE and DPL work together
  • As a consequence a patch to LinkHolderArray.php is needed.
  • Added proprietory function to sort bidding sequences for the card game of 'Bridge' according to suit rank
  • Added workaround to eliminate problems with cite extension (DPL calls parser clearState which erases references)
  • Added a CAST to CHAR at all LOWER statemens in SQL (MediaWiki changed to varbinary types since 1.17)

Version 2.01

  • Re-merged all changes from SVN since DPL 1.8.6

Version 3.0.0

  • THE MOTHER OF ALL OVERHAULS! - Seriously, the entire code base was ripped to shreds and redone to be easily worked on in the future.
  • Configuration is now standardized instead of calling into static class functions or modifying objects directly.
  • Fixed several SQL injection exploits with 'ordercollation' and 'category'.
  • Cache now works with the built Mediawiki Parser cache. The built in DPL cache was fundamentally broken.
  • Parameter 'dplcache' was removed as it is now obselete. Please use 'allowcachedresults' to control caching.
  • The 'allowcachedresults' parameter default was changed to true.
  • The 'dplcacheperiod' parameter was renamed to 'cacheperiod'.
  • The 'cacheperiod' parameter default was changed to 3600 seconds.(One Hour)
  • URL argument 'DPL_refresh' was removed. To purge the Parser cache perform a null edit on the page or place 'action=purge' as part of the URL.
  • Configuration value 'respectParserCache' was removed.
  • The card suit sort function no longer has a massive memory leak.

Version 3.0.1

Many thanks to GreenReaper on GitHub for reporting and finding issues with core functionality that previously went unreported.

  • Code quality improvements. Various changes to squash E_NOTICE errors helped find unnoticed issues.
  • The "headingmode" functionality was not previously repaired from the code rework. It is now fixed.
  • Removed an unused $logger in the DynamicPageList class.
  • Category depth recursion was broken. #41
  • New timestamp handling functionality caused unexpected behavior. It has been reverted to work the same as the previous implementation. #40
  • Parse time profiling was broken.
  • Scroll direction parameter was broken.
  • Early parsing was accidentally clearing minor warnings and errors preventing them from being seen.
  • Category links relied on Mediawiki functionality that ended up causing double parsing and potentially broken links on some wiki setups. This is now handled all in the extension to reduce the number of parses and ensure links are valid. #38
  • Article processing would clear the number of query results causing an issue in which blank output would be produced when all articles were excluded from the output. This has been fixed to display a warning for no results.
  • Databases that use table prefixes were broken due to a few bugged selects. #37 Thanks to @nsradke for reporting this issue.

Version 3.0.2

  • Fixed issues with usedby parameter causing fatal errors.
  • Fixed issue where the allrevisionssince would display a blank User: link despite not being specified to show user information.
  • The addpagecounter parameter now requires Extension:HitCounter which itself requires MediaWiki 1.25. All other features and parameters will continue to work on MediaWiki 1.23+.
  • Preliminary support for Mediawiki 1.25+ wfLoadExtension() style extension loading. Current implementation is broken due to extension design issues that need fixed.
  • Fix an issue with an array not being initialized in DPL's list formatter.

Version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.4

Version 3.0.5

  • Fixed an issue with detecting how many categories were added to a query.
  • Reverted to the old hard coded method of which categorylinks table to use for the addfirstcategorydate parameter. This resolves issues variable parameters used in conjunction with it.
  • Fixed and improved the functionality of statements that created "NOT IN" or "!=" SQL where conditions.
  • Fixed the reset parameter being broken due to a typographical error.

Version 3.0.6

Version 3.0.7

Version 3.0.8

  • Changed instances of $dplSettings in language strings to $wgDplSettings.
  • Moved the DPL template installation to the database updater. Previously this was done on every page load and would also interfere with Special:Import.
  • Fixed end resets and eliminates being flipped for what context(function or tag) they should run.
  • DPL will no longer handle the raw
    tag outside of the DPL context by default. It will still handle
    tags found inside a DPL context.
    • New setting: $wgDplSettings['handleSectionTag'], default of false. Set this to true for the old broken behavior.

Version 3.0.9

  • Fixed interaction with Extension:HitCounters that was causing a fatal exception.
  • Fixed language string used to display numbers from Extension:HitCounters.
  • Added support for mode=gallery.
  • Fixed ordermethod=category where it no longer times out.
  • Fixed minrevisions tag causing SQL error.
  • Fixed ordermethod=firstedit. It now sorts in the correct direction.

Version 3.0.10

Version 3.0.11

Version 3.0.12

Version 3.1.0

Version 3.1.1

Version 3.1.2

Version 3.1.3

  • The dpl_clview view will just be created on database update instead of complaining on wiki text parsing that the administrator did not do it manually.

Version 3.2.0

Version 3.2.1

Version 3.2.2

  • Minor bug fix for the category parameter to stop producing a warning.

Version 3.3.0

  • Overhaul and rewrite of the list generation class(DynamicPageList).
    • Two new class bases, Lister and Heading.
  • New listing mode, subpage.

Version 3.3.1

  • Fixed regression with parameter tablesortcol breaking table output.
  • Fixed regression with page tranclusion parsing that was done to improve performance.

Version 3.3.2

  • Fixed UserFormat improperly using sprintf on list start which sometimes would break output.
  • Fixed instances of formatItem() declaration being slightly incorrect.
  • Fixed $article->mContrib passing a rounded float to function expecting an integer.

Version 3.3.3

Version 3.3.4

  • Initial fork release
  • 1.35/actor support
  • numorous bug fixes
  • phpcs cleanup

Version 3.3.5

  • Fix syntax error in extension.json
  • 1.36.0 support

Version 3.3.6

  • Major code cleanup
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • Now requires MediaWiki 1.36.0 or later
  • 1.37.0 support

Version 3.3.7

  • Revert helper classes added in version 3.3.6, as it had negative performance impact
  • Fix adduser

Version 3.3.8

  • Cleanup
  • Fix allowUnlimitedResults + fix tests on 1.38.0+
  • Fix getSubcategories
  • Fix up a few minor things which were annoying
  • Remove unused 'dpl_description' i18n message
  • Restore MediaWiki 1.35 compatibility
  • Fix path to Maintenance.php
  • Fix second param to preg_match

Version 3.3.9

  • Add support for openreferences=missing
  • Fix usage of scroll and order in the same query
  • Minor documentation updates

Version 3.3.10

  • Fix MessagesDirs to prevent mergeMessageFileList issue

Version 3.4.0

  • Improved overall query performance
  • Added ability to set maximum query time using maxQueryTime configuration
  • Added support for query cache using queryCacheTime configuration
  • Added pool counter support to limit query concurrency
  • Fixed all MediaWiki.ControlStructures.AssignmentInControlStructures.AssignmentInControlStructures PHPCS violations and enabled it
  • Renamed Query::$DB property to Query::$dbr
  • Removed unused Parse::$DB property
  • Minor wording and markdown changes to README
  • Use Extension:DynamicPageList3 in logger
  • Added new pool counter error message to logger
  • Added missing error message for FATAL_NOTPROTECTED (dpl_log_24)
  • Added missing error message for FATAL_SQLBUILDERROR (dpl_log_25)
  • Additional minor wording and capitalisation changes to i18n messages
  • Re-namespaced all classes under MediaWiki\Extension\DynamicPageList3 and uses AutoloadNamespaces
  • Replaced usages of global $wgLang, $wgOut, and $wgRequest
  • Bumped MediaWiki requirement to 1.35.3
  • Migrate extension.json to manifest_version 2
  • Some additional minor cleanup

Version 3.4.1

  • Used StringUtils::isValidPCRERegex() for checking valid regex
  • Fixed query error due to not adding quotes to '%'
  • Removed unused Hooks::removeSectionMarkers() function
  • Removed some unused code
  • Removed unimplimented configuration options (behavingLikeIntersection and fixedCategories)
  • Removed unused parameters from UpdateArticle::editTemplateCall()
  • Added $wgDplSettings['alwaysCacheResults'] to README
  • Properly implemented titlemaxlength and includemaxlength

Version 3.4.2

  • Fixed minoredits parameter

Version 3.4.3

  • Fixed all PEAR.Functions.ValidDefaultValue.NotAtEnd PHPCS violations and enabled it
  • Used quibble-with-apache entrypoint in CI
  • Fixed $wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedResults']
  • Fixed behavior for $wgDplSettings['maxResultCount']

Version 3.4.4

  • Fixed all MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceBeforeSingleLineComment.NewLineComment PHPCS violations and enabled it
  • Used ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded() for checking HitCounters
  • Fixed all MediaWiki.Commenting.MissingCovers.MissingCovers PHPCS violations and enabled it
  • Fixed openreferences=missing count
  • Only set Query::sqlQuery if used for debug
  • Fixed firstrevisionsince and lastrevisionbefore parameters

Version 3.4.5

  • Fixed %TOTALPAGES% usage

Version 3.4.6

  • Removed unused LST::noop() function
  • Fixed all MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment PHPCS violations and enabled it
  • Updated CreateTemplate to mention DPL3, not DPL
  • Used database update maintenance script for creating VIEW
  • Added additional isset check for mTemplatePath

Version 3.5.0

  • Dropped revision_actor_temp support and completed actor migration
  • Added support for templatelinks migration
  • Added support for MediaWiki 1.39 and dropped support for older MediaWiki versions (before 1.39.0)
  • Dropped official support for PHP versions before PHP 7.4.3, because MediaWiki 1.39 does not support older PHP versions anymore
  • Fixed installing via composer version 2.2.1 and later
  • Fixed using imagecontainer with openreferences
  • Replaced usages of intval() with (int) in Query.php and Parse.php
  • Swapped order of mapping for Query::addTables() from [ alias => table ] to [ table => alias ]
  • Replaced usages of deprecated wfGetDB()
  • Replaced usages of deprecated Parser::getTitle()
  • Replaced usage of deprecated Title::isProtected()
  • Replaced usage of deprecated User::matchEditToken()
  • Replaced usage of deprecated Article::doDelete()
  • Added null checks on Parser::getPage() and ParserOutput before using to avoid fatals

Version 3.5.1

  • Added a fix for links migration: added a JOIN on linktarget for the notuses parameter
  • Added a PHPUnit test for the notuses parameter

Version 3.5.2

  • Add support for PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1
  • phan: enable SecurityCheck-ReDoS
  • Use ExtensionRegistry::getAllThings() to get version
  • Only check for buffer overflow
  • Fix usedby query returns all templates
  • Don't return the viewer's IP address as %USER% if rev_actor is 0.
  • Cleanup in en.json
  • Fix minoredits=exclude
  • Fix "PHP Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead"
  • Fix "PHP Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated"