mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 17:22:29 +00:00
This is similiar to how it is handled in Vector. We are forcing the Echo button to render in the same way as it was initially. This took me so many hours sigh.
508 lines
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508 lines
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* Citizen - A responsive skin developed for the Star Citizen Wiki
* This file is part of Citizen.
* Citizen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Citizen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Citizen. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Hooks;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use Html;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\SidebarBeforeOutputHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinBuildSidebarHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinEditSectionLinksHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader as RL;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\GetConfigTrait;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Hook\SkinPageReadyConfigHook;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use OutputPage;
use Skin;
use SkinTemplate;
use SpecialPage;
* Hooks to run relating the skin
class SkinHooks implements
use GetConfigTrait;
* Adds the inline theme switcher script to the page
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param Skin $skin
public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void {
// It's better to exit before any additional check
if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' ) {
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnablePreferences', $out ) === true ) {
$script = file_get_contents( MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/skins/Citizen/resources/skins.citizen.scripts/inline.js' );
$script = Html::inlineScript( $script );
$script = RL\ResourceLoader::filter( 'minify-js', $script );
$out->addHeadItem( 'skin.citizen.inline', $script );
* Modify toolbox links
* For some reason onSkinBuildSidebar was not able to get toolbox
* So we need to use this hook instead
* @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SidebarBeforeOutput
* @param Skin $skin
* @param array &$sidebar
public function onSidebarBeforeOutput( $skin, &$sidebar ): void {
// Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching
if ( $skin->getSkinName() === 'citizen' && $sidebar ) {
if ( isset( $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] ) ) {
self::updateToolboxMenu( $sidebar );
* Modify sidebar links
* This is cached compared to onSidebarBeforeOutput
* @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinBuildSidebar
* @param Skin $skin
* @param array &$bar
public function onSkinBuildSidebar( $skin, &$bar ): void {
// Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching
if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' || !$bar ) {
$out = $skin->getOutput();
$globalToolsId = $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenGlobalToolsPortlet', $out );
// remove initial p- for backward compatibility
$name = empty( $globalToolsId ) ? 'navigation' : preg_replace( '/^p-/', '', $globalToolsId );
$bar[$name]['specialpages'] = [
'text' => $skin->msg( 'specialpages' ),
'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Specialpages' ),
'title' => $skin->msg( 'tooltip-t-specialpages' ),
'icon' => 'specialPages',
'id' => 't-specialpages',
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'EnableUploads', $out ) === true ) {
if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Upload Wizard' ) ) {
// Link to Upload Wizard if present
$uploadHref = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'UploadWizard' )->getLocalURL();
} else {
// Link to old upload form
$uploadHref = Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Upload' );
$bar[$name]['upload'] = [
'text' => $skin->msg( 'upload' ),
'href' => $uploadHref,
'title' => $skin->msg( 'tooltip-t-upload' ),
'icon' => 'upload',
'id' => 't-upload',
foreach ( $bar as $key => $item ) {
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $bar, $key );
* Modify editsection links
* @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinEditSectionLinks
* @param Skin $skin
* @param Title $title
* @param string $section
* @param string $sectionTitle
* @param array &$result
* @param Language $lang
public function onSkinEditSectionLinks( $skin, $title, $section, $sectionTitle, &$result, $lang ) {
// Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching
if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' || !$result ) {
// Add icon to edit section link
// If VE button is present, use wikiText icon
if ( isset( $result['veeditsection'] ) ) {
'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit'
'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-wikiText'
} elseif ( isset( $result['editsection'] ) ) {
'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit'
* SkinPageReadyConfig hook handler
* Replace searchModule provided by skin.
* @since 1.36
* @param RL\Context $context
* @param mixed[] &$config Associative array of configurable options
* @return void This hook must not abort, it must return no value
public function onSkinPageReadyConfig( $context, array &$config ): void {
// It's better to exit before any additional check
if ( $context->getSkin() !== 'citizen' ) {
// Tell the `mediawiki.page.ready` module not to wire up search.
$config['search'] = false;
* Modify navigation links
* TODO: Update to a proper hook when T287622 is resolved
* @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal
* @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate
* @param array &$links
public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $sktemplate, &$links ): void {
// Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching
if ( $sktemplate->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' ) {
if ( isset( $links['actions'] ) ) {
self::updateActionsMenu( $links );
if ( isset( $links['associated-pages'] ) ) {
self::updateAssociatedPagesMenu( $links );
if ( isset( $links['notifications'] ) ) {
self::updateNotificationsMenu( $links );
if ( isset( $links['user-menu'] ) ) {
self::updateUserMenu( $sktemplate, $links );
if ( isset( $links['user-interface-preferences'] ) ) {
self::updateUserInterfacePreferencesMenu( $sktemplate, $links );
if ( isset( $links['views'] ) ) {
self::updateViewsMenu( $links );
* Update actions menu items
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param array &$links
private static function updateActionsMenu( &$links ) {
// Most icons are not mapped yet in the actions menu
$iconMap = [
'delete' => 'trash',
'move' => 'move',
'protect' => 'lock',
'unprotect' => 'unLock',
// Extension:Purge
// Extension:SemanticMediaWiki
'purge' => 'reload',
// Extension:Cargo
'cargo-purge' => 'reload',
// Extension:DiscussionTools
'dt-page-subscribe' => 'bell'
self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'actions', $iconMap );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'actions' );
* Update associated pages menu items
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param array &$links
private static function updateAssociatedPagesMenu( &$links ) {
// Most icons are not mapped yet in the associated pages menu
$iconMap = [
'main' => 'article',
'file' => 'image',
'talk' => 'speechBubbles',
'user' => 'userAvatar'
// Special handling for talk pages
// Since talk keys have namespace as prefix
foreach ( $links['associated-pages'] as $key => $item ) {
$keyStr = (string)$key;
// TODO: use str_ends_with when we drop PHP 7.X
if ( substr( $keyStr, -5 ) === '_talk' ) {
// Extract the namespace key from the talk key (e.g. Project from Project_talk)
// TODO: use str_starts_with when we drop PHP 7.X
$namespace = substr( $keyStr, 0, -5 );
$links['associated-pages'][$key]['icon'] = 'speechBubbles';
$links['associated-pages'][$namespace]['icon'] = 'arrowPrevious';
self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'associated-pages', $iconMap );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'associated-pages' );
* Update toolbox menu items
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param array &$links
private static function updateToolboxMenu( &$links ) {
// Most icons are not mapped yet in the toolbox menu
$iconMap = [
'whatlinkshere' => 'articleRedirect',
'recentchangeslinked' => 'recentChanges',
'print' => 'printer',
'permalink' => 'link',
'info' => 'infoFilled',
'contributions' => 'userContributions',
'log' => 'history',
'blockip' => 'block',
'emailuser' => 'message',
'userrights' => 'userGroup',
// Extension:Cargo
'cargo-pagevalues' => 'database',
// Extension:CiteThisPage
'citethispage' => 'quotes',
// Extension:CreateRedirect
'createredirect' => 'articleRedirect',
// Extension:SemanticMediaWiki
'smwbrowselink' => 'database',
// Extension:UrlShortener
'urlshortener' => 'link',
'urlshortener-qrcode' => 'qrCode',
// Extension:Wikibase
'wikibase' => 'logoWikidata'
self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'TOOLBOX', $iconMap );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'TOOLBOX' );
* Update notifications menu
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param array &$links
private static function updateNotificationsMenu( &$links ) {
$iconMap = [
'notifications-alert' => 'bell',
'notifications-notice' => 'tray'
self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'notifications', $iconMap );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'notifications' );
* Echo has styles that control icons rendering in places we don't want them.
* Based on fixEcho() from Vector, see T343838
foreach ( $links['notifications'] as &$item ) {
$icon = $item['icon'] ?? null;
if ( $icon ) {
$linkClass = $item['link-class'] ?? [];
$newLinkClass = [
// Allows Echo to react to clicks
if ( in_array( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications', $linkClass ) ) {
$newLinkClass[] = 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications';
$item['link-class'] = $newLinkClass;
* Update user menu
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate
* @param array &$links
private static function updateUserMenu( $sktemplate, &$links ) {
$user = $sktemplate->getUser();
$isRegistered = $user->isRegistered();
$isTemp = $user->isTemp();
if ( $isTemp ) {
// Remove temporary user page text from user menu and recreate it in user info
unset( $links['user-menu']['tmpuserpage'] );
// Remove links as they are added to the bottom of user menu later
// unset( $links['user-menu']['logout'] );
} elseif ( $isRegistered ) {
// Remove user page link from user menu and recreate it in user info
unset( $links['user-menu']['userpage'] );
} else {
// Remove anon user page text from user menu and recreate it in user info
unset( $links['user-menu']['anonuserpage'] );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'user-menu' );
* Update user interface preferences menu
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate
* @param array &$links
private static function updateUserInterfacePreferencesMenu( $sktemplate, &$links ) {
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'user-interface-preferences' );
* Update views menu items
* @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation
* @param array &$links
private static function updateViewsMenu( &$links ) {
// Most icons are not mapped yet in the views menu
$iconMap = [
'view' => 'article',
// View source button only appears when the user do not have permission
'viewsource' => 'editLock',
'history' => 'history',
'edit' => 'edit',
'view-foreign' => 'linkExternal',
// Extension:VisualEditor
've-edit' => 'edit',
// Extension:DiscussionTools
'addsection' => 'speechBubbleAdd'
// If both visual edit and source edit buttons are present
if ( isset( $links['views']['ve-edit'] ) && isset( $links['views']['edit'] ) ) {
// Add a class so that we can make a merged button through CSS
self::appendClassToItem( $links['views']['ve-edit']['class'], [ 'citizen-ve-edit-merged' ] );
self::appendClassToItem( $links['views']['edit']['class'], [ 'citizen-ve-edit-merged' ] );
// Use wikiText icon instead of edit icon for source edit
$iconMap['edit'] = 'wikiText';
self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'views', $iconMap );
self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'views' );
* Set the icon parameter of the menu item based on the mapping
* @param array &$links
* @param string $menu identifier
* @param array $map icon mapping
private static function mapIconsToMenuItems( &$links, $menu, $map ) {
foreach ( $map as $key => $icon ) {
if ( isset( $links[$menu][$key] ) ) {
$links[$menu][$key]['icon'] ??= $icon;
* Add the HTML needed for icons to menu items
* @param array &$links
* @param string $menu identifier
private static function addIconsToMenuItems( &$links, $menu ) {
// Loop through each menu to check/append its link classes.
foreach ( $links[$menu] as $key => $item ) {
$icon = $item['icon'] ?? '';
if ( $icon ) {
// Html::makeLink will pass this through rawElement
// Avoid using mw-ui-icon in case its styles get loaded
// Sometimes extension includes the "wikimedia-" part in the icon key (e.g. ULS),
// so we apply both classes just to be safe
$links[$menu][$key]['link-html'] = '<span class="citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-' . $icon . ' mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-' . $icon . '"></span>';
* Adds class to a property
* Based on Vector
* @param array|string &$item to update
* @param array|string $classes to add to the item
private static function appendClassToItem( &$item, $classes ) {
$existingClasses = $item;
if ( is_array( $existingClasses ) ) {
// Treat as array
$newArrayClasses = is_array( $classes ) ? $classes : [ trim( $classes ) ];
$item = array_merge( $existingClasses, $newArrayClasses );
} elseif ( is_string( $existingClasses ) ) {
// Treat as string
$newStrClasses = is_string( $classes ) ? trim( $classes ) : implode( ' ', $classes );
$item .= ' ' . $newStrClasses;
} else {
// Treat as whatever $classes is
$item = $classes;
if ( is_string( $item ) ) {
$item = trim( $item );