. * * @file * @ingroup Skins */ declare( strict_types=1 ); namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Hooks; use ExtensionRegistry; use Html; use Language; use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook; use MediaWiki\Hook\SidebarBeforeOutputHook; use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinBuildSidebarHook; use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinEditSectionLinksHook; use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader as RL; use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\GetConfigTrait; use MediaWiki\Skins\Hook\SkinPageReadyConfigHook; use MediaWiki\Title\Title; use OutputPage; use Skin; use SkinTemplate; use SpecialPage; /** * Hooks to run relating the skin */ class SkinHooks implements BeforePageDisplayHook, SidebarBeforeOutputHook, SkinBuildSidebarHook, SkinEditSectionLinksHook, SkinPageReadyConfigHook { use GetConfigTrait; /** * Adds the inline theme switcher script to the page * * @param OutputPage $out * @param Skin $skin */ public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void { // It's better to exit before any additional check if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' ) { return; } if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnablePreferences', $out ) === true ) { $script = file_get_contents( MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/skins/Citizen/resources/skins.citizen.scripts/inline.js' ); $script = Html::inlineScript( $script ); $script = RL\ResourceLoader::filter( 'minify-js', $script ); $out->addHeadItem( 'skin.citizen.inline', $script ); } } /** * Modify toolbox links * For some reason onSkinBuildSidebar was not able to get toolbox * So we need to use this hook instead * * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SidebarBeforeOutput * @param Skin $skin * @param array &$sidebar */ public function onSidebarBeforeOutput( $skin, &$sidebar ): void { // Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching if ( $skin->getSkinName() === 'citizen' && $sidebar ) { if ( isset( $sidebar['TOOLBOX'] ) ) { self::updateToolboxMenu( $sidebar ); } } } /** * Modify sidebar links * This is cached compared to onSidebarBeforeOutput * * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinBuildSidebar * @param Skin $skin * @param array &$bar */ public function onSkinBuildSidebar( $skin, &$bar ): void { // Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' || !$bar ) { return; } $out = $skin->getOutput(); $globalToolsId = $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenGlobalToolsPortlet', $out ); // remove initial p- for backward compatibility $name = empty( $globalToolsId ) ? 'navigation' : preg_replace( '/^p-/', '', $globalToolsId ); $bar[$name]['specialpages'] = [ 'text' => $skin->msg( 'specialpages' ), 'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Specialpages' ), 'title' => $skin->msg( 'tooltip-t-specialpages' ), 'icon' => 'specialPages', 'id' => 't-specialpages', ]; if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'EnableUploads', $out ) === true ) { if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Upload Wizard' ) ) { // Link to Upload Wizard if present $uploadHref = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'UploadWizard' )->getLocalURL(); } else { // Link to old upload form $uploadHref = Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Upload' ); } $bar[$name]['upload'] = [ 'text' => $skin->msg( 'upload' ), 'href' => $uploadHref, 'title' => $skin->msg( 'tooltip-t-upload' ), 'icon' => 'upload', 'id' => 't-upload', ]; } foreach ( $bar as $key => $item ) { self::addIconsToMenuItems( $bar, $key ); } } /** * Modify editsection links * * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinEditSectionLinks * @param Skin $skin * @param Title $title * @param string $section * @param string $sectionTitle * @param array &$result * @param Language $lang */ public function onSkinEditSectionLinks( $skin, $title, $section, $sectionTitle, &$result, $lang ) { // Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching if ( $skin->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' || !$result ) { return; } // Add icon to edit section link // If VE button is present, use wikiText icon if ( isset( $result['veeditsection'] ) ) { self::appendClassToItem( $result['veeditsection']['attribs']['class'], 'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit' ); self::appendClassToItem( $result['editsection']['attribs']['class'], 'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-wikiText' ); } elseif ( isset( $result['editsection'] ) ) { self::appendClassToItem( $result['editsection']['attribs']['class'], 'citizen-editsection-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit' ); } } /** * SkinPageReadyConfig hook handler * * Replace searchModule provided by skin. * * @since 1.36 * @param RL\Context $context * @param mixed[] &$config Associative array of configurable options * @return void This hook must not abort, it must return no value */ public function onSkinPageReadyConfig( $context, array &$config ): void { // It's better to exit before any additional check if ( $context->getSkin() !== 'citizen' ) { return; } // Tell the `mediawiki.page.ready` module not to wire up search. $config['search'] = false; } /** * Modify navigation links * * TODO: Update to a proper hook when T287622 is resolved * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal * @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate * @param array &$links */ public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $sktemplate, &$links ): void { // Be extra safe because it might be active on other skins with caching if ( $sktemplate->getSkinName() !== 'citizen' ) { return; } if ( isset( $links['actions'] ) ) { self::updateActionsMenu( $links ); } if ( isset( $links['associated-pages'] ) ) { self::updateAssociatedPagesMenu( $links ); } if ( isset( $links['notifications'] ) ) { self::updateNotificationsMenu( $links ); } if ( isset( $links['user-menu'] ) ) { self::updateUserMenu( $sktemplate, $links ); } if ( isset( $links['user-interface-preferences'] ) ) { self::updateUserInterfacePreferencesMenu( $sktemplate, $links ); } if ( isset( $links['views'] ) ) { self::updateViewsMenu( $links ); } } /** * Update actions menu items * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param array &$links */ private static function updateActionsMenu( &$links ) { // Most icons are not mapped yet in the actions menu $iconMap = [ 'delete' => 'trash', 'move' => 'move', 'protect' => 'lock', 'unprotect' => 'unLock', // Extension:Purge // Extension:SemanticMediaWiki 'purge' => 'reload', // Extension:Cargo 'cargo-purge' => 'reload', // Extension:DiscussionTools 'dt-page-subscribe' => 'bell' ]; self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'actions', $iconMap ); self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'actions' ); } /** * Update associated pages menu items * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param array &$links */ private static function updateAssociatedPagesMenu( &$links ) { // Most icons are not mapped yet in the associated pages menu $iconMap = [ 'main' => 'article', 'file' => 'image', 'talk' => 'speechBubbles', 'user' => 'userAvatar' ]; // Special handling for talk pages // Since talk keys have namespace as prefix foreach ( $links['associated-pages'] as $key => $item ) { $keyStr = (string)$key; // TODO: use str_ends_with when we drop PHP 7.X if ( substr( $keyStr, -5 ) === '_talk' ) { // Extract the namespace key from the talk key (e.g. Project from Project_talk) // TODO: use str_starts_with when we drop PHP 7.X $namespace = substr( $keyStr, 0, -5 ); $links['associated-pages'][$key]['icon'] = 'speechBubbles'; $links['associated-pages'][$namespace]['icon'] = 'arrowPrevious'; } } self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'associated-pages', $iconMap ); self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'associated-pages' ); } /** * Update toolbox menu items * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param array &$links */ private static function updateToolboxMenu( &$links ) { // Most icons are not mapped yet in the toolbox menu $iconMap = [ 'whatlinkshere' => 'articleRedirect', 'recentchangeslinked' => 'recentChanges', 'print' => 'printer', 'permalink' => 'link', 'info' => 'infoFilled', 'contributions' => 'userContributions', 'log' => 'history', 'blockip' => 'block', 'emailuser' => 'message', 'userrights' => 'userGroup', // Extension:Cargo 'cargo-pagevalues' => 'database', // Extension:CiteThisPage 'citethispage' => 'quotes', // Extension:CreateRedirect 'createredirect' => 'articleRedirect', // Extension:SemanticMediaWiki 'smwbrowselink' => 'database', // Extension:UrlShortener 'urlshortener' => 'link', 'urlshortener-qrcode' => 'qrCode', // Extension:Wikibase 'wikibase' => 'logoWikidata' ]; self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'TOOLBOX', $iconMap ); self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'TOOLBOX' ); } /** * Update notifications menu * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param array &$links */ private static function updateNotificationsMenu( &$links ) { $iconMap = [ 'notifications-alert' => 'bell', 'notifications-notice' => 'tray' ]; self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'notifications', $iconMap ); self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'notifications' ); /** * Echo has styles that control icons rendering in places we don't want them. * Based on fixEcho() from Vector, see T343838 */ foreach ( $links['notifications'] as &$item ) { $icon = $item['icon'] ?? null; if ( $icon ) { $linkClass = $item['link-class'] ?? []; $newLinkClass = [ // Allows Echo to react to clicks 'citizen-echo-notification-badge', 'citizen-header__button', 'mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs' ]; if ( in_array( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications', $linkClass ) ) { $newLinkClass[] = 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications'; } $item['link-class'] = $newLinkClass; } } } /** * Update user menu * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate * @param array &$links */ private static function updateUserMenu( $sktemplate, &$links ) { $user = $sktemplate->getUser(); $isRegistered = $user->isRegistered(); $isTemp = $user->isTemp(); if ( $isTemp ) { // Remove temporary user page text from user menu and recreate it in user info unset( $links['user-menu']['tmpuserpage'] ); // Remove links as they are added to the bottom of user menu later // unset( $links['user-menu']['logout'] ); } elseif ( $isRegistered ) { // Remove user page link from user menu and recreate it in user info unset( $links['user-menu']['userpage'] ); } else { // Remove anon user page text from user menu and recreate it in user info unset( $links['user-menu']['anonuserpage'] ); } self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'user-menu' ); } /** * Update user interface preferences menu * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate * @param array &$links */ private static function updateUserInterfacePreferencesMenu( $sktemplate, &$links ) { self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'user-interface-preferences' ); } /** * Update views menu items * * @internal used inside Hooks\SkinHooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation * @param array &$links */ private static function updateViewsMenu( &$links ) { // Most icons are not mapped yet in the views menu $iconMap = [ 'view' => 'article', // View source button only appears when the user do not have permission 'viewsource' => 'editLock', 'history' => 'history', 'edit' => 'edit', 'view-foreign' => 'linkExternal', // Extension:VisualEditor 've-edit' => 'edit', // Extension:DiscussionTools 'addsection' => 'speechBubbleAdd' ]; // If both visual edit and source edit buttons are present if ( isset( $links['views']['ve-edit'] ) && isset( $links['views']['edit'] ) ) { // Add a class so that we can make a merged button through CSS self::appendClassToItem( $links['views']['ve-edit']['class'], [ 'citizen-ve-edit-merged' ] ); self::appendClassToItem( $links['views']['edit']['class'], [ 'citizen-ve-edit-merged' ] ); // Use wikiText icon instead of edit icon for source edit $iconMap['edit'] = 'wikiText'; } self::mapIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'views', $iconMap ); self::addIconsToMenuItems( $links, 'views' ); } /** * Set the icon parameter of the menu item based on the mapping * * @param array &$links * @param string $menu identifier * @param array $map icon mapping */ private static function mapIconsToMenuItems( &$links, $menu, $map ) { foreach ( $map as $key => $icon ) { if ( isset( $links[$menu][$key] ) ) { $links[$menu][$key]['icon'] ??= $icon; } } } /** * Add the HTML needed for icons to menu items * * @param array &$links * @param string $menu identifier */ private static function addIconsToMenuItems( &$links, $menu ) { // Loop through each menu to check/append its link classes. foreach ( $links[$menu] as $key => $item ) { $icon = $item['icon'] ?? ''; if ( $icon ) { // Html::makeLink will pass this through rawElement // Avoid using mw-ui-icon in case its styles get loaded // Sometimes extension includes the "wikimedia-" part in the icon key (e.g. ULS), // so we apply both classes just to be safe $links[$menu][$key]['link-html'] = ''; } } } /** * Adds class to a property * Based on Vector * * @param array|string &$item to update * @param array|string $classes to add to the item */ private static function appendClassToItem( &$item, $classes ) { $existingClasses = $item; if ( is_array( $existingClasses ) ) { // Treat as array $newArrayClasses = is_array( $classes ) ? $classes : [ trim( $classes ) ]; $item = array_merge( $existingClasses, $newArrayClasses ); } elseif ( is_string( $existingClasses ) ) { // Treat as string $newStrClasses = is_string( $classes ) ? trim( $classes ) : implode( ' ', $classes ); $item .= ' ' . $newStrClasses; } else { // Treat as whatever $classes is $item = $classes; } if ( is_string( $item ) ) { $item = trim( $item ); } } }