Volker E f2695a5bf3 hygiene: Make LESS imports non-ambigious
Some LESS parsers will get confused with the lack of file extension.
It's better to be explicit and in alignment with recent change in core
It was already weirdly mixed in this repo with some imports featuring
extension and some not.

Change-Id: If5065cf9e30289de9b4fd33315bd65b75959ecb7
2019-10-25 20:54:49 +00:00

71 lines
2.5 KiB

@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables.less';
@font-size-root: 100%;
@font-size-browser: 16; // Assumed browser default of `16px`
@font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
// FIXME: Use WikimediaUI Base's OS specific default sans-serif fonts.
@font-family-sans: sans-serif;
@font-family-sans--fallback: sans-serif;
// Page content
@background-color-base: #fff;
@color-base: #222;
@color-base--emphasized: #000;
@color-link: #0645ad;
@color-link--visited: #0b0080;
@color-link-new: #a55858;
@color-link-selected: @color-base;
@font-size-base: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.875em`.
@font-size-reset: @font-size-root;
@font-size-heading-1: 1.8em;
@font-size-heading-2: 1.5em;
@font-size-heading-3: 1.2em;
@font-size-notification: 0.8em;
@font-size-site-notice: 0.8em;
@line-height-base: 1.6;
@line-height-heading: 1.3;
@line-height-code: 1.3;
@line-height-footer-info: 1.4;
@line-height-footer-buttons: 2;
// FIXME: Use global variable since Echo and CentralNotice use this variable
@border-color-content: #a7d7f9;
// Due to darker background gradient, border needs to be darkened for aligned visual perception.
@border-color-content--tabs-inactive: darken( @border-color-content, 10% );
@padding-content: 1em;
// Navigation
@background-color-secondary: #f6f6f6;
@color-nav-subtle: #444;
// Navigation `line-height` has to be set in `em`s due to a rendering calculation issue.
@line-height-nav: 1.125em;
// Navigation: Main
@font-size-nav-main: inherit;
@font-size-nav-main-heading: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.75em`.
@font-size-nav-main-body: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@margin-left-nav-main-body: 0.5em;
// Navigation: Personal tools
@background-position-nav-personal-icon: left ( 4 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal );
@background-size-nav-personal-icon: 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal;
@font-size-nav-personal: 0.75em;
// Using `unit()` without second parameter to achieve a unitless output for `line-height`.
@line-height-nav-personal: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal ); // Equals `1.667`.
// Tabs
@font-size-tabs: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Search
@width-search-button: 24 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-search-input;
@font-size-search-input: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Footer
// FIXME: Currently calculates at 11.2px, which is worth nothing and unreadable for a big
// part of our audiences. Push up _at least_ to 12px.
@font-size-footer: 0.7em;