Jan Drewniak f14b4fe5f1 Add tests for dropdownMenu.js
Adds tests for the addPortletLinkHandler, which should
add an icon element to items added via 'mw.util.addPortletLink'
and conditionally move elements from the toolbar into
the more menu at narrow widths.

- Adds tests for dropdownMenu.js
- Adds associated Jest snapshots
- Stubs the module
- Updates mockMediawiki.js to 4.6.0
- Adds global mock for mw.util.showPortlet()
- Cleans up tests using local versions of these mocks

Bug: T314798
Change-Id: I81394d840321916756a41a23c40d96c4b6341931
2022-09-01 13:11:22 -07:00

230 lines
6.9 KiB

const AB = require( '../../resources/skins.vector.es6/AB.js' );
const NAME_OF_EXPERIMENT = 'name-of-experiment';
const TOKEN = 'token';
enabled: true,
buckets: {
unsampled: 0.5,
control: 0.25,
treatment: 0.25
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-returns
* @param {Object} props
function createInstance( props = {} ) {
const mergedProps = /** @type {AB.WebABTestProps} */ ( Object.assign( {
buckets: {
unsampled: {
samplingRate: 0.5
control: {
samplingRate: 0.25
treatment: {
samplingRate: 0.25
token: TOKEN
}, props ) );
return AB( mergedProps );
describe( 'AB.js', () => {
const bucket = 'treatment';
const getBucketMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( bucket );
mw.experiments.getBucket = getBucketMock;
afterEach( () => {
document.body.removeAttribute( 'class' );
} );
describe( 'initialization when body tag does not contain bucket', () => {
let /** @type {jest.SpyInstance} */ hookMock;
beforeEach( () => {
hookMock = jest.spyOn( mw, 'hook' );
} );
it( 'sends data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is part of sample (e.g. control)', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'control' );
expect( hookMock ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'sends data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is part of sample (e.g. treatment)', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'treatment' );
expect( hookMock ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'does not send data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is unsampled ', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'unsampled' );
expect( hookMock ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
} );
describe( 'initialization when body tag contains bucket', () => {
let /** @type {jest.SpyInstance} */ hookMock;
beforeEach( () => {
hookMock = jest.spyOn( mw, 'hook' );
} );
it( 'sends data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is part of sample (e.g. control)', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-control' );
expect( hookMock ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'sends data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is part of sample (e.g. treatment)', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-treatment' );
expect( hookMock ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'does not send data to WikimediaEvents when the bucket is unsampled ', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-unsampled' );
expect( hookMock ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
} );
describe( 'initialization when token is undefined', () => {
it( 'throws an error', () => {
expect( () => {
createInstance( { token: undefined } );
} ).toThrow( 'Tried to call `getBucket`' );
} );
} );
describe( 'getBucket when body tag does not contain AB class', () => {
it( 'calls mw.experiments.getBucket with config data', () => {
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( getBucketMock ).toBeCalledWith( MW_EXPERIMENT_PARAM, TOKEN );
expect( experiment.getBucket() ).toBe( bucket );
} );
} );
describe( 'getBucket when body tag contains AB class that is in the sample', () => {
it( 'returns the bucket on the body tag', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-control' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( getBucketMock ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( experiment.getBucket() ).toBe( 'control' );
} );
} );
describe( 'getBucket when body tag contains AB class that is not in the sample', () => {
it( 'returns the bucket on the body tag', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-unsampled' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( getBucketMock ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( experiment.getBucket() ).toBe( 'unsampled' );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInBucket', () => {
it( 'compares assigned bucket with passed in bucket', () => {
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInBucket( 'treatment' ) ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to unsampled bucket (from server)', () => {
it( 'returns false', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-unsampled' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( false );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to control bucket (from server)', () => {
it( 'returns false', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-control' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( false );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to treatment bucket (from server)', () => {
it( 'returns true', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-treatment' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to unsampled bucket (from client)', () => {
it( 'returns false', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'unsampled' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( false );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to control bucket (from client)', () => {
it( 'returns false', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'control' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( false );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to treatment bucket (from client)', () => {
it( 'returns true', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'treatment' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInTreatmentBucket when assigned to treatment bucket (is case insensitive)', () => {
it( 'returns true', () => {
getBucketMock.mockReturnValueOnce( 'StickyHeaderVisibleTreatment' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInTreatmentBucket() ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInSample when in unsampled bucket', () => {
it( 'returns false', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-unsampled' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInSample() ).toBe( false );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInSample when in control bucket', () => {
it( 'returns true', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-control' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInSample() ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'isInSample when in treatment bucket', () => {
it( 'returns true', () => {
document.body.classList.add( 'name-of-experiment-treatment' );
const experiment = createInstance();
expect( experiment.isInSample() ).toBe( true );
} );
} );
} );