Jon Robson c3e57e0ecd Merge skins.vector.es6 into skins.vector.js
With T178356 ES6 is the default, so these can now be
managed in the same module. Keeping them in the same module
will hopefully allow us to make more optimizations on the long

Change-Id: I3fe9e50143b85b4cdc3d9171a60c3720a7c26b4b
2023-04-11 23:18:46 +00:00

400 lines
13 KiB

const mustache = require( 'mustache' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const tableOfContentsTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/TableOfContents.mustache', 'utf8' );
const tableOfContentsContentsTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/TableOfContents__list.mustache', 'utf8' );
const tableOfContentsLineTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/TableOfContents__line.mustache', 'utf8' );
const pinnableElementOpenTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/PinnableElement/Open.mustache', 'utf8' );
const pinnableElementCloseTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/PinnableElement/Close.mustache', 'utf8' );
const pinnableHeaderTemplate = fs.readFileSync( 'includes/templates/PinnableHeader.mustache', 'utf8' );
const initTableOfContents = require( '../../resources/skins.vector.js/tableOfContents.js' );
let /** @type {HTMLElement} */ container,
/** @type {HTMLElement} */ fooSection,
/** @type {HTMLElement} */ barSection,
/** @type {HTMLElement} */ bazSection,
/** @type {HTMLElement} */ quxSection,
/** @type {HTMLElement} */ quuxSection;
const onHeadingClick = jest.fn();
const onHashChange = jest.fn();
const onToggleClick = jest.fn();
const onTogglePinned = jest.fn();
const SECTIONS = [
toclevel: 1,
number: '1',
line: 'foo',
anchor: 'foo',
'is-top-level-section': true,
'is-parent-section': false,
'array-sections': null
}, {
toclevel: 1,
number: '2',
line: 'bar',
anchor: 'bar',
'is-top-level-section': true,
'is-parent-section': true,
'vector-button-label': 'Toggle bar subsection',
'array-sections': [ {
toclevel: 2,
number: '2.1',
line: 'baz',
anchor: 'baz',
'is-top-level-section': false,
'is-parent-section': true,
'array-sections': [ {
toclevel: 3,
number: '2.1.1',
line: 'qux',
anchor: 'qux',
'is-top-level-section': false,
'is-parent-section': false,
'array-sections': null
} ]
} ]
}, {
toclevel: 1,
number: '3',
line: 'quux',
anchor: 'quux',
'is-top-level-section': true,
'is-parent-section': false,
'array-sections': null
* @param {Object} templateProps
* @return {string}
function render( templateProps = {} ) {
const templateData = Object.assign( {
'is-vector-toc-beginning-enabled': true,
'msg-vector-toc-beginning': 'Beginning',
'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': false,
'array-sections': SECTIONS,
id: 'vector-toc',
'data-pinnable-header': {
'is-pinned': true,
'data-feature-name': 'pinned',
'data-pinnable-element-id': 'vector-toc',
label: 'Contents',
'label-tag-name': 'h2',
'pin-label': 'move to sidebar',
'unpin-label': 'hide'
}, templateProps );
return mustache.render( tableOfContentsTemplate, templateData, {
'PinnableElement/Open': pinnableElementOpenTemplate,
'PinnableElement/Close': pinnableElementCloseTemplate,
PinnableHeader: pinnableHeaderTemplate,
TableOfContents__list: tableOfContentsContentsTemplate, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
TableOfContents__line: tableOfContentsLineTemplate // eslint-disable-line camelcase
} );
* @param {Object} templateProps
* @return {module:TableOfContents~TableOfContents}
function mount( templateProps = {} ) {
document.body.innerHTML = render( templateProps );
container = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'vector-toc' ) );
fooSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'toc-foo' ) );
barSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'toc-bar' ) );
bazSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'toc-baz' ) );
quxSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'toc-qux' ) );
quuxSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.getElementById( 'toc-quux' ) );
return initTableOfContents( {
} );
describe( 'Table of contents', () => {
* @type {module:TableOfContents~TableOfContents}
let toc;
beforeEach( () => {
// @ts-ignore
global.window.matchMedia = jest.fn( () => ( {} ) );
} );
afterEach( () => {
if ( toc ) {
toc = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
mw.util.getTargetFromFragment = undefined;
} );
describe( 'renders', () => {
test( 'when `vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled` is false', () => {
toc = mount();
expect( document.body.innerHTML ).toMatchSnapshot();
expect( barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS ) ).toEqual( true );
} );
test( 'when `vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled` is true', () => {
toc = mount( { 'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': true } );
expect( document.body.innerHTML ).toMatchSnapshot();
expect( barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS ) ).toEqual( false );
} );
test( 'toggles for top level parent sections', () => {
toc = mount();
expect( fooSection.getElementsByClassName( toc.TOGGLE_CLASS ).length ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( barSection.getElementsByClassName( toc.TOGGLE_CLASS ).length ).toEqual( 1 );
expect( bazSection.getElementsByClassName( toc.TOGGLE_CLASS ).length ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( quxSection.getElementsByClassName( toc.TOGGLE_CLASS ).length ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( quuxSection.getElementsByClassName( toc.TOGGLE_CLASS ).length ).toEqual( 0 );
} );
} );
describe( 'binds event listeners', () => {
test( 'for onHeadingClick', () => {
toc = mount();
const heading = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.querySelector( `#toc-foo .${toc.LINK_CLASS}` ) );;
expect( onToggleClick ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onHashChange ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onHeadingClick ).toBeCalled();
} );
test( 'for onToggleClick', () => {
toc = mount();
const toggle = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.querySelector( `#toc-bar .${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );;
expect( onHeadingClick ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onHashChange ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onToggleClick ).toBeCalled();
} );
test( 'for onHashChange', () => {
// @ts-ignore
mw.util.getTargetFromFragment = jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( hash ) => {
return hash === 'toc-foo' ? fooSection : null;
} );
// Jest doesn't trigger a hashchange event when setting a hash location.
location.hash = 'foo';
window.dispatchEvent( new HashChangeEvent( 'hashchange', {
oldURL: '',
newURL: ''
} ) );
expect( onHeadingClick ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onToggleClick ).not.toBeCalled();
expect( onHashChange ).toBeCalled();
} );
} );
describe( 'applies correct classes', () => {
test( 'when changing active sections', () => {
toc = mount( { 'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': true } );
let activeSections;
let activeTopSections;
* @param {string} id
* @param {HTMLElement} activeSection
* @param {HTMLElement} activeTopSection
function testActiveClasses( id, activeSection, activeTopSection ) {
toc.changeActiveSection( id );
activeSections = container.querySelectorAll( `.${toc.ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS}` );
activeTopSections = container.querySelectorAll( `.${toc.ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` );
expect( activeSections.length ).toEqual( 1 );
expect( activeTopSections.length ).toEqual( 1 );
expect( activeSections[ 0 ] ).toEqual( activeSection );
expect( activeTopSections[ 0 ] ).toEqual( activeTopSection );
testActiveClasses( 'toc-foo', fooSection, fooSection );
testActiveClasses( 'toc-bar', barSection, barSection );
testActiveClasses( 'toc-baz', bazSection, barSection );
testActiveClasses( 'toc-qux', quxSection, barSection );
testActiveClasses( 'toc-quux', quuxSection, quuxSection );
} );
test( 'when expanding sections', () => {
toc = mount();
toc.expandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS ) ).toEqual( true );
} );
test( 'when toggling sections', () => {
toc = mount();
toc.toggleExpandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS ) ).toEqual( false );
toc.toggleExpandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS ) ).toEqual( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'applies the correct aria attributes', () => {
test( 'when initialized', () => {
toc = mount();
const toggleButton = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( barSection.querySelector( `.${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );
expect( toggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'true' );
} );
test( 'when expanding sections', () => {
toc = mount();
const toggleButton = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( barSection.querySelector( `.${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );
toc.expandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( toggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'true' );
} );
test( 'when toggling sections', () => {
toc = mount();
const toggleButton = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( barSection.querySelector( `.${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );
toc.toggleExpandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( toggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'false' );
toc.toggleExpandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( toggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'true' );
} );
} );
describe( 'when the hash fragment changes', () => {
test( 'expands and activates corresponding section', () => {
// @ts-ignore
mw.util.getTargetFromFragment = jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( hash ) => {
return hash === 'toc-qux' ? quxSection : null;
} );
toc = mount( { 'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': true } );
quxSection.classList.contains( toc.ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS )
).toEqual( false );
// Jest doesn't trigger a hashchange event when setting a hash location.
location.hash = 'qux';
window.dispatchEvent( new HashChangeEvent( 'hashchange', {
oldURL: '',
newURL: ''
} ) );
const activeSections = container.querySelectorAll( `.${toc.ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS}` );
const activeTopSections = container.querySelectorAll( `.${toc.ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` );
expect( activeSections.length ).toEqual( 1 );
expect( activeTopSections.length ).toEqual( 1 );
barSection.classList.contains( toc.ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS )
).toEqual( true );
barSection.classList.contains( toc.EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS )
).toEqual( true );
quxSection.classList.contains( toc.ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS )
).toEqual( true );
} );
} );
describe( 'reloadTableOfContents', () => {
test( 're-renders toc when wikipage.tableOfContents hook is fired with empty sections', async () => {
toc = mount();
await toc.reloadTableOfContents( [] );
expect( document.body.innerHTML ).toMatchSnapshot();
} );
test( 're-renders toc when wikipage.tableOfContents hook is fired with sections', async () => {
// @ts-ignore
jest.spyOn( mw.loader, 'using' ).mockImplementation( () => Promise.resolve() );
// @ts-ignore
mw.template.getCompiler = () => {};
jest.spyOn( mw, 'message' ).mockImplementation( ( msg ) => {
const msgFactory = ( /** @type {string} */ text ) => {
return {
parse: () => '',
plain: () => '',
escaped: () => '',
exists: () => true,
text: () => text
switch ( msg ) {
case 'vector-toc-beginning':
return msgFactory( 'Beginning' );
return msgFactory( '' );
} );
// @ts-ignore
jest.spyOn( mw.template, 'getCompiler' ).mockImplementation( () => {
return {
compile: () => {
return {
render: ( /** @type {Object} */ data ) => {
return {
html: () => {
return render( data );
} );
toc = mount();
const toggleButton = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( barSection.querySelector( `.${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );
// Collapse section.
toc.toggleExpandSection( 'toc-bar' );
expect( toggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'false' );
// wikipage.tableOfContents includes the nested sections in the top level
// of the array.
await toc.reloadTableOfContents( [
// foo
// bar
// baz
// @ts-ignore
SECTIONS[ 1 ][ 'array-sections' ][ 0 ],
// qux
// @ts-ignore
SECTIONS[ 1 ][ 'array-sections' ][ 0 ][ 'array-sections' ][ 0 ],
// quux
// Add new section to see how the re-render performs.
toclevel: 1,
number: '4',
line: 'bat',
anchor: 'bat',
'is-top-level-section': true,
'is-parent-section': false,
'array-sections': null
] );
const newToggleButton = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( document.querySelector( `#toc-bar .${toc.TOGGLE_CLASS}` ) );
expect( newToggleButton ).not.toBeNull();
// Check that the sections render in their expanded form.
expect( newToggleButton.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) ).toEqual( 'true' );
// Verify newly rendered TOC html matches the expected html.
expect( document.body.innerHTML ).toMatchSnapshot();
} );
} );
} );