Jon Robson 7d75bb37ad [ToC] Increase threshold for ToC collapsing to 1000px
Bug: T306904
Change-Id: Ib3ad66a8f4ccf9c5ba323031821d6e681069bde5
2022-04-26 17:46:51 +00:00

172 lines
5.5 KiB

@import '../../common/variables.less';
@import 'mediawiki.mixins.less';
@import '../layouts/screen.less';
@import '../../skins.vector.styles.legacy/components/Sidebar.less';
@import './checkboxHack.less';
// T305069 Layout adjustments of sidebar elements:
// Vertically align the left edge of sidebar elements with the visible edge of the sidebar toggle hamburger menu.
@margin-start-sidebar-content: unit( 12px / @font-size-browser, em ); // 0.75em @ 16
// Top of sidebar TOC border horizontally aligns with page title underline rule.
@top-margin-sidebar-toc_title_inline: 3.5em;
// Top of sidebar TOC border normal spacing.
@top-margin-sidebar-toc: 1.5em;
// Top of sidebar main menu border horizontally aligns with top of tool tabs above page title.
@top-margin-sidebar-content: -2.5em;
.mw-sidebar {
width: @width-grid-column-one;
// To avoid the white part of the gradient colliding with the sidebar links
// we apply top and bottom padding.
padding: 8px 0 40px @padding-left-sidebar;
background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, @background-color-base 0%, @background-color-secondary--modern 10%, @background-color-secondary--modern 90%, @background-color-base 100% );
.box-sizing( border-box );
// Update styling when TOC is enabled
.vector-toc-enabled {
.mw-sidebar {
width: @width-sidebar;
// Temporary magic number, will be calculated after TOC specs are finalized
padding: 12px 19px 12px 9px;
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-content;
margin-left: @margin-start-sidebar-content;
background-image: none;
background-color: @border-color-sidebar;
.sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc_title_inline;
margin-left: @margin-start-sidebar-content;
// T305069 Apply different top spacing to the topmost sidebar element during menu toggling when sidebar is open.
.mw-checkbox-hack-checkbox:checked ~ .mw-workspace-container {
.sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc;
@media ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-desktop ) {
.mw-sidebar {
margin-top: 0;
margin-left: 0;
.sidebar-toc {
display: none;
margin-top: 0;
// T305069 When scrolling down, override the top padding of the sticky TOC that is applied during menu toggling
// so that the top of sticky TOC remains at the top of the viewport with normal padding. See scrollObserver.js.
&.vector-scrolled-below-table-of-contents .sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc;
.mw-sidebar-action {
// Align with the portal heading/links
// `.portal` + `.portal .body`
margin: 8px @margin-end-portal 8px @margin-start-portal + @margin-start-portal-body;
// Styles for SidebarAction template.
.mw-sidebar-action-item { {
display: block;
background-image: url( ../common/images/portal-separator.png ); // Support: IE 9, Fx 3.6-15, Safari 5.1-6, Chrome 10-25
background-image: linear-gradient( to right, @border-color-portal-heading-transparent 0, @border-color-portal-heading 33%, @border-color-portal-heading 66%, @border-color-portal-heading-transparent 100% ); // Standard (Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Safari 6.1+, Chrome 26+)
background-position: center bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% @border-width-base;
color: @color-base--subtle;
margin: 0.75em 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0.3em 0;
font-size: @font-size-nav-main-heading;
font-weight: normal;
cursor: default;
.mw-sidebar-action-content {
> * {
font-size: @font-size-portal-list-item;
> a {
font-weight: bold;
// T295555 style overrides for temporary language switch alert (can be removed later ).
.vector-language-sidebar-alert {
padding: 0.75em;
#mw-sidebar-button {
&:before {
// Equals `#555`, closest to `#54595d` on background-color `#fff`.
opacity: 0.67;
/* @embed */
background-image: url( images/chevronHorizontal-ltr.svg );
#mw-sidebar-checkbox:not( :checked ) ~ .mw-header & {
/* @embed */
background-image: url( images/menu.svg );
&:hover {
&:before {
opacity: 1;
// Use the MediaWiki checkbox hack class from checkboxHack.less. This class exists on the
// checkbox input for the menu panel.
#mw-sidebar-checkbox:not( :checked ) ~ .mw-workspace-container .mw-sidebar {
// Turn off presentation so that screen readers get the same effect as visually hiding.
// Visibility and opacity can be animated. If animation is unnecessary, use `display: none`
// instead to avoid hidden rendering.
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
.transform( translateX( -100% ) );
@media ( min-width: ( @max-width-workspace-container + ( 2 * @padding-horizontal-page-container ) ) ) {
.mw-sidebar {
background: @background-color-page-container;
border-right: 1px solid @border-color-sidebar;
// Disable transitions on page load. No-JS users will unfortunately miss out. A similar pattern is
// used in Minerva's DropDownList. See enableCssAnimations() in skin.vector.js/index.js for context
// and additional details on how this class is added.
.vector-animations-ready {
// Enable transition on all widths by default.
.mw-sidebar {
@timing: @transition-duration-base ease-out;
.transition( transform @timing, opacity @timing, visibility @timing; );
@media ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-tablet ) {
.mw-sidebar {
transition: none;
// Enable sidebar button transitions.
#mw-sidebar-button {
background-color @transition-duration-base,
border-color @transition-duration-base,
box-shadow @transition-duration-base;