Jan Drewniak 0232752097 [Prototype] Add screen resolution to Typography prototype
Adds screen resolution (`${window.innerWidth} x ${window.innerHeight}`)
to the prefilled feedback form for the typography prototype.

Change-Id: I38ec6fe5232c1d90df6d5d56b0f0cb32acdcc64e
2023-10-04 12:38:09 -04:00

251 lines
8.4 KiB

<details class="reading-survey" :open="showSurvey" @toggle="showSurvey = $">
<summary class="reading-survey__title">
<strong>{{ $i18n( 'vector-readability-survey-title' ).text() }}</strong>
<p v-i18n-html:vector-readability-survey-description></p>
<div class="reading-survey__options">
<label>Font size:</label>
<input v-model="fontSize" type="range" min="12" max="24">
<span> {{ fontSize }} </span>
<label>Line height:</label>
<input v-model="lineHeight" type="range" min="16" max="42" step="1">
<span> {{ lineHeight }} </span>
<label>Paragraph spacing:</label>
<input v-model="verticalMargins" type="range" min="6" max="36" step="1">
<span> {{ verticalMargins }} </span>
<p @click="optOut" v-i18n-html:vector-readability-survey-optout></p>
<div class="reading-survey__buttons">
<button class="cdx-button" @click="resetSavedCSSVals">
{{ $i18n( 'vector-readability-survey-reset' ).text() }}
<button class="cdx-button" @click="randomize">
{{ $i18n( 'vector-readability-survey-randomize' ).text() }}
<a v-bind:href="feedbackUrl"
class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--fake-button--enabled cdx-button--action-progressive cdx-button--weight-primary cdx-button--size-medium cdx-button--framed">{{
$i18n( 'vector-readability-survey-share' ).text() }}</a>
/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-nocheck
const rootEl = document.querySelector(':root');
const OPT_OUT_HREF = "#close-vector-survey";
const CSS_VAR_MAP = {
storageKey: 'wm-reading-survey',
bodyClass: 'wm-reading-survey-enabled',
bodyTransitionClass: 'wm-reading-survey-transitions',
fontSize: {
storageKey: 'fontSize',
cssProp: 'font-size',
cssTarget: '.vector-body',
cssCustomProp: '--reading-survey-font-size'
lineHeight: {
storageKey: 'lineHeight',
cssProp: 'line-height',
cssTarget: '.vector-body',
cssCustomProp: '--reading-survey-line-height'
verticalMargins: {
storageKey: 'verticalMargins',
cssProp: 'margin-bottom',
cssTarget: '.vector-body p',
cssCustomProp: '--reading-survey-vertical-margins'
module.exports = exports = {
name: "VectorReadingSurvey",
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
compilerOptions: { whitespace: 'condense' },
data: function () {
const dataObj = {};
dataObj[ 'fontSize' ] = this.getSavedCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.storageKey )
|| this.getDefaultCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssProp );
dataObj[ 'lineHeight' ] = this.getSavedCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.storageKey )
|| this.getDefaultCSSVal(CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssProp);
dataObj[ 'verticalMargins' ] = this.getSavedCSSVal(CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.storageKey )
|| this.getDefaultCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssProp );
const showVal = this.getSavedShowVal();
dataObj[ 'showSurvey' ] = ( showVal === undefined ) ? true : showVal;
return dataObj
computed: {
feedbackUrl: function () {
const feedbackUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( [
[ 'action', 'submit' ],
[ 'section', 'new' ],
[ 'preload', 'Reading/Web/Accessibility_for_reading/Community_Prototype_Testing/preload' ],
[ 'preloadparams[]', this.fontSize ],
[ 'preloadparams[]', this.lineHeight ],
[ 'preloadparams[]', this.verticalMargins ],
[ 'preloadparams[]', window.location.href ],
[ 'preloadparams[]', `${window.innerWidth} x ${window.innerHeight}` ],
[ 'preloadtitle', ( mw.user.getName() ) ? 'User: ' + mw.user.getName() : '' ]
] );
return "" + feedbackUrlParams.toString();
methods: {
getDefaultCSSVal: function (selector, cssProp) {
const domEl = document.querySelector(selector);
const domElStyles = window.getComputedStyle(domEl);
const domElCSSProp = domElStyles.getPropertyValue(cssProp);
console.log(selector, domElCSSProp);
return parseInt(domElCSSProp);
getSavedCSSVal: function (name) {
const savedVal =;
if (savedVal && savedVal[name]) {
return parseInt(savedVal[name]);
getSavedShowVal: function() {
const savedVal =;
if ( savedVal && ( savedVal['showSurvey'] !== undefined ) ) {
return savedVal['showSurvey'];
saveShowVal: function() {
const storageObject =;
storageObject[ 'showSurvey' ] = this.showSurvey;, storageObject, 604800);
setCSSVal: function (name, val) {, val + 'px');
saveCSSVals: function () {
const storageObject = {};
storageObject[ CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.storageKey ] = this.fontSize;
storageObject[ CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.storageKey ] = this.lineHeight;
storageObject[ CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.storageKey ] = this.verticalMargins;
storageObject[ 'showSurvey' ] = this.showSurvey;, storageObject, 604800);
resetSavedCSSVals: function () { CSS_VAR_MAP.storageKey );
document.documentElement.classList.remove( CSS_VAR_MAP.bodyClass );
document.documentElement.classList.remove( CSS_VAR_MAP.bodyTransitionClass );
this.fontSize = this.getDefaultCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssProp );
this.lineHeight = this.getDefaultCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssProp );
this.verticalMargins = this.getDefaultCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssTarget, CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssProp );
randomize: function () {
this.fontSize = Math.floor( Math.random() * (24 - 12 + 1) + 12 );
this.lineHeight = Math.floor( Math.random() * (42 - 16 + 1) + 16 );
this.verticalMargins = Math.floor( Math.random() * (36 - 6 + 1) + 6 );
optOut: function ( e ) {
const href = 'href' );
if ( href === OPT_OUT_HREF ) {
const api = new mw.Api();
api.saveOption( 'vector-typography-survey', 0 )
.then( function() { CSS_VAR_MAP.storageKey );
watch: {
fontSize: function ( newVal ) { this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssCustomProp, newVal ) },
lineHeight: function ( newVal ) { this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssCustomProp, newVal ) },
verticalMargins: function ( newVal ) { this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssCustomProp, newVal ) },
showSurvey: function() { this.saveShowVal() }
mounted: function () {
document.documentElement.classList.add( CSS_VAR_MAP.bodyClass );
this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.fontSize.cssCustomProp, this.fontSize );
this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.lineHeight.cssCustomProp, this.lineHeight );
this.setCSSVal( CSS_VAR_MAP.verticalMargins.cssCustomProp, this.verticalMargins );
updated: function () {
document.documentElement.classList.add( CSS_VAR_MAP.bodyClass );
document.documentElement.classList.add( CSS_VAR_MAP.bodyTransitionClass );
html.wm-reading-survey-enabled {
--reading-survey-font-size: 14px;
--reading-survey-line-height: 22px;
--reading-survey-vertical-margins: 7px;
html.wm-reading-survey-enabled .vector-body {
font-size: var( --reading-survey-font-size );
line-height: var( --reading-survey-line-height );
html.wm-reading-survey-transitions .vector-body {
transition: font-size 300ms, line-height 300ms;
html.wm-reading-survey-enabled .vector-body p {
margin-bottom: var( --reading-survey-vertical-margins );
margin-top: var( --reading-survey-vertical-margins );
html.wm-reading-survey-transitions .vector-body p {
transition: margin 300ms;
.reading-survey {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
right: 80px;
width: 350px;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 24px 12px;
font-size: 14px;
.reading-survey p {
margin: 1em 0;
.reading-survey__title {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 16px;
.reading-survey__options {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 0.5fr;
grid-gap: 16px;
margin: 24px;
.reading-survey__buttons {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 12px;
justify-content: space-around;
.reading-survey__buttons .cdx-button {
flex-grow: 1;