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synced 2024-12-04 20:18:57 +00:00
Introduces Codex-based spacing variables for the
padding of the content area.
Padding is adjusted by using CSS custom properties
assigned at the HTML element, then changes only
these custom properties at the new breakpoint.
Also folds in changes from 3433525
(add top-margin
to indicators) into the zebra module.
Bug: T335155
Change-Id: Ic4883b86043882bd2ef5f71b3079896caab87531
201 lines
8.3 KiB
201 lines
8.3 KiB
@import 'mediawiki.skin.variables.less';
// == Media query breakpoints ==
@min-width-mobile: @width-breakpoint-mobile; // Above 320px
@max-width-mobile: @width-breakpoint-tablet - 1px; // Below 719px
@min-width-tablet: @width-breakpoint-tablet; // Above 720px
@max-width-tablet: @width-breakpoint-desktop - 1px; // Below 999px
@min-width-desktop: @width-breakpoint-desktop; // Above 1000px
@max-width-desktop: @width-breakpoint-desktop-wide - 1px; // Below 1199px
@min-width-desktop-wide: @width-breakpoint-desktop-wide; // Above 1200px
// Defines the minimum viewport width, at which point the layout will not get any
// smaller and will start horizontal scrolling instead.
@min-width-supported: unit( 500px / @font-size-browser, em );
// Sizing calculation primitives.
@font-size-root: 100%;
@font-size-browser: 16; // Assumed browser default of `16px`
// == Page content ==
@color-link-selected: @color-base;
@outline-color-base--focus: @color-progressive;
// == Typography ==
// Typography in Wikimedia Design Style Guide:;
// https://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/visual-style_typography.html
// Historic overview and background information of fonts in Wikimedia software:
// https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_User_Interface/Use_cases/Font_family_stack
// Source of this font stack definition in WikimediaUI Base:
// https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/wikimedia-ui-base/browse/master/wikimedia-ui-base.less$202
@font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
// Body content uses the user setting in browser / operating system default sans-serif font:
// For example, Arial on Windows, Roboto on Android.
// FIXME: Use WikimediaUI Base's OS specific default sans-serif fonts.
// @font-family-sans is set in mediawiki.variables/variables.less
// Fallback for headings, language: ja,he,ko. See T73240, T65817, T65843, T65844, T65827.
@font-family-sans--fallback: sans-serif;
@font-size-base: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.875em`.
@font-size-base--trident-hack: calc( 1em ~'*' unit( @font-size-base ) );
@font-size-reset: @font-size-root;
@font-size-heading-1: 1.8em;
@font-size-heading-2: 1.5em;
@font-size-heading-3: 1.2em;
@font-size-notification: 0.8em;
@font-size-site-notice: 0.8em;
@font-size-footer: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@line-height-base: 1.6;
@line-height-heading: 1.375;
@line-height-code: 1.3;
@line-height-footer-info: 1.4;
@line-height-footer-buttons: 2;
@size-icon: unit( 20 / @font-size-browser, em );
// FIXME: Use global variable since Echo and CentralNotice use this variable
@border-color-content: #a7d7f9;
// Due to darker background gradient, border needs to be darkened for aligned visual perception.
@border-color-content--tabs-inactive: darken( @border-color-content, 10% );
@border-color-portal-heading: #c8ccd1;
// Use `rgba()` notation for better Safari support, see T254489.
@border-start-blockquote: 4px @border-style-base #eaecf0;
@padding-top-content: 0.5em;
@padding-blockquote: 8px 32px;
@background-color-secondary--modern: #f8f9fa;
@background-color-page-container: @background-color-base;
// Navigation
@background-color-secondary: #f6f6f6;
// Navigation `line-height` has to be set in `em`s due to a rendering calculation issue.
@line-height-nav: 1.125em;
// Navigation: Personal tools
@background-position-nav-personal-icon: left unit( 4 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@background-size-nav-personal-icon: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@top-personal-tools: 6px;
@font-size-nav-personal: 0.75em;
// Using `unit()` without second parameter to achieve a unitless output for `line-height`.
@line-height-nav-personal: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal ); // Equals `1.667`.
// Tabs
@font-size-tabs: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
@padding-horizontal-tabs: 8px;
@padding-top-tabs: 12px;
@padding-vertical-tabs: @padding-top-tabs 0 7px 0;
// Content boxes
@border-radius-content-box: 4px;
@border-color-content-box: @background-color-interactive;
// Content padding
@padding-vertical-content-box: @spacing-150;
@padding-horizontal-content-box: @spacing-150;
// content box changes *horizontal* padding at wide resolutions
@padding-horizontal-content-box-wide: @spacing-300;
// Content box shadow
@box-shadow-content-box: @box-shadow-drop-medium;
// Dropdowns & menus
@height-dropdown-menu-item: unit( 32 / @font-size-browser, rem );
@padding-horizontal-dropdown-menu: 20px;
@padding-vertical-dropdown-menu: 20px;
@padding-vertical-dropdown-menu-item: 6px;
@font-size-dropdown: unit( @font-size-base, rem ); // Equals `0.875rem`.
// Scroll Indicator
@height-scroll-indicator: 30px;
// The amount of space that should be between the bottom of the viewport and the
// bottom of the scroll indicator.
@max-height-bottom-spacing-scroll-indicator: 16px;
// TOC and Page tools Pinned elements
@padding-top-pinned-element: unit( (30px - @padding-top-tabs) / @font-size-browser, em);
// TOC
@size-toc-subsection-toggle-icon: 1.834em;
// Search
@max-width-search: unit( 500px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em ); // 35.71428571em @ 16 & 0.875em T270202
@min-width-search-button: 28px;
@width-search-button: unit( 28 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-search-input, em );
@font-size-search-input: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Derived from @size-typeahead-search-focus-addition in Codex
// https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/design/codex/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0-alpha.8/packages/codex/src/components/typeahead-search/TypeaheadSearch.vue#703
@size-search-expand: 24px;
@margin-end-search: 12px;
// Language button
@height-button-lang: unit( 32 / @font-size-browser, em );
// Pre-content
@margin-top-pre-content: 8px;
// Header
// T245190 T296321 For sticky header, set an explicit height. This is needed for scroll padding
// and for other sticky elements on the page. Setting the height in relative units enables
// the header's height to adapt to the browser's font size setting. Because
// this variable is used to determine top offsets for sticky elements where the
// font-size might not be 16px, using rem avoids the cascading effects of em units.
@height-header: unit( 50px / @font-size-browser, rem );
// Z-indices
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.css.
// @z-index-ui-datepicker-cover: -1;
@z-index-base: 0;
// Header z-index-header higher than z-index-menu so that search results overlay variants and more menu
@z-index-header: 4;
@z-index-menu-checkbox: 1;
@z-index-search-button: 1;
@z-index-search-loader: 1;
// Ensure that this is displayed on top of .vector-body and clickable.
@z-index-indicators: 1;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-range: 1;
// Menus must overlap indicators (@z-index-indicators) and VisualEditor toolbar (z-index: 2).
@z-index-menu: 3;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-handle: 2;
// Display on top of page tabs (T39158, T50078).
@z-index-personal: 100;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.selectable.css.
// @z-index-ui-selectable-helper: 100;
@z-index-overlay: 101;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.css.
// @z-index-ui-tooltip: 9999;
// Transitions
// Sticky header hide/show transition
@transition-sticky-header: transform 250ms linear;
// Layout
@max-width-page-container: unit( 1596px / @font-size-browser, em ); // T305069 - 99.75em @ 16
@max-width-content-container: unit( 1040px / @font-size-browser, rem ); // T335155
@padding-horizontal-page-container: unit( 24px / @font-size-browser, rem );
@padding-horizontal-page-container-desktop: unit( 44px / @font-size-browser, rem );
@padding-horizontal-page-container-desktop-wide: unit( 52px / @font-size-browser, rem );
// T314419 - Scroll padding is modified primarily to bring section headings into a position that is
// easier to read, which is slightly lower than the very top of the page. The primary use-case is when
// navigating sections via the table of contents. When changing this value, also change the value in
// resources/skins.vector.scripts/setupIntersectionObservers.js
@scroll-padding-top: 75px;
// Grid
@grid-row-gap: 24px;
@grid-column-gap: 24px;
@width-column-desktop: unit( 196px / @font-size-browser, rem ); // Total width including gap is 232px
@width-column-desktop-wide: unit( 248px / @font-size-browser, rem ); // Total width including gap is 284px