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/** @module TableOfContents */
const SECTION_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-list-item';
const ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-list-item-active';
const EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-list-item-expanded';
const TOP_SECTION_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-level-1';
const ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-level-1-active';
const LINK_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-link';
const TOGGLE_CLASS = 'sidebar-toc-toggle';
const TOC_COLLAPSED_CLASS = 'vector-toc-collapsed';
const TOC_NOT_COLLAPSED_CLASS = 'vector-toc-not-collapsed';
const TOC_ID = 'mw-panel-toc';
* TableOfContents Mustache templates
const templateBody = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './templates/TableOfContents.mustache' ) );
const templateTocLine = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './templates/TableOfContents__line.mustache' ) );
* TableOfContents Config object for filling mustache templates
const tableOfContentsConfig = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './tableOfContentsConfig.json' ) );
* @callback onHeadingClick
* @param {string} id The id of the clicked list item.
* @callback onToggleClick
* @param {string} id The id of the list item corresponding to the arrow.
* @callback onToggleCollapse
* @typedef {Object} TableOfContentsProps
* @property {HTMLElement} container The container element for the table of contents.
* @property {onHeadingClick} onHeadingClick Called when an arrow is clicked.
* @property {onToggleClick} onToggleClick Called when a list item is clicked.
* @property {onToggleCollapse} onToggleCollapse Called when collapse toggle buttons are clicked.
* @typedef {Object} Section
* @property {number} toclevel
* @property {string} anchor
* @property {string} line
* @property {string} number
* @property {string} index
* @property {number} byteoffset
* @property {string} fromtitle
* @property {boolean} is-parent-section
* @property {boolean} is-top-level-section
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* @property {string} level
* @typedef {Object} SectionsListData
* @property {boolean} is-vector-toc-beginning-enabled
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* @property {boolean} vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled
* @property {string} msg-vector-toc-heading
* @property {number} number-section-count
* @property {string} msg-vector-toc-beginning
* @property {string} msg-vector-toc-toggle-position-title
* @property {string} msg-vector-toc-toggle-position-sidebar
* @typedef {Object} ArraySectionsData
* @property {number} number-section-count
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* Initializes the sidebar's Table of Contents.
* @param {TableOfContentsProps} props
* @return {TableOfContents}
module.exports = function tableOfContents( props ) {
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ activeTopSection;
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ activeSubSection;
let /** @type {Array<HTMLElement>} */ expandedSections;
* @typedef {Object} activeSectionIds
* @property {string|undefined} parent - The active top level section ID
* @property {string|undefined} child - The active subsection ID
* Get the ids of the active sections.
* @return {activeSectionIds}
function getActiveSectionIds() {
return {
parent: ( activeTopSection ) ? activeTopSection.id : undefined,
child: ( activeSubSection ) ? activeSubSection.id : undefined
* Does the user prefer reduced motion?
* @return {boolean}
const prefersReducedMotion = () => {
return window.matchMedia( '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)' ).matches;
* Sets an `ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS` on the element with an id that matches `id`.
* Sets an `ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS` on the top level heading (e.g. element with the
* If the element is a top level heading, the element will have both classes.
* @param {string} id The id of the element to be activated in the Table of Contents.
function activateSection( id ) {
const selectedTocSection = document.getElementById( id );
const {
parent: previousActiveTopId,
child: previousActiveSubSectionId
} = getActiveSectionIds();
if (
!selectedTocSection ||
( previousActiveTopId === id ) ||
( previousActiveSubSectionId === id )
) {
// Assign the active top and sub sections, apply classes
activeTopSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( selectedTocSection.closest( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
activeSubSection = selectedTocSection;
activeTopSection.classList.add( ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
activeSubSection.classList.add( ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS );
* Removes the `ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS` from all ToC sections.
function deactivateSections() {
if ( activeSubSection ) {
activeSubSection.classList.remove( ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS );
activeSubSection = undefined;
if ( activeTopSection ) {
activeTopSection.classList.remove( ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
activeTopSection = undefined;
* Scroll active section into view if necessary
* @param {string} id The id of the element to be scrolled to in the Table of Contents.
function scrollToActiveSection( id ) {
const section = document.getElementById( id );
if ( !section ) {
// Get currently visible active link
let link = section.firstElementChild;
// @ts-ignore
if ( link && !link.offsetParent ) {
// If active link is a hidden subsection, use active parent link
const { parent: activeTopId } = getActiveSectionIds();
const parentSection = document.getElementById( activeTopId || '' );
if ( parentSection ) {
link = parentSection.firstElementChild;
} else {
link = null;
const isContainerScrollable = props.container.scrollHeight > props.container.clientHeight;
if ( link && isContainerScrollable ) {
const containerRect = props.container.getBoundingClientRect();
const linkRect = link.getBoundingClientRect();
// Pixels above or below the TOC where we start scrolling the active section into view
const hiddenThreshold = 100;
const midpoint = ( containerRect.bottom - containerRect.top ) / 2;
const linkHiddenTopValue = containerRect.top - linkRect.top;
// Because the bottom of the TOC can extend below the viewport,
// min() is used to find the value where the active section first becomes hidden
const linkHiddenBottomValue = linkRect.bottom -
Math.min( containerRect.bottom, window.innerHeight );
// Respect 'prefers-reduced-motion' user preference
const scrollBehavior = prefersReducedMotion() ? 'smooth' : undefined;
// Manually increment and decrement TOC scroll rather than using scrollToView
// in order to account for threshold
if ( linkHiddenTopValue + hiddenThreshold > 0 ) {
props.container.scrollTo( {
top: props.container.scrollTop - linkHiddenTopValue - midpoint,
behavior: scrollBehavior
} );
if ( linkHiddenBottomValue + hiddenThreshold > 0 ) {
props.container.scrollTo( {
top: props.container.scrollTop + linkHiddenBottomValue + midpoint,
behavior: scrollBehavior
} );
* Adds the `EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS` CSS class name
* to a top level heading in the ToC.
* @param {string} id
function expandSection( id ) {
const tocSection = document.getElementById( id );
if ( !tocSection ) {
const topSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( tocSection.closest( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
const toggle = tocSection.querySelector( `.${TOGGLE_CLASS}` );
if ( topSection && toggle && expandedSections.indexOf( topSection ) < 0 ) {
toggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
topSection.classList.add( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
expandedSections.push( topSection );
* Get the IDs of expanded sections.
* @return {Array<string>}
function getExpandedSectionIds() {
return expandedSections.map( ( s ) => s.id );
* @param {string} id
function changeActiveSection( id ) {
const { parent: activeParentId, child: activeChildId } = getActiveSectionIds();
if ( id === activeParentId && id === activeChildId ) {
} else {
activateSection( id );
scrollToActiveSection( id );
* @param {string} id
* @return {boolean}
function isTopLevelSection( id ) {
const section = document.getElementById( id );
return !!section && section.classList.contains( TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
* Removes all `EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS` CSS class names
* from the top level sections in the ToC.
* @param {Array<string>} [selectedIds]
function collapseSections( selectedIds ) {
const sectionIdsToCollapse = selectedIds || getExpandedSectionIds();
expandedSections = expandedSections.filter( function ( section ) {
const isSelected = sectionIdsToCollapse.indexOf( section.id ) > -1;
const toggle = isSelected ? section.getElementsByClassName( TOGGLE_CLASS ) : undefined;
if ( isSelected && toggle && toggle.length > 0 ) {
toggle[ 0 ].setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
section.classList.remove( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
return false;
return true;
} );
* @param {string} id
function toggleExpandSection( id ) {
const expandedSectionIds = getExpandedSectionIds();
const indexOfExpandedSectionId = expandedSectionIds.indexOf( id );
if ( isTopLevelSection( id ) ) {
if ( indexOfExpandedSectionId >= 0 ) {
collapseSections( [ id ] );
} else {
expandSection( id );
* Set aria-expanded attribute for all toggle buttons.
function initializeExpandedStatus() {
const parentSections = props.container.querySelectorAll( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` );
parentSections.forEach( ( section ) => {
const expanded = section.classList.contains( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
const toggle = section.querySelector( `.${TOGGLE_CLASS}` );
if ( toggle ) {
toggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', expanded.toString() );
} );
* Bind event listener for clicking on show/hide Table of Contents links.
function bindCollapseToggleListeners() {
// Initialize toc collapsed status
// FIXME: Remove after I17f2699fec113d92b3f0f223c357654f52eb7eb3 has been in prod for a week
document.body.classList.add( TOC_NOT_COLLAPSED_CLASS );
const showHideTocElement = document.querySelectorAll( '#sidebar-toc-label button' );
showHideTocElement.forEach( function ( btn ) {
btn.addEventListener( 'click', () => {
document.body.classList.toggle( TOC_COLLAPSED_CLASS );
document.body.classList.toggle( TOC_NOT_COLLAPSED_CLASS );
} );
} );
* Bind event listeners for clicking on section headings and toggle buttons.
function bindSubsectionToggleListeners() {
props.container.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
if (
!( e.target instanceof HTMLElement )
) {
const tocSection =
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ ( e.target.closest( `.${SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
if ( tocSection && tocSection.id ) {
// In case section link contains HTML,
// test if click occurs on any child elements.
if ( e.target.closest( `.${LINK_CLASS}` ) ) {
props.onHeadingClick( tocSection.id );
// Toggle button does not contain child elements,
// so classList check will suffice.
if ( e.target.classList.contains( TOGGLE_CLASS ) ) {
props.onToggleClick( tocSection.id );
} );
* Binds event listeners and sets the default state of the component.
function initialize() {
// Sync component state to the default rendered state of the table of contents.
expandedSections = Array.from(
props.container.querySelectorAll( `.${EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS}` )
// Initialize toggle buttons aria-expanded attribute.
// Bind event listeners.
mw.hook( 'wikipage.tableOfContents' ).add( reloadTableOfContents );
* Reexpands all sections that were expanded before the table of contents was reloaded.
* Edited Sections are not reexpanded, as the ID of the edited section is changed after reload.
function reExpandSections() {
const expandedSectionIds = getExpandedSectionIds();
for ( const id of expandedSectionIds ) {
expandSection( id );
* Reloads the table of contents from saved data
* @param {Section[]} sections
function reloadTableOfContents( sections ) {
if ( sections.length < 1 ) {
reloadPartialHTML( TOC_ID, '' );
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.template.mustache' ).then( () => {
reloadPartialHTML( TOC_ID, getTableOfContentsHTML( sections ) );
// Reexpand sections that were expanded before the table of contents was reloaded.
// Initialize Collapse toggle buttons
} );
* Replaces the contents of the given element with the given HTML
* @param {string} elementId
* @param {string} html
function reloadPartialHTML( elementId, html ) {
const htmlElement = document.getElementById( elementId );
if ( htmlElement ) {
htmlElement.innerHTML = html;
* Generates the HTML for the table of contents.
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @return {string}
function getTableOfContentsHTML( sections ) {
return getTableOfContentsListHtml( getTableOfContentsData( sections ) );
* Generates the table of contents List HTML from the templates
* @param {Object} data
* @return {string}
function getTableOfContentsListHtml( data ) {
// @ts-ignore
const mustacheCompiler = mw.template.getCompiler( 'mustache' );
const compiledTemplateBody = mustacheCompiler.compile( templateBody );
const compiledTemplateTocLine = mustacheCompiler.compile( templateTocLine );
// Identifier 'TableOfContents__line' is not in camel case
// (template name is 'TableOfContents__line')
const partials = {
TableOfContents__line: compiledTemplateTocLine // eslint-disable-line camelcase
return compiledTemplateBody.render( data, partials ).html();
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @return {SectionsListData}
function getTableOfContentsData( sections ) {
return {
'number-section-count': sections.length,
'msg-vector-toc-heading': mw.message( 'vector-toc-heading' ).text(),
'msg-vector-toc-toggle-position-sidebar': mw.message( 'vector-toc-toggle-position-sidebar' ).text(),
'msg-vector-toc-toggle-position-title': mw.message( 'vector-toc-toggle-position-title' ).text(),
'msg-vector-toc-beginning': mw.message( 'vector-toc-beginning' ).text(),
'array-sections': getTableOfContentsSectionsData( sections, 1 ),
'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': sections.length >= tableOfContentsConfig.VectorTableOfContentsCollapseAtCount,
'is-vector-toc-beginning-enabled': tableOfContentsConfig.VectorTableOfContentsBeginning
* Prepares the data for rendering the table of contents,
* nesting child sections within their parent sections.
* This shoul yield the same result as the php function SkinVector22::getTocData(),
* please make sure to keep them in sync.
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @param {number} toclevel
* @return {Section[]}
function getTableOfContentsSectionsData( sections, toclevel = 1 ) {
const data = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++ ) {
const section = sections[ i ];
if ( section.toclevel === toclevel ) {
const childSections = getTableOfContentsSectionsData(
sections.slice( i + 1 ),
toclevel + 1
section[ 'array-sections' ] = childSections;
section[ 'is-top-level-section' ] = toclevel === 1;
section[ 'is-parent-section' ] = Object.keys( childSections ).length > 0;
data.push( section );
// Child section belongs to a higher parent.
if ( section.toclevel < toclevel ) {
return data;
return data;
* @typedef {Object} TableOfContents
* @property {changeActiveSection} changeActiveSection
* @property {expandSection} expandSection
* @property {toggleExpandSection} toggleExpandSection
* @property {string} ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} LINK_CLASS
* @property {string} TOGGLE_CLASS
return {