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synced 2024-12-01 18:57:04 +00:00
Only do this when JS is enabled and the Vue search (Codex TypeaheadSearch) is going to be loaded. Without this, when viewing Vector with an increased browser font size, Codex's icon scales up but ours doesn't, causing the icon to grow and jump when Codex loads. Set the icon's size in relative units (em instead of px), and change the background position so it stays in the same place. Change-Id: Ie0b33797f9da75dc758a8afbe58eb004d90f3776
183 lines
6.2 KiB
183 lines
6.2 KiB
@import '../../common/variables.less';
* Minimal styling for initial no-JS server-rendered
* search form, which gets replaced by Codex on focus.
* Most values are hard-coded since they aim to
* mimic Codex-specific variables and disable the
* ResourceLoader LESS transformation of `calc`.
// Derived from @size-base design token in Codex
@size-base: 32px;
@min-size-search-button: 30px;
@background-size-x-search-button: 20px;
// Search container
// We have to put those styles outside `.skin-vector-search-vue`,
// as we can't address no-JS modern and Vue enhanced otherwise.
.vector-search-box {
// Use Vector's base font-size, as this is a component outside of `.vector-body`.
font-size: @font-size-base;
// Support IE 9-11, Trident cuts values 2 digits after decimal point.
// `calc` enables to set correct calculation in place again. See T102364.
font-size: @font-size-base--trident-hack;
// If this is a flex item, make sure it grows into available space.
flex-grow: 1;
> div {
max-width: @max-width-search;
// Typeahead search elements
.vector-search-box-vue .vector-search-box-input,
.vector-search-box-vue .searchButton {
// Overrides #mw-searchButton in resources/skins.vector.styles/SearchBox.less
font-size: inherit;
.vector-search-box-vue .vector-search-box-input {
height: auto;
// The following is copied directly from Codex.
min-height: @size-base;
line-height: 1.4285714;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
.vector-search-box-vue .searchButton {
background-size: @background-size-x-search-button auto;
// Only apply the following Codex-related rules to clients who have js enabled.
.client-js .vector-search-box-vue {
// Derived from @size-search-figure in Codex.
// https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/design/codex/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0-alpha.8/packages/codex/src/components/typeahead-search/TypeaheadSearch.vue#676
@size-search-figure: 40px;
// Derived from text input start icon padding in Codex.
// https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/design/codex/+/refs/tags/v0.1.0-alpha.8/packages/codex/src/components/text-input/TextInput.vue#257
@padding-left-start-icon: 36px;
// Derived from the @size-icon-medium token in Codex. 14px is the base font size in Vector.
@size-icon-medium: unit( 20 / 14, em );
// Derived from icon positioning in Codex. This is essentially (@padding-left-start-icon - @size-icon-medium)/2
@position-left-icon: 8px;
.vector-typeahead-search {
// Hide the button, only show it on hover or when the input or the button itself is focused
.cdx-search-input__end-button {
opacity: 0;
// 250ms transition to match the border-color transition in CdxTextInput
transition: opacity 250ms;
&:focus {
opacity: 1;
// Hide the border between the input and the button
.cdx-text-input__input:not( :hover ):not( :focus ) {
border-right-color: transparent;
&:hover {
.cdx-search-input__end-button {
opacity: 1;
// Make the text input's right border appear on top of the button's left border,
// otherwise the hover transition looks weird
.cdx-text-input {
z-index: 1;
// Use straight corners instead of rounded corners for the border between the
// input and the button. Only apply this on hover, to reduce (but not eliminate) the
// tiny gap in the input's border when the button is hidden
.cdx-text-input__input {
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.cdx-menu-item {
// Remove margin-bottom on li elements that is applied by
// mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
margin-bottom: 0;
a {
// Remove link underline on hover that is applied by
// mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
text-decoration: none;
// Reset Codex. Prevents the input border and the start icon from animating
// when the input gets inserted into the DOM while being focused.
&.vector-search-box-disable-transitions {
.cdx-text-input__start-icon {
transition: none;
.vector-search-box-input {
padding-left: @padding-left-start-icon;
// Derived from @padding-input-text in Codex's TextInput component.
padding-right: 8px;
// Move & resize search icon to match Codex.
.searchButton {
// T270202: Act like a an inert element instead of a submit button before
// Codex loads to discourage people clicking on it since it is a submit
// button styled to look like Codex's inert start icon. Note, ideally these
// submit buttons should be changed to inert elements like span to be
// semantically correct.
pointer-events: none;
// Override the default right & left position of the icon.
right: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
// Accounts for the 1px input border.
left: @border-width-base;
// Increase size to match Codex.
width: @padding-left-start-icon;
// Set opacity to match icon color from Codex (0.51 approximates #72777d)
opacity: @opacity-base--disabled;
// Use relative sizing for the icon
background-size: @size-icon-medium auto;
// Make sure the icon is positioned consistently with Codex; if we don't do this, it'll
// be centered which will be different from Codex's positioning if the text size zoom
// is not 100%
background-position-x: @position-left-icon;
.vector-search-box-input:focus ~ .searchButton {
// When the input is focused, change icon color to match Codex (0.87 approximates #202122)
opacity: @opacity-icon-base;
&.vector-search-box-show-thumbnail {
> div {
// Ensure the input + search button = 500px when unfocused and `auto-expand-width` enabled (i.e. search in header)
// Also increases the width of the sticky header search, which has `auto-expand-width` disabled
max-width: @max-width-search + unit( @size-search-expand / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em ); // 37.42857143em @ 16 & 0.875em
&.vector-search-box-auto-expand-width .searchButton {
// Accounts for the margin that allocates space for the input expanding and
// 1px input border.
left: @size-search-expand + @border-width-base;
&.vector-search-box-auto-expand-width .vector-search-box-input {
margin-left: @size-search-expand;
width: ~'calc( 100% - @{size-search-expand} )';