Volker E 795de73496 Amend standard 'search' icon size, position and CSS rules
Updating 'search' icon to latest WVUI/OOUI optimized, reduced path. Also
- amending size of search input and position of icon in input slightly to
  align it closer to standard text inputs
- simplify CSS by getting rid of selector which is targeting both, input and
  button and applying rules only where needed
- fixing code comments
- increasing icon size to `16px` equivalent `em` to enable user text zooming
  preference applied to search icon as well. `16px` is a compromise towards the
  old look and feel of the previous icon bringing it closer to standard icon size in
  legacy Vector.

This change affects both modern and legacy versions of Vector.

Bug: T266166
Change-Id: Ib4c0c74d3cac30e1893f4c76e56e1197652d41ba
2020-12-07 12:19:01 +00:00

144 lines
5.4 KiB

@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables.less';
@import '';
// Sizing calculation primitives.
@font-size-root: 100%;
@font-size-browser: 16; // Assumed browser default of `16px`
// == Page content ==
@color-base--subtle: #54595d;
@color-link: #0645ad;
@color-link--visited: #0b0080;
@color-link-new: #a55858;
@color-link-selected: @color-base;
// See oojs/ui/src/themes/wikimediaui/common.less.
@background-color-frameless--hover: rgba( 0, 24, 73, 7/255 ); // equivalent to @wmui-color-base90 on white
@outline-color-base--focus: @color-primary;
// == Typography ==
// Typography in Wikimedia Design Style Guide:;
// Historic overview and background information of fonts in Wikimedia software:
// Source of this font stack definition in WikimediaUI Base:
@font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
// Body content uses the user setting in browser / operating system default sans-serif font:
// For example, Arial on Windows, Roboto on Android.
// FIXME: Use WikimediaUI Base's OS specific default sans-serif fonts.
// @font-family-sans is set in mediawiki.variables/variables.less
// Fallback for headings, language: ja,he,ko. See T73240, T65817, T65843, T65844, T65827.
@font-family-sans--fallback: sans-serif;
@font-size-base: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.875em`.
@font-size-base--trident-hack: calc( 1em ~'*' unit( @font-size-base ) );
@font-size-reset: @font-size-root;
@font-size-heading-1: 1.8em;
@font-size-heading-2: 1.5em;
@font-size-heading-3: 1.2em;
@font-size-notification: 0.8em;
@font-size-site-notice: 0.8em;
@font-size-footer: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@line-height-base: 1.6;
@line-height-heading: 1.3;
@line-height-code: 1.3;
@line-height-footer-info: 1.4;
@line-height-footer-buttons: 2;
@size-sidebar-button: unit( 44 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `2.75em`.
// FIXME: Use global variable since Echo and CentralNotice use this variable
@border-color-content: #a7d7f9;
// Due to darker background gradient, border needs to be darkened for aligned visual perception.
@border-color-content--tabs-inactive: darken( @border-color-content, 10% );
@border-color-portal-heading: #c8ccd1;
// Use `rgba()` notation for better Safari support, see T254489.
@border-color-portal-heading-transparent: rgba( red( @border-color-portal-heading ), green( @border-color-portal-heading ), blue( @border-color-portal-heading ), 0 );
@border-start-blockquote: 4px @border-style-base #eaecf0;
@padding-top-content: 1.25em;
@padding-horizontal-content: 0.5em;
@padding-blockquote: 8px 32px;
// Navigation
@background-color-secondary: #f6f6f6;
@color-nav-subtle: #444;
// Navigation `line-height` has to be set in `em`s due to a rendering calculation issue.
@line-height-nav: 1.125em;
// Navigation: Main
@font-size-nav-main: inherit;
@font-size-nav-main-heading: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.75em`.
@font-size-nav-main-body: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@margin-start-nav-main-body: 0.5em;
// Navigation: Portal
// Font size of the Portal links.
@font-size-portal-list-item: @font-size-nav-main-body;
// Margin space from the start of the Portal (left edge in LTR
// languages).
@margin-start-portal: 0.7em;
// Margin space from the end of the Portal (right edge in LTR
// languages).
@margin-end-portal: 0.6em;
// Margin space from the start of the Portal body (left edge in LTR languages).
@margin-start-portal-body: @margin-start-nav-main-body;
// Navigation: Personal tools
@background-position-nav-personal-icon: left unit( 4 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@background-size-nav-personal-icon: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@top-personal-tools: 6px;
@font-size-nav-personal: 0.75em;
// Using `unit()` without second parameter to achieve a unitless output for `line-height`.
@line-height-nav-personal: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal ); // Equals `1.667`.
// Tabs
@font-size-tabs: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Search
@min-width-search-button: 28px;
@width-search-button: unit( 28 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-search-input, em );
@font-size-search-input: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Z-indices
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.css.
// @z-index-ui-datepicker-cover: -1;
@z-index-base: 0;
@z-index-header: 1;
@z-index-sidebar: 1;
@z-index-menu-checkbox: 1;
@z-index-search-button: 1;
@z-index-search-loader: 1;
// Ensure that this is displayed on top of .mw-body-content and clickable.
@z-index-indicators: 1;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-range: 1;
// Menus must overlap indicators (@z-index-indicators) and VisualEditor toolbar (z-index: 2).
@z-index-menu: 2;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-handle: 2;
// Display on top of page tabs (T39158, T50078).
@z-index-personal: 100;
@z-index-sidebar-button: 101;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.selectable.css.
// @z-index-ui-selectable-helper: 100;
@z-index-overlay: 101;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.css.
// @z-index-ui-tooltip: 9999;
// Transitions
@transition-duration-base: 100ms;