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synced 2024-12-02 03:07:13 +00:00
Per T325086, the TOC should expand and activate the section that corresponds to the window's hash fragment. Additional changes: * Moves logic that runs on page load to determine the intersection from section observer to main.js, since the hash fragment can take precedence over the scroll position (e.g. when scrolled all the way to the bottom). * Make section observer's pause() cancel any pending intersection calculations so that it doesn't interfere with other async logic. * Moves onHeadingClick and onToggleClick logic to activate and expand a section to tableOfContents.js to facilitate unit testing this behavior with clicks and hash fragment changes. Bug: T325086 Change-Id: I8a2cf0e6a96467fae97608450b321c181155e424
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/** @module TableOfContents */
* TableOfContents Mustache templates
const templateTocContents = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './templates/TableOfContents__list.mustache' ) );
const templateTocLine = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './templates/TableOfContents__line.mustache' ) );
* TableOfContents Config object for filling mustache templates
const tableOfContentsConfig = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './tableOfContentsConfig.json' ) );
const deferUntilFrame = require( './deferUntilFrame.js' );
const SECTION_ID_PREFIX = 'toc-';
const SECTION_CLASS = 'vector-toc-list-item';
const ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS = 'vector-toc-list-item-active';
const EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS = 'vector-toc-list-item-expanded';
const TOP_SECTION_CLASS = 'vector-toc-level-1';
const ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS = 'vector-toc-level-1-active';
const LINK_CLASS = 'vector-toc-link';
const TOGGLE_CLASS = 'vector-toc-toggle';
const TOC_CONTENTS_ID = 'mw-panel-toc-list';
* Fired when the user clicks a toc link. Note that this callback takes
* precedence over the onHashChange callback. The onHashChange callback will not
* be called when the user clicks a toc link.
* @callback onHeadingClick
* @param {string} id The id of the clicked list item.
* Fired when the page's hash fragment has changed. Note that if the user clicks
* a link inside the TOC, the `onHeadingClick` callback will fire instead of the
* `onHashChange` callback to avoid redundant behavior.
* @callback onHashChange
* @param {string} id The id of the list item that corresponds to the hash change event.
* @callback onToggleClick
* @param {string} id The id of the list item corresponding to the arrow.
* @callback onTogglePinned
* @callback tableOfContents
* @param {TableOfContentsProps} props
* @return {TableOfContents}
* @typedef {Object} TableOfContentsProps
* @property {HTMLElement} container The container element for the table of contents.
* @property {onHeadingClick} onHeadingClick Called when an arrow is clicked.
* @property {onHashChange} onHashChange Called when a hash change event
* matches the id of a LINK_CLASS anchor element.
* @property {onToggleClick} [onToggleClick] Called when an arrow is clicked.
* @property {onTogglePinned} onTogglePinned Called when pinned toggle buttons are clicked.
* @typedef {Object} Section
* @property {number} toclevel
* @property {string} anchor
* @property {string} line
* @property {string} number
* @property {string} index
* @property {number} byteoffset
* @property {string} fromtitle
* @property {boolean} is-parent-section
* @property {boolean} is-top-level-section
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* @property {string} level
* @typedef {Object} SectionsListData
* @property {boolean} is-vector-toc-beginning-enabled
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* @property {boolean} vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled
* @property {string} msg-vector-toc-beginning
* @typedef {Object} ArraySectionsData
* @property {number} number-section-count
* @property {Section[]} array-sections
* Initializes the sidebar's Table of Contents.
* @param {TableOfContentsProps} props
* @return {TableOfContents}
module.exports = function tableOfContents( props ) {
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ activeTopSection;
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ activeSubSection;
let /** @type {Array<HTMLElement>} */ expandedSections;
* @typedef {Object} activeSectionIds
* @property {string|undefined} parent - The active top level section ID
* @property {string|undefined} child - The active subsection ID
* Get the ids of the active sections.
* @return {activeSectionIds}
function getActiveSectionIds() {
return {
parent: ( activeTopSection ) ? activeTopSection.id : undefined,
child: ( activeSubSection ) ? activeSubSection.id : undefined
* Does the user prefer reduced motion?
* @return {boolean}
const prefersReducedMotion = () => {
return window.matchMedia( '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)' ).matches;
* Sets an `ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS` on the element with an id that matches `id`.
* Sets an `ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS` on the top level heading (e.g. element with the
* If the element is a top level heading, the element will have both classes.
* @param {string} id The id of the element to be activated in the Table of Contents.
function activateSection( id ) {
const selectedTocSection = document.getElementById( id );
const {
parent: previousActiveTopId,
child: previousActiveSubSectionId
} = getActiveSectionIds();
if (
!selectedTocSection ||
( previousActiveTopId === id ) ||
( previousActiveSubSectionId === id )
) {
// Assign the active top and sub sections, apply classes
activeTopSection = /** @type {HTMLElement|undefined} */ ( selectedTocSection.closest( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
if ( activeTopSection ) {
// T328089 Sometimes activeTopSection is null
activeTopSection.classList.add( ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
activeSubSection = selectedTocSection;
activeSubSection.classList.add( ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS );
* Removes the `ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS` from all ToC sections.
function deactivateSections() {
if ( activeSubSection ) {
activeSubSection.classList.remove( ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS );
activeSubSection = undefined;
if ( activeTopSection ) {
activeTopSection.classList.remove( ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
activeTopSection = undefined;
* Scroll active section into view if necessary
* @param {string} id The id of the element to be scrolled to in the Table of Contents.
function scrollToActiveSection( id ) {
const section = document.getElementById( id );
if ( !section ) {
// Get currently visible active link
let link = section.firstElementChild;
// @ts-ignore
if ( link && !link.offsetParent ) {
// If active link is a hidden subsection, use active parent link
const { parent: activeTopId } = getActiveSectionIds();
const parentSection = document.getElementById( activeTopId || '' );
if ( parentSection ) {
link = parentSection.firstElementChild;
} else {
link = null;
const isContainerScrollable = props.container.scrollHeight > props.container.clientHeight;
if ( link && isContainerScrollable ) {
const containerRect = props.container.getBoundingClientRect();
const linkRect = link.getBoundingClientRect();
// Pixels above or below the TOC where we start scrolling the active section into view
const hiddenThreshold = 100;
const midpoint = ( containerRect.bottom - containerRect.top ) / 2;
const linkHiddenTopValue = containerRect.top - linkRect.top;
// Because the bottom of the TOC can extend below the viewport,
// min() is used to find the value where the active section first becomes hidden
const linkHiddenBottomValue = linkRect.bottom -
Math.min( containerRect.bottom, window.innerHeight );
// Respect 'prefers-reduced-motion' user preference
const scrollBehavior = prefersReducedMotion() ? 'smooth' : undefined;
// Manually increment and decrement TOC scroll rather than using scrollToView
// in order to account for threshold
if ( linkHiddenTopValue + hiddenThreshold > 0 ) {
props.container.scrollTo( {
top: props.container.scrollTop - linkHiddenTopValue - midpoint,
behavior: scrollBehavior
} );
if ( linkHiddenBottomValue + hiddenThreshold > 0 ) {
props.container.scrollTo( {
top: props.container.scrollTop + linkHiddenBottomValue + midpoint,
behavior: scrollBehavior
} );
* Adds the `EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS` CSS class name
* to a top level heading in the ToC.
* @param {string} id
function expandSection( id ) {
const tocSection = document.getElementById( id );
if ( !tocSection ) {
const topSection = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( tocSection.closest( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
const toggle = topSection.querySelector( `.${TOGGLE_CLASS}` );
if ( topSection && toggle && expandedSections.indexOf( topSection ) < 0 ) {
toggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
topSection.classList.add( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
expandedSections.push( topSection );
* Get the IDs of expanded sections.
* @return {Array<string>}
function getExpandedSectionIds() {
return expandedSections.map( ( s ) => s.id );
* @param {string} id
function changeActiveSection( id ) {
const { parent: activeParentId, child: activeChildId } = getActiveSectionIds();
if ( id === activeParentId && id === activeChildId ) {
} else {
activateSection( id );
scrollToActiveSection( id );
* @param {string} id
* @return {boolean}
function isTopLevelSection( id ) {
const section = document.getElementById( id );
return !!section && section.classList.contains( TOP_SECTION_CLASS );
* Removes all `EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS` CSS class names
* from the top level sections in the ToC.
* @param {Array<string>} [selectedIds]
function collapseSections( selectedIds ) {
const sectionIdsToCollapse = selectedIds || getExpandedSectionIds();
expandedSections = expandedSections.filter( function ( section ) {
const isSelected = sectionIdsToCollapse.indexOf( section.id ) > -1;
const toggle = isSelected ? section.getElementsByClassName( TOGGLE_CLASS ) : undefined;
if ( isSelected && toggle && toggle.length > 0 ) {
toggle[ 0 ].setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
section.classList.remove( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
return false;
return true;
} );
* @param {string} id
function toggleExpandSection( id ) {
const expandedSectionIds = getExpandedSectionIds();
const indexOfExpandedSectionId = expandedSectionIds.indexOf( id );
if ( isTopLevelSection( id ) ) {
if ( indexOfExpandedSectionId >= 0 ) {
collapseSections( [ id ] );
} else {
expandSection( id );
* Set aria-expanded attribute for all toggle buttons.
function initializeExpandedStatus() {
const parentSections = props.container.querySelectorAll( `.${TOP_SECTION_CLASS}` );
parentSections.forEach( ( section ) => {
const expanded = section.classList.contains( EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS );
const toggle = section.querySelector( `.${TOGGLE_CLASS}` );
if ( toggle ) {
toggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', expanded.toString() );
} );
* Event handler for hash change event.
function handleHashChange() {
const hash = location.hash.slice( 1 );
const listItem =
// @ts-ignore
/** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ ( mw.util.getTargetFromFragment( `${SECTION_ID_PREFIX}${hash}` ) );
if ( !listItem ) {
expandSection( listItem.id );
changeActiveSection( listItem.id );
props.onHashChange( listItem.id );
* Bind event listener for hash change events that match the hash of
* Note that if the user clicks a link inside the TOC, the onHeadingClick
* callback will fire instead of the onHashChange callback, since it takes
* precedence.
function bindHashChangeListener() {
window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', handleHashChange );
* Unbinds event listener for hash change events.
function unbindHashChangeListener() {
window.removeEventListener( 'hashchange', handleHashChange );
* Bind event listener for clicking on show/hide Table of Contents links.
function bindPinnedToggleListeners() {
const toggleButtons = document.querySelectorAll( '.vector-toc-pinnable-header button' );
toggleButtons.forEach( function ( btn ) {
btn.addEventListener( 'click', () => {
} );
} );
* Bind event listeners for clicking on section headings and toggle buttons.
function bindSubsectionToggleListeners() {
props.container.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
if (
!( e.target instanceof HTMLElement )
) {
const tocSection =
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ ( e.target.closest( `.${SECTION_CLASS}` ) );
if ( tocSection && tocSection.id ) {
// In case section link contains HTML,
// test if click occurs on any child elements.
if ( e.target.closest( `.${LINK_CLASS}` ) ) {
// Temporarily unbind the hash change listener to avoid redundant
// behavior caused by firing both the onHeadingClick callback and the
// onHashChange callback. Instead, only fire the onHeadingClick
// callback.
expandSection( tocSection.id );
changeActiveSection( tocSection.id );
props.onHeadingClick( tocSection.id );
deferUntilFrame( () => {
}, 3 );
// Toggle button does not contain child elements,
// so classList check will suffice.
if ( e.target.classList.contains( TOGGLE_CLASS ) ) {
toggleExpandSection( tocSection.id );
if ( props.onToggleClick ) {
props.onToggleClick( tocSection.id );
} );
* Binds event listeners and sets the default state of the component.
function initialize() {
// Sync component state to the default rendered state of the table of contents.
expandedSections = Array.from(
props.container.querySelectorAll( `.${EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS}` )
// Initialize toggle buttons aria-expanded attribute.
// Bind event listeners.
* Reexpands all sections that were expanded before the table of contents was reloaded.
* Edited Sections are not reexpanded, as the ID of the edited section is changed after reload.
function reExpandSections() {
const expandedSectionIds = getExpandedSectionIds();
for ( const id of expandedSectionIds ) {
expandSection( id );
* Updates button styling for the TOC toggle button when scrolled below the page title
* @param {boolean} scrollBelow
function updateTocToggleStyles( scrollBelow ) {
const TOC_TITLEBAR_TOGGLE_ID = 'vector-page-titlebar-toc-label';
const QUIET_BUTTON_CLASS = 'mw-ui-quiet';
const tocToggle = document.getElementById( TOC_TITLEBAR_TOGGLE_ID );
if ( tocToggle ) {
if ( scrollBelow ) {
tocToggle.classList.remove( QUIET_BUTTON_CLASS );
} else {
tocToggle.classList.add( QUIET_BUTTON_CLASS );
* Reloads the table of contents from saved data
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @return {Promise<any>}
function reloadTableOfContents( sections ) {
if ( sections.length < 1 ) {
reloadPartialHTML( TOC_CONTENTS_ID, '' );
return Promise.resolve( [] );
const load = () => mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.template.mustache' ).then( () => {
const { parent: activeParentId, child: activeChildId } = getActiveSectionIds();
reloadPartialHTML( TOC_CONTENTS_ID, getTableOfContentsHTML( sections ) );
// Reexpand sections that were expanded before the table of contents was reloaded.
// reActivate the active sections
if ( activeParentId ) {
activateSection( activeParentId );
if ( activeChildId ) {
activateSection( activeChildId );
} );
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
load().then( () => {
resolve( sections );
} );
} );
* Replaces the contents of the given element with the given HTML
* @param {string} elementId
* @param {string} html
function reloadPartialHTML( elementId, html ) {
const htmlElement = document.getElementById( elementId );
if ( htmlElement && html ) {
htmlElement.innerHTML = html;
* Generates the HTML for the table of contents.
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @return {string}
function getTableOfContentsHTML( sections ) {
return getTableOfContentsListHtml( getTableOfContentsData( sections ) );
* Generates the table of contents List HTML from the templates
* @param {Object} data
* @return {string}
function getTableOfContentsListHtml( data ) {
// @ts-ignore
const mustacheCompiler = mw.template.getCompiler( 'mustache' );
const compiledTemplateTocContents = mustacheCompiler.compile( templateTocContents );
// Identifier 'TableOfContents__line' is not in camel case
// (template name is 'TableOfContents__line')
const partials = {
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
TableOfContents__line: mustacheCompiler.compile( templateTocLine )
return compiledTemplateTocContents.render( data, partials ).html();
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @return {SectionsListData}
function getTableOfContentsData( sections ) {
return {
'msg-vector-toc-beginning': mw.message( 'vector-toc-beginning' ).text(),
'array-sections': getTableOfContentsSectionsData( sections, 1 ),
'vector-is-collapse-sections-enabled': sections.length >= tableOfContentsConfig.VectorTableOfContentsCollapseAtCount,
'is-vector-toc-beginning-enabled': tableOfContentsConfig.VectorTableOfContentsBeginning
* Prepares the data for rendering the table of contents,
* nesting child sections within their parent sections.
* This should yield the same result as the php function
* VectorComponentTableOfContents::getTemplateData(),
* please make sure to keep them in sync.
* @param {Section[]} sections
* @param {number} toclevel
* @return {Section[]}
function getTableOfContentsSectionsData( sections, toclevel = 1 ) {
const data = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++ ) {
const section = sections[ i ];
if ( section.toclevel === toclevel ) {
const childSections = getTableOfContentsSectionsData(
sections.slice( i + 1 ),
toclevel + 1
section[ 'array-sections' ] = childSections;
section[ 'is-top-level-section' ] = toclevel === 1;
section[ 'is-parent-section' ] = Object.keys( childSections ).length > 0;
data.push( section );
// Child section belongs to a higher parent.
if ( section.toclevel < toclevel ) {
return data;
return data;
* Cleans up the hash change event listener to prevent memory leaks. This
* should be called when the table of contents is permanently no longer
* needed.
* @ignore
function unmount() {
* @typedef {Object} TableOfContents
* @property {reloadTableOfContents} reloadTableOfContents
* @property {changeActiveSection} changeActiveSection
* @property {expandSection} expandSection
* @property {toggleExpandSection} toggleExpandSection
* @property {updateTocToggleStyles} updateTocToggleStyles
* @property {unmount} unmount
* @property {string} ACTIVE_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} ACTIVE_TOP_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} EXPANDED_SECTION_CLASS
* @property {string} LINK_CLASS
* @property {string} TOGGLE_CLASS
return {