jdlrobson 698752e38a [Dev] processTemplate used in one place
Moving all the templateParser calls to one function
so its easier to see how the template is composed.

The diff of changes to the stories folder highlight
the internal changes which are:

* html-portals replaced with html-sidebar in main template
* new Sidebar template added which outputs to html-sidebar
* Mention of "MainMenu" replaced with better understood "Sidebar"

This is precursory work to adopt templatePartials

Change-Id: I6b2196e39087f818e774d04b2d1b9ab8cb8816a1
2020-02-26 12:28:40 -08:00

493 lines
15 KiB

* Vector - Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability
* improvements.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
* QuickTemplate subclass for Vector
* @ingroup Skins
class VectorTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
/** @var TemplateParser */
private $templateParser;
* @param TemplateParser $parser
public function setTemplateParser( TemplateParser $parser ) {
$this->templateParser = $parser;
* The template parser might be undefined. This function will check if it set first
* @return TemplateParser
protected function getTemplateParser() {
if ( $this->templateParser === null ) {
throw new \LogicException(
'TemplateParser has to be set first via setTemplateParser method'
return $this->templateParser;
* Outputs the entire contents of the HTML page
public function execute() {
$this->data['namespace_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['namespaces'];
$this->data['view_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['views'];
$this->data['action_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['actions'];
$this->data['variant_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['variants'];
// Move the watch/unwatch star outside of the collapsed "actions" menu to the main "views" menu
if ( $this->config->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' ) ) {
$mode = ( $this->getSkin()->getRelevantTitle()->isWatchable() &&
) &&
) ? 'unwatch' : 'watch';
if ( isset( $this->data['action_urls'][$mode] ) ) {
$this->data['view_urls'][$mode] = $this->data['action_urls'][$mode];
unset( $this->data['action_urls'][$mode] );
Hooks::run( 'VectorBeforeFooter', [], '1.35' );
$htmlHookVectorBeforeFooter = ob_get_contents();
$tp = $this->getTemplateParser();
// Naming conventions for Mustache parameters:
// - Prefix "is" for boolean values.
// - Prefix "msg-" for interface messages.
// - Prefix "page-" for data relating to the current page (e.g. Title, WikiPage, or OutputPage).
// - Prefix "hook-" for any thing generated from a hook.
// It should be followed by the name of the hook in hyphenated lowercase.
// - Prefix "html-" for raw HTML (in front of other keys excluding `array-`, if applicable).
// - Prefix "array-" for anything that is iterable (in front of other keys is applicable)
// - Conditional values are null if absent.
$params = [
'html-headelement' => $this->get( 'headelement', '' ),
'html-sitenotice' => $this->get( 'sitenotice', null ),
'html-indicators' => $this->getIndicators(),
'page-langcode' => $this->getSkin()->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage()->getHtmlCode(),
'page-isarticle' => (bool)$this->data['isarticle'],
// Remember that the string '0' is a valid title.
// From OutputPage::getPageTitle, via ::setPageTitle().
'html-title' => $this->get( 'title', '' ),
'html-prebodyhtml' => $this->get( 'prebodyhtml', '' ),
'msg-tagline' => $this->getMsg( 'tagline' )->text(),
// TODO: mediawiki/SkinTemplate should expose langCode and langDir properly.
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->get( 'userlangattributes', '' ),
// From OutputPage::getSubtitle()
'html-subtitle' => $this->get( 'subtitle', '' ),
// TODO: Use directly Skin::getUndeleteLink() directly.
// Always returns string, cast to null if empty.
'html-undelete' => $this->get( 'undelete', null ) ?: null,
// From Skin::getNewtalks(). Always returns string, cast to null if empty.
'html-newtalk' => $this->get( 'newtalk', '' ) ?: null,
'msg-jumptonavigation' => $this->getMsg( 'vector-jumptonavigation' )->text(),
'msg-jumptosearch' => $this->getMsg( 'vector-jumptosearch' )->text(),
// Result of OutputPage::addHTML calls
'html-bodycontent' => $this->get( 'bodycontent' ),
'html-printfooter' => $this->get( 'printfooter', null ),
'html-catlinks' => $this->get( 'catlinks', '' ),
'html-dataAfterContent' => $this->get( 'dataAfterContent', '' ),
// From MWDebug::getHTMLDebugLog (when $wgShowDebug is enabled)
'html-debuglog' => $this->get( 'debughtml', '' ),
// From BaseTemplate::getTrail (handles bottom JavaScript)
'html-printtail' => $this->getTrail() . '</body></html>',
'html-footer' => $tp->processTemplate( 'Footer', [
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->get( 'userlangattributes', '' ),
'html-hook-vector-before-footer' => $htmlHookVectorBeforeFooter,
'array-footer-rows' => $this->getTemplateFooterRows(),
] ),
'html-navigation' => $tp->processTemplate( 'Navigation', [
'html-navigation-heading' => $this->getMsg( 'navigation-heading' ),
'html-personal-menu' => $tp->processTemplate( 'PersonalMenu', $this->buildPersonalProps() ),
'html-navigation-left-tabs' =>
$tp->processTemplate( 'VectorTabs', $this->buildNamespacesProps() )
. $tp->processTemplate( 'VectorMenu', $this->buildVariantsProps() ),
'html-navigation-right-tabs' =>
$tp->processTemplate( 'VectorTabs', $this->buildViewsProps() )
. $tp->processTemplate( 'VectorMenu', $this->buildActionsProps() )
. $tp->processTemplate( 'SearchBox', $this->buildSearchProps() ),
'html-sidebar' => $tp->processTemplate( 'Sidebar',
'html-logo-attributes' => Xml::expandAttributes(
Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'p-logo' ) + [
'class' => 'mw-wiki-logo',
'href' => Skin::makeMainPageUrl(),
] + $this->buildSidebarProps( $this->data['sidebar'] )
] ),
// Prepare and output the HTML response
echo $tp->processTemplate( 'index', $params );
* Get rows that make up the footer
* @return array for use in Mustache template describing the footer elements.
private function getTemplateFooterRows() : array {
$footerRows = [];
foreach ( $this->getFooterLinks() as $category => $links ) {
$items = [];
$rowId = "footer-$category";
foreach ( $links as $link ) {
$items[] = [
'id' => "$rowId-$link",
'html' => $this->get( $link, '' ),
$footerRows[] = [
'id' => $rowId,
'className' => '',
'array-items' => $items
// If footer icons are enabled append to the end of the rows
$footerIcons = $this->getFooterIcons( 'icononly' );
if ( count( $footerIcons ) > 0 ) {
$items = [];
foreach ( $footerIcons as $blockName => $blockIcons ) {
$html = '';
foreach ( $blockIcons as $icon ) {
$html .= $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon );
$items[] = [
'id' => 'footer-' . htmlspecialchars( $blockName ) . 'ico',
'html' => $html,
$footerRows[] = [
'id' => 'footer-icons',
'className' => 'noprint',
'array-items' => $items,
return $footerRows;
* Render a series of portals
* @param array $portals
* @return array
private function buildSidebarProps( array $portals ) : array {
$props = [];
// Force the rendering of the following portals
if ( !isset( $portals['TOOLBOX'] ) ) {
$portals['TOOLBOX'] = true;
if ( !isset( $portals['LANGUAGES'] ) ) {
$portals['LANGUAGES'] = true;
// Render portals
foreach ( $portals as $name => $content ) {
if ( $content === false ) {
// Numeric strings gets an integer when set as key, cast back - T73639
$name = (string)$name;
switch ( $name ) {
case 'SEARCH':
case 'TOOLBOX':
$portal = $this->buildPortalProps( 'tb', $this->getToolbox(), 'toolbox',
'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd' );
Hooks::run( 'VectorAfterToolbox', [], '1.35' );
$props[] = $portal + [
'html-hook-vector-after-toolbox' => ob_get_clean(),
if ( $this->data['language_urls'] !== false ) {
$props[] = $this->buildPortalProps(
'lang', $this->data['language_urls'], 'otherlanguages'
$props[] = $this->buildPortalProps( $name, $content );
return [
'array-portals' => $props,
* @param string $name
* @param array|string $content
* @param null|string $msg
* @param null|string|array $hook
* @return array
private function buildPortalProps( $name, $content, $msg = null, $hook = null ) : array {
if ( $msg === null ) {
$msg = $name;
$msgObj = $this->getMsg( $msg );
$props = [
'portal-id' => "p-$name",
'html-tooltip' => Linker::tooltip( 'p-' . $name ),
'msg-label' => $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $msg,
'msg-label-id' => "p-$name-label",
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->data['userlangattributes'] ?? '',
'html-portal-content' => '',
'html-after-portal' => $this->getAfterPortlet( $name ),
if ( is_array( $content ) ) {
$props['html-portal-content'] .= '<ul>';
foreach ( $content as $key => $val ) {
$props['html-portal-content'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $val );
if ( $hook !== null ) {
// Avoid PHP 7.1 warning
$skin = $this;
Hooks::run( $hook, [ &$skin, true ] );
$props['html-portal-content'] .= ob_get_contents();
$props['html-portal-content'] .= '</ul>';
} else {
// Allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions
$props['html-portal-content'] = $content;
return $props;
* @inheritDoc
public function makeListItem( $key, $item, $options = [] ) {
// For fancy styling of watch/unwatch star
if (
$this->config->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' )
&& ( $key === 'watch' || $key === 'unwatch' )
) {
if ( !isset( $item['class'] ) ) {
$item['class'] = '';
$item['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
$item['primary'] = true;
// Add CSS class 'collapsible' to links which are not marked as "primary"
if (
isset( $options['vector-collapsible'] ) && $options['vector-collapsible'] ) {
if ( !isset( $item['class'] ) ) {
$item['class'] = '';
$item['class'] = rtrim( 'collapsible ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
return parent::makeListItem( $key, $item, $options );
* @return array
private function buildNamespacesProps() : array {
$props = [
'tabs-id' => 'p-namespaces',
'empty-portlet' => ( count( $this->data['namespace_urls'] ) == 0 ) ? 'emptyPortlet' : '',
'label-id' => 'p-namespaces-label',
'msg-label' => $this->getMsg( 'namespaces' )->text(),
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->data['userlangattributes'] ?? '',
'html-items' => '',
foreach ( $this->data['namespace_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
$props[ 'html-items' ] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
return $props;
* @return array
private function buildVariantsProps() : array {
$props = [
'empty-portlet' => ( count( $this->data['variant_urls'] ) == 0 ) ? 'emptyPortlet' : '',
'menu-id' => 'p-variants',
'menu-label-id' => 'p-variants-label',
'msg-label' => $this->getMsg( 'variants' )->text(),
'html-items' => '',
// Replace the label with the name of currently chosen variant, if any
foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $item ) {
if ( isset( $item['class'] ) && stripos( $item['class'], 'selected' ) !== false ) {
$props['msg-label'] = $item['text'];
foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-items'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
return $props;
* @return array
private function buildViewsProps() : array {
$props = [
'tabs-id' => 'p-views',
'empty-portlet' => ( count( $this->data['view_urls'] ) == 0 ) ? 'emptyPortlet' : '',
'label-id' => 'p-views-label',
'msg-label' => $this->getMsg( 'views' )->text(),
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->data['userlangattributes'] ?? '',
'html-items' => '',
foreach ( $this->data['view_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
$props[ 'html-items' ] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item, [
'vector-collapsible' => true,
] );
return $props;
* @return array
private function buildActionsProps() : array {
$props = [
'empty-portlet' => ( count( $this->data['action_urls'] ) == 0 ) ? 'emptyPortlet' : '',
'msg-label' => $this->getMsg( 'vector-more-actions' )->text(),
'menu-id' => 'p-cactions',
'menu-label-id' => 'p-cactions-label',
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->data[ 'userlangattributes' ] ?? '',
'html-items' => '',
foreach ( $this->data['action_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-items'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
return $props;
* @return array
private function buildPersonalProps() : array {
$personalTools = $this->getPersonalTools();
$props = [
'empty-portlet' => ( count( $this->data['personal_urls'] ) == 0 ) ? 'emptyPortlet' : '',
'msg-label' => $this->getMsg( 'personaltools' )->text(),
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->data[ 'userlangattributes' ] ?? '',
'html-loggedin' => '',
'html-personal-tools' => '',
'html-lang-selector' => '',
if ( !$this->getSkin()->getUser()->isLoggedIn() && User::groupHasPermission( '*', 'edit' ) ) {
$props['html-loggedin'] =
Html::element( 'li',
[ 'id' => 'pt-anonuserpage' ],
$this->getMsg( 'notloggedin' )->text()
if ( array_key_exists( 'uls', $personalTools ) ) {
$props['html-lang-selector'] = $this->makeListItem( 'uls', $personalTools[ 'uls' ] );
unset( $personalTools[ 'uls' ] );
foreach ( $personalTools as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-personal-tools'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
return $props;
* @return array
private function buildSearchProps() : array {
$props = [
'searchHeaderAttrsHTML' => $this->data[ 'userlangattributes' ] ?? '',
'searchActionURL' => $this->data[ 'wgScript' ] ?? '',
'searchDivID' => $this->config->get( 'VectorUseSimpleSearch' ) ? 'simpleSearch' : '',
'searchInputHTML' => $this->makeSearchInput( [ 'id' => 'searchInput' ] ),
'titleHTML' => Html::hidden( 'title', $this->data[ 'searchtitle' ] ?? null ),
'fallbackSearchButtonHTML' => $this->makeSearchButton(
[ 'id' => 'mw-searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton mw-fallbackSearchButton' ]
'searchButtonHTML' => $this->makeSearchButton(
[ 'id' => 'searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton' ]
'searchInputLabel' => $this->getMsg( 'search' )
return $props;