bwang 8e4da83908 Replace .sidebar-toc class with .vector-toc and use PinnableElement in TOC
Using PinnableElement in the TOC allows us to reuse styles associated with all PinnableElements, and helps ensure consistency between page tools and the TOC. This is something that would probably need to be done for T324505 anyway
Rather than updating PinnableElement to accept a class prop, I chose to rename '.sidebar-toc' to '.vector-toc', making the TOC's naming conventions consistent with the rest of Vector.
"sidebar" doesn't make sense anymore anyway, as the TOC can be in multiple locations and it's best to avoid the "sidebar" term

Bug: T324877
Change-Id: I5b9228380f5c4674ef424d33127a5cb4010822da
2023-01-04 17:48:03 -06:00

317 lines
11 KiB

// Enable Vector features limited to ES6 browse
limitedWidthToggle = require( './limitedWidthToggle.js' ),
searchToggle = require( './searchToggle.js' ),
stickyHeader = require( './stickyHeader.js' ),
scrollObserver = require( './scrollObserver.js' ),
initExperiment = require( './AB.js' ),
initSectionObserver = require( './sectionObserver.js' ),
initTableOfContents = require( './tableOfContents.js' ),
pinnableElement = require( './pinnableElement.js' ),
deferUntilFrame = require( './deferUntilFrame.js' ),
ABTestConfig = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './config.json' ) ).wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment || {},
stickyHeaderEditIconConfig = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './config.json' ) ).wgVectorStickyHeaderEdit || true,
STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS = 'vector-sticky-header-visible',
CACHED_TOC_ID = 'mw-panel-toc',
TOC_ID = 'vector-toc',
BODY_CONTENT_ID = 'bodyContent',
HEADLINE_SELECTOR = '.mw-headline',
PAGE_TITLE_SCROLL_HOOK = 'page_title',
PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS = 'vector-below-page-title';
const belowDesktopMedia = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 999px)' );
* @callback OnIntersection
* @param {HTMLElement} element The section that triggered the new intersection change.
* @ignore
* @param {Function} changeActiveSection
* @return {OnIntersection}
const getHeadingIntersectionHandler = ( changeActiveSection ) => {
* @param {HTMLElement} section
return ( section ) => {
const headline = section.classList.contains( 'mw-body-content' ) ?
section :
section.querySelector( HEADLINE_SELECTOR );
if ( headline ) {
changeActiveSection( `${TOC_SECTION_ID_PREFIX}${}` );
* Initialize sticky header AB tests and determine whether to show the sticky header
* based on which buckets the user is in.
* @typedef {Object} InitStickyHeaderABTests
* @property {boolean} disableEditIcons - Should the sticky header have an edit icon
* @property {boolean} showStickyHeader - Should the sticky header be shown
* @param {ABTestConfig} abConfig
* @param {boolean} isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed and the user is logged in
* @param {function(ABTestConfig): initExperiment.WebABTest} getEnabledExperiment
* @return {InitStickyHeaderABTests}
function initStickyHeaderABTests( abConfig, isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed, getEnabledExperiment ) {
let show = isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed,
noEditIcons = stickyHeaderEditIconConfig;
// One of the sticky header AB tests is specified in the config
const abTestName =,
isStickyHeaderExperiment = abTestName === stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME ||
// Determine if user is eligible for sticky header AB test
if (
isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed && // The sticky header can be shown on the page
abConfig.enabled && // An AB test config is enabled
isStickyHeaderExperiment // The AB test is one of the sticky header experiments
) {
// If eligible, initialize the AB test
stickyHeaderExperiment = getEnabledExperiment( abConfig );
// If running initial or edit AB test, show sticky header to treatment groups
// only. Unsampled and control buckets do not see sticky header.
if ( abTestName === stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME ||
) {
show = stickyHeaderExperiment.isInTreatmentBucket();
// If running edit-button AB test, the edit buttons in sticky header are shown
// to second treatment group only.
if ( abTestName === stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_EDIT_EXPERIMENT_NAME ) {
if ( stickyHeaderExperiment.isInTreatmentBucket( '1' ) ) {
noEditIcons = true;
if ( stickyHeaderExperiment.isInTreatmentBucket( '2' ) ) {
noEditIcons = false;
} else if (
// T310750 Account for when the current experiment is not sticky header or it's disabled.
isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed && ( !abConfig.enabled || !isStickyHeaderExperiment )
) {
noEditIcons = false;
return {
showStickyHeader: show,
disableEditIcons: noEditIcons
* Updates TOC's location in the DOM (in sidebar or sticky header)
* depending on if the TOC is collapsed and if the sticky header is visible
* @return {void}
const updateTocLocation = () => {
const TOC_PINNED_CLASS = 'vector-toc-pinned';
const isPinned = document.body.classList.contains( TOC_PINNED_CLASS );
const isStickyHeaderVisible = document.body.classList.contains( STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS );
const isBelowDesktop = belowDesktopMedia.matches;
const pinnedContainerId = 'vector-toc-pinned-container';
// FIXME: Delete the conditional after has been in prod for 5 days
const stickyHeaderUnpinnedContainerId = document.getElementById( 'vector-sticky-header-toc-content-container' ) ?
'vector-sticky-header-toc-content-container' :
const pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId = 'vector-page-titlebar-toc-unpinned-container';
let newContainerId = '';
if ( isPinned ) {
if ( isBelowDesktop ) {
// Automatically move the ToC into the page titlebar when pinned on smaller resolutions
newContainerId = pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId;
} else {
newContainerId = pinnedContainerId;
} else {
if ( isStickyHeaderVisible && !isBelowDesktop ) {
newContainerId = stickyHeaderUnpinnedContainerId;
} else {
newContainerId = pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId;
// FIXME: Remove conditional after I5b9228380f5c4674ef424d33127a5cb4010822da is in prod for 5 days
if ( document.getElementById( TOC_ID ) ) {
pinnableElement.movePinnableElement( TOC_ID, newContainerId );
} else {
pinnableElement.movePinnableElement( CACHED_TOC_ID, newContainerId );
* @return {void}
const main = () => {
// Initialize the search toggle for the main header only. The sticky header
// toggle is initialized after Codex search loads.
const searchToggleElement = document.querySelector( '.mw-header .search-toggle' );
if ( searchToggleElement ) {
searchToggle( searchToggleElement );
// Pinnable elements
// Sticky header
header = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_ID ),
stickyIntersection = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.FIRST_HEADING_ID ),
userMenu = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.USER_MENU_ID ),
allowedNamespace = stickyHeader.isAllowedNamespace( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ),
allowedAction = stickyHeader.isAllowedAction( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) );
const isStickyHeaderAllowed =
!!header &&
!!stickyIntersection &&
!!userMenu &&
allowedNamespace &&
allowedAction &&
'IntersectionObserver' in window;
const { showStickyHeader, disableEditIcons } = initStickyHeaderABTests(
isStickyHeaderAllowed && !mw.user.isAnon(),
( config ) => initExperiment(
Object.assign( {}, config, { token: mw.user.getId() } )
// Set up intersection observer for page title
// Used to show/hide sticky header and add class used by collapsible TOC (T307900)
const observer = scrollObserver.initScrollObserver(
() => {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {;
document.body.classList.add( PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS );
scrollObserver.fireScrollHook( 'down', PAGE_TITLE_SCROLL_HOOK );
() => {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {
document.body.classList.remove( PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS );
scrollObserver.fireScrollHook( 'up', PAGE_TITLE_SCROLL_HOOK );
// Handle toc location when sticky header is hidden on lower viewports
belowDesktopMedia.onchange = () => {
if ( !showStickyHeader ) {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {
stickyHeader.initStickyHeader( {
} );
} else if ( stickyIntersection ) {
observer.observe( stickyIntersection );
// Table of contents
let tocElement;
// FIXME: Remove conditional after I5b9228380f5c4674ef424d33127a5cb4010822da is in prod for 5 days
if ( document.getElementById( TOC_ID ) ) {
tocElement = document.getElementById( TOC_ID );
} else {
tocElement = document.getElementById( CACHED_TOC_ID );
const bodyContent = document.getElementById( BODY_CONTENT_ID );
if ( !(
tocElement &&
bodyContent &&
window.IntersectionObserver &&
) ) {
const tableOfContents = initTableOfContents( {
container: tocElement,
onHeadingClick: ( id ) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
tableOfContents.expandSection( id );
tableOfContents.changeActiveSection( id );
// T297614: We want the link that the user has clicked inside the TOC to
// be "active" (e.g. bolded) regardless of whether the browser's scroll
// position corresponds to that section. Therefore, we need to temporarily
// ignore section observer until the browser has finished scrolling to the
// section (if needed).
// However, because the scroll event happens asyncronously after the user
// clicks on a link and may not even happen at all (e.g. the user has
// scrolled all the way to the bottom and clicks a section that is already
// in the viewport), determining when we should resume section observer is
// a bit tricky.
// Because a scroll event may not even be triggered after clicking the
// link, we instead allow the browser to perform a maximum number of
// repaints before resuming sectionObserver. Per T297614#7687656, Firefox
// 97.0 wasn't consistently activating the table of contents section that
// the user clicked even after waiting 2 frames. After further
// investigation, it sometimes waits up to 3 frames before painting the
// new scroll position so we have that as the limit.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
deferUntilFrame( () => sectionObserver.resume(), 3 );
onToggleClick: ( id ) => {
tableOfContents.toggleExpandSection( id );
onTogglePinned: updateTocLocation
} );
const headingSelector = [
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
].map( ( tag ) => `.mw-parser-output ${tag}` ).join( ',' );
const sectionObserver = initSectionObserver( {
elements: bodyContent.querySelectorAll( `${headingSelector}, .mw-body-content` ),
topMargin: header ? header.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0,
onIntersection: getHeadingIntersectionHandler( tableOfContents.changeActiveSection )
} );
module.exports = {
test: {