Nicholas Ray 53f49c5c64 Rename wgVectorUseCoreSearch to wgVectorUseWvuiSearch
This allows better compatibility with FeatureManager (e.g. can use
requirements such as REQUIREMENT_LATEST_SKIN_VERSION). It will become
especially useful in I70277c1082a504fbd5f6023e9873e8071de7e35d and when
A/B testing search.

Bug: T270202
Change-Id: I3a063e0b085765ea1db3c4478fb30c11b0942b75
2021-01-22 16:25:46 -07:00

111 lines
3.8 KiB

@import 'SearchBox.less';
* Minimal styling for initial no-JS server-rendered
* search form, which gets replaced by WVUI on focus.
* Most values are hard-coded since they aim to
* mimic WVUI-specific variables and disable the
* ResourceLoader LESS transformation of `calc`.
// Derived from @size-base in WVUI
@size-base: unit( 32px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
@min-size-search-button: 30px;
@background-size-x-search-button: unit( 20px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
// Search container
// We have to put those styles outside `.skin-vector-search-vue`,
// as we can't address no-JS modern and Vue enhanced otherwise.
#p-search {
// Use Vector's base font-size, as this is a component outside of `.mw-body-content`.
font-size: @font-size-base;
// Support IE 9-11, Trident cuts values 2 digits after decimal point.
// `calc` enables to set correct calculation in place again. See T102364.
font-size: @font-size-base--trident-hack;
// Typeahead search elements
#mw-searchButton {
// Overrides #mw-searchButton in resources/skins.vector.styles/SearchBox.less
font-size: inherit;
#searchInput {
height: @size-base;
#mw-searchButton {
background-size: @background-size-x-search-button auto;
// Only apply the following WVUI-related rules to clients who have js enabled.
// TODO: .skin-vector-search-vue class can be removed when $wgVectorUseWvuiSearch is no longer supported.
.client-js .skin-vector-search-vue {
// Derived from @size-search-figure in WVUI
@size-search-figure: unit( 36px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
.wvui-typeahead-search__suggestions__footer {
// Remove link underline on hover that is applied by mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
text-decoration: none;
#searchform-suggestions li {
// Remove margin-bottom on li elements that is applied by mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
margin-bottom: 0;
#searchInput {
padding-left: @size-search-figure;
// Derived from @padding-input-text in WVUI's Input component.
padding-right: 8px;
// Recreate WVUI expanding input.
&:focus {
position: relative;
// Use ~ and fixed values to disable the LESS transformation in ResourceLoader LESS implementation.
padding-left: ~'calc( 12px + @{size-search-figure} + 12px )';
width: ~'calc( 100% + 24px )';
left: ~'calc( -1 * 24px )';
// Move & resize search icon to match WVUI.
#mw-searchButton {
// T270202: Act like a an inert element instead of a submit button before
// WVUI loads to discourage people clicking on it since it is a submit
// button styled to look like WVUI's inert start icon. Note, ideally these
// submit buttons should be changed to inert elements like span to be
// semantically correct.
pointer-events: none;
// Override the default right & left position of the icon.
right: auto;
// Accounts for the 1px input border. Derived from
left: 1px;
// Increase size to match WVUI.
width: @size-search-figure;
// Reposition search icon for expanded input.
#searchInput:focus ~ #searchButton,
#searchInput:focus ~ #mw-searchButton {
// Derived from
left: -11px;
// Reset WVUI. Prevents the input border from animating
// when it gets inserted into the DOM while being focused.
.wvui-input__input:not( [ disabled ] ) {
.transition( none );