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synced 2024-12-18 02:40:34 +00:00
Change-Id: I71a781411f1c5d936edd5e5f8aa11500045767ae
81 lines
5.1 KiB
81 lines
5.1 KiB
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Abdul Fatawu 352",
"vector-skin-desc": "A kõta 2 Vector skin: * 2011 - MonoBook sẽn yaa seb-paalã sẽn yaa seb sẽn yaa sõma n paas n paas n maneg a sẽn tõe n maan bũmb ninsã. * 2022 - B maana Vɛktorã WMF tʋʋm-no-kãnga pʋgẽ [[mw:Desktop Improvements]].",
"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label": "Sebr- y sẽn yaa \" Legacy Vector \"",
"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-help": "Yʋʋmd sẽn wan pʋgdã pʋgẽ, d na n toeema Vɛktɛɛrã yĩn-kãnga bilf-bilfu. A Legacy Vector na n kɩtame tɩ y tõe n yã a Vector version sẽn da yaa pĩnd soabã (tõnd sẽn sɩng yʋʋmd 2019 yʋʋm-sar kiuugã). Y sã n dat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be b sẽn na n le paasgã, bɩ y kẽng tõnd [[mw:Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements|Project page]].",
"vector-opt-out": "Lebg kẽ gẽs kʋdgo",
"vector-opt-out-tooltip": "Yãk y sẽn datã n lebg n wa yɩ a meng n yã a meng (Wãk-y n ges a meng)",
"vector-action-toggle-sidebar": "Togglɛ bumb be yĩngr",
"vector-languages": "Goama",
"vector-language-button-aria-label": "Sõng-y n karem gom-biis buud-gomd a to pʋgẽ. D tõe n paama{{PLURAL:$1|$1language|$1languages}}",
"vector-language-button-label": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 buud-gomde|$1 buud-goama}}",
"vector-no-language-button-label": "Paas goama",
"vector-no-language-button-aria-label": "Sõs-kãngã yaa buud-gomdã pʋgẽ bal. Add a Comment for Other Languages",
"vector-language-variant-switcher-label": "Yãk-y n toeem buud-gomdã",
"vector-action-addsection": "Paase wɛɛbgẽ",
"vector-action-delete": "Yẽese",
"vector-action-move": "Kedme",
"vector-action-protect": "Kogle",
"vector-action-undelete": "yẽese",
"vector-action-unprotect": "Toeem koglgo",
"vector-view-create": "Naane",
"vector-view-edit": "Tekre",
"vector-view-history": "Gese kibare",
"vector-view-view": "Karme",
"vector-view-viewsource": "Gese sɩdgem",
"vector-jumptonavigation": "Yãk-y n kẽng n tɩ ges-y bũmbã",
"vector-jumptosearch": "Kẽng n bao n bãng-y",
"vector-jumptocontent": "Yãk-y n kẽng y sẽn tarã nengẽ",
"vector-more-actions": "Paase",
"vector-appearance-label": "Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to",
"vector-feature-limited-width-name": "yalem",
"vector-feature-limited-width-0-label": "Lilli",
"vector-feature-limited-width-1-label": "Dɩtaarã",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-name": "Gʋlsigo",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label": "bilfu",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label": "A sẽn yaa bilfã",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label": "Bedré",
"vector-search-loader": "Sõng-y n ges-y bũmb nins y sẽn dat n maan n bao n bãng bũmb ningã",
"vector-searchsuggest-containing": "Bao nemse n tar <strong class=\"cdx-typeahead-search_search-footer_query\">$1</strong>",
"vector-intro-page": "Help:Introduction",
"vector-toc-label": "Sõng sẽn be pʋgẽ",
"vector-toc-beginning": "Sɩngr",
"vector-toc-toggle-button-label": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda $1",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages": "Pags nins sẽn yaa seb-gʋlsdb sẽn yi b loogrã yĩnga",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages-learn": "bãng bũmb wʋsg",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages-label": "Bao n bãng bũmb wʋsg sẽn wilgd tɩ b tõe n sak n tall yam n tall n tall n maandẽ",
"vector-main-menu-tooltip": "Manusẽ wã",
"vector-toc-menu-tooltip": "Sõsg ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã",
"vector-toc-collapsible-button-label": "Yãk- y taabl-kãsengã",
"vector-site-nav-label": "Sebr ning b sẽn da yãk",
"vector-main-menu-label": "Manusẽ wã",
"vector-limited-width-toggle": "Yãk- y y sõor sẽn yaa kãn-kãe",
"vector-limited-width-toggle-on-popup": "Yãmb toeemame tɩ y yɩ sõma. Y sã n dat n lebg n wa n yaa sõor sẽn pa ta zĩig ningã, bɩ y bas y buton-kãngã.",
"vector-limited-width-toggle-off-popup": "Y tõe n tũsa y sẽn na n yãk-a wã n yãk-b n yãk-ba.",
"vector-page-tools-label": "Teedo",
"vector-page-tools-general-label": "Bõn-gilli",
"vector-page-tools-actions-label": "Actions",
"vector-pin-element-label": "kẽng-y yĩngã",
"vector-unpin-element-label": "lilli",
"vector-2022-prefs-talkpage": "[[mw:Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements|Discussion]]",
"tooltip-vector-anon-user-menu-title": "Y tõe n paama sor n paase",
"vector-page-tools-nav-label": "Pags tʋʋm-teedã",
"vector-prefs-limited-width": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"vector-prefs-limited-width-help": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yãk-y tɩ y tõe n paam n karem n paase.",
"empty-language-selector-body": "Pagb sõor sẽn pa tar pãng buud-goam a taabã pʋsẽ.",
"vector-toc-unpinned-popup": "B kɩtame tɩ b tall seb-kãngã n kẽng be.",
"vector-page-tools-unpinned-popup": "B kɩtame tɩ b yãk rɩɩb sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩd fãa.",
"vector-main-menu-unpinned-popup": "B kɩtame tɩ b yãk rɩɩb sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩd fãa.",
"vector-appearance-unpinned-popup": "B sẽn yã wã, b leb n kẽnga be.",
"vector-2022-beta-preview-label": "Sõng-y n bãng-y y sẽn tõe n paam n karem bũmb ninsã (vector 2022)",
"vector-2022-beta-preview-description": "Bao n bãnge, n bãnge la b bãnge, la b bãng b sẽn tõe n karem to-to wã."