Jon Robson eca9fcbf79 Drop the LatestSkinVersionRequirement
The LatestSkinVersionRequirement is problematic for various reasons:

1) It uses the "useskin" query string
parameter which may or may not refer to the correct
skin (in the case of a non-existent skin it will always come to the conclusion that
it is not modern Vector and thus must be legacy).

2) It uses the User object which may or may not be safeToLoad
depending on when called.

The feature seems redundant at this point, as we are separating code
into separate classes Vector and Vector22 and all the features only apply
to modern Vector. I suggest we remove it and use the features explicitly in the skin

Bug: T305232
Bug: T305262
Bug: T302627
Change-Id: I92fa33547bd601e05ddc8c1468e681892e47c16b
2022-04-04 19:22:38 +00:00

633 lines
20 KiB

namespace Vector;
use Config;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use OutputPage;
use ResourceLoaderContext;
use RuntimeException;
use Skin;
use SkinTemplate;
use Title;
use User;
* Presentation hook handlers for Vector skin.
* Hook handler method names should be in the form of:
* on<HookName>()
* @package Vector
* @internal
class Hooks {
* Checks if the current skin is a variant of Vector
* @param string $skinName
* @return bool
private static function isVectorSkin( string $skinName ): bool {
return (
$skinName === Constants::SKIN_NAME_LEGACY ||
$skinName === Constants::SKIN_NAME_MODERN
* @param Config $config
* @return array
private static function getActiveABTest( $config ) {
$ab = $config->get(
if ( count( $ab ) === 0 ) {
// If array is empty then no experiment and need to validate.
return $ab;
if ( !array_key_exists( 'buckets', $ab ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( 'Invalid VectorWebABTestEnrollment value: Must contain buckets key.' );
if ( !array_key_exists( 'unsampled', $ab['buckets'] ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( 'Invalid VectorWebABTestEnrollment value: Must define an `unsampled` bucket.' );
} else {
// check bucket values.
foreach ( $ab['buckets'] as $bucketName => $bucketDefinition ) {
if ( !is_array( $bucketDefinition ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( 'Invalid VectorWebABTestEnrollment value: Buckets should be arrays' );
$samplingRate = $bucketDefinition['samplingRate'];
if ( is_string( $samplingRate ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Invalid VectorWebABTestEnrollment value: Sampling rate should be number between 0 and 1.'
return $ab;
* Passes config variables to Vector (modern) ResourceLoader module.
* @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
* @param Config $config
* @return array
public static function getVectorResourceLoaderConfig(
ResourceLoaderContext $context,
Config $config
) {
return [
'wgVectorSearchHost' => $config->get( 'VectorSearchHost' ),
'wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment' => self::getActiveABTest( $config ),
* Generates config variables for Resource Loader module (defined in
* skin.json).
* @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
* @param Config $config
* @return array<string,mixed>
public static function getVectorWvuiSearchResourceLoaderConfig(
ResourceLoaderContext $context,
Config $config
): array {
$result = $config->get( 'VectorWvuiSearchOptions' );
$result['highlightQuery'] =
VectorServices::getLanguageService()->canWordsBeSplitSafely( $context->getLanguage() );
return $result;
* SkinPageReadyConfig hook handler
* Replace searchModule provided by skin.
* @since 1.35
* @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
* @param mixed[] &$config Associative array of configurable options
* @return void This hook must not abort, it must return no value
public static function onSkinPageReadyConfig(
ResourceLoaderContext $context,
array &$config
) {
// It's better to exit before any additional check
if ( !self::isVectorSkin( $context->getSkin() ) ) {
// Tell the `` module not to wire up search.
// This allows us to use the new Vue implementation.
// ResourceLoaderContext has no knowledge of legacy / modern Vector
// and from its point of view they are the same thing.
// Please see the modules `skins.vector.js` and `skins.vector.legacy.js`
// for the wire up of search.
// The related method self::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig handles which
// search to load.
$config['search'] = false;
* Transforms watch item inside the action navigation menu
* @param array &$content_navigation
private static function updateActionsMenu( &$content_navigation ) {
$key = null;
if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['watch'] ) ) {
$key = 'watch';
if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['unwatch'] ) ) {
$key = 'unwatch';
// Promote watch link from actions to views and add an icon
if ( $key !== null ) {
$content_navigation['views'][$key] = $content_navigation['actions'][$key];
unset( $content_navigation['actions'][$key] );
* Updates class list on list item
* @param array &$item to update for use in makeListItem
* @param array $classes to add to the item
* @param bool $applyToLink (optional) and defaults to false.
* If set will modify `link-class` instead of `class`
private static function addListItemClass( &$item, $classes, $applyToLink = false ) {
$property = $applyToLink ? 'link-class' : 'class';
$existingClass = $item[$property] ?? [];
if ( is_array( $existingClass ) ) {
$item[$property] = array_merge( $existingClass, $classes );
} elseif ( is_string( $existingClass ) ) {
// treat as string
$item[$property] = array_merge( [ $existingClass ], $classes );
} else {
$item[$property] = $classes;
* Updates the class on an existing item taking into account whether
* a class exists there already.
* @param array &$item
* @param string $newClass
private static function appendClassToListItem( &$item, $newClass ) {
self::addListItemClass( $item, [ $newClass ] );
* Adds an icon to the list item of a menu.
* @param array &$item
* @param string $icon_name
private static function addIconToListItem( &$item, $icon_name ) {
// Set the default menu icon classes.
$menu_icon_classes = [ 'mw-ui-icon', 'mw-ui-icon-before',
// Some extensions declare icons without the wikimedia- prefix. e.g. Echo
'mw-ui-icon-' . $icon_name,
// FIXME: Some icon names are prefixed with `wikimedia-`.
// We should seek to remove all these instances.
'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-' . $icon_name
self::addListItemClass( $item, $menu_icon_classes, true );
* Updates personal navigation menu (user links) dropdown for modern Vector:
* - Adds icons
* - Makes user page and watchlist collapsible
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
* @param array &$content_navigation
* @suppress PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable False positives
* @suppress PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset False positives
private static function updateUserLinksDropdownItems( $sk, &$content_navigation ) {
// For logged-in users in modern Vector, rearrange some links in the personal toolbar.
if ( $sk->getUser()->isRegistered() ) {
// Remove user page from personal menu dropdown for logged in use
// watchlist may be disabled if $wgGroupPermissions['*']['viewmywatchlist'] = false;
// See [[phab:T299671]]
if ( isset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['watchlist'] ) ) {
// Remove logout link from user-menu and recreate it in SkinVector,
unset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['logout'] );
// Don't show icons for anon menu items (besides login and create account).
// Prefix user link items with associated icon.
$user_menu = $content_navigation['user-menu'];
// Loop through each menu to check/append its link classes.
foreach ( $user_menu as $menu_key => $menu_value ) {
$icon_name = $menu_value['icon'] ?? '';
self::addIconToListItem( $content_navigation['user-menu'][$menu_key], $icon_name );
} else {
// Remove "Not logged in" from personal menu dropdown for anon users.
unset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['anonuserpage'] );
// "Create account" link is handled manually by Vector
unset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['createaccount'] );
// "Login" link is handled manually by Vector
unset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['login'] );
// Remove duplicate "Login" link added by SkinTemplate::buildPersonalUrls if group read permissions
// are set to false.
unset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['login-private'] );
* Updates personal navigation menu (user links) overflow items for modern Vector
* including 'notification', 'user-interface-preferences', 'user-page', 'vector-user-menu-overflow'
* @param array &$content_navigation
private static function updateUserLinksOverflowItems( &$content_navigation ) {
// Upgrade preferences, notifications, and watchlist to icon buttons
// for extensions that have opted in.
if ( isset( $content_navigation['notifications'] ) ) {
self::updateMenuItems( $content_navigation, 'notifications' );
if ( isset( $content_navigation['user-interface-preferences']['uls'] ) ) {
$content_navigation['user-interface-preferences']['uls'] += [
'collapsible' => true,
self::updateMenuItems( $content_navigation, 'user-interface-preferences' );
if ( isset( $content_navigation['user-page']['userpage'] ) ) {
$content_navigation['user-page']['userpage'] = array_merge( $content_navigation['user-page']['userpage'], [
'button' => true,
'collapsible' => true,
'icon' => null,
] );
self::updateMenuItems( $content_navigation, 'user-page' );
if ( isset( $content_navigation['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist'] ) ) {
$content_navigation['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist'] += [
'button' => true,
'collapsible' => true,
'text-hidden' => true,
'id' => 'pt-watchlist-2',
self::updateMenuItems( $content_navigation, 'vector-user-menu-overflow' );
* Updates personal navigation menu (user links) for modern Vector wherein user page, create account and login links
* are removed from the dropdown to be handled separately. In legacy Vector, the custom "user-page" bucket is
* removed to preserve existing behavior.
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
* @param array &$content_navigation
private static function updateUserLinksItems( $sk, &$content_navigation ) {
$skinName = $sk->getSkinName();
if ( self::isSkinVersionLegacy( $skinName ) ) {
// Remove user page from personal toolbar since it will be inside the personal menu for logged-in
// users in legacy Vector.
unset( $content_navigation['user-page'] );
} else {
if ( isset( $content_navigation['user-menu'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $content_navigation['user-menu']['watchlist'] ) ) {
// Copy watchlist data into 'vector-user-menu-overflow'
$content_navigation['vector-user-menu-overflow'] = [
'watchlist' => $content_navigation['user-menu']['watchlist']
self::updateUserLinksDropdownItems( $sk, $content_navigation );
self::updateUserLinksOverflowItems( $content_navigation );
* Modifies list item to make it collapsible.
* @param array &$item
private static function makeMenuItemCollapsible( array &$item ) {
$COLLAPSE_MENU_ITEM_CLASS = 'user-links-collapsible-item';
* Make an icon
* @internal for use inside Vector skin.
* @param string $name
* @return string of HTML
public static function makeIcon( $name ) {
// Html::makeLink will pass this through rawElement
return '<span class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-' . $name . '"></span>';
* Updates user interface preferences for modern Vector to upgrade icon/button menu items.
* @param array &$content_navigation
* @param string $menu identifier
private static function updateMenuItems( &$content_navigation, $menu ) {
foreach ( $content_navigation[$menu] as $key => $item ) {
$hasButton = $item['button'] ?? false;
$hideText = $item['text-hidden'] ?? false;
$isCollapsible = $item['collapsible'] ?? false;
$icon = $item['icon'] ?? '';
unset( $item['button'] );
unset( $item['icon'] );
unset( $item['text-hidden'] );
unset( $item['collapsible'] );
if ( $isCollapsible ) {
self::makeMenuItemCollapsible( $item );
if ( $hasButton ) {
self::addListItemClass( $item, [ 'mw-ui-button', 'mw-ui-quiet' ], true );
if ( $icon ) {
if ( $hideText ) {
$iconElementClasses = [ 'mw-ui-icon', 'mw-ui-icon-element',
// Some extensions declare icons without the wikimedia- prefix. e.g. Echo
'mw-ui-icon-' . $icon,
// FIXME: Some icon names are prefixed with `wikimedia-`.
// We should seek to remove all these instances.
'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-' . $icon
self::addListItemClass( $item, $iconElementClasses, true );
} else {
$item['link-html'] = self::makeIcon( $icon );
$content_navigation[$menu][$key] = $item;
* Upgrades Vector's watch action to a watchstar.
* This is invoked inside SkinVector, not via skin registration, as skin hooks
* are not guaranteed to run last.
* This can possibly be revised based on the outcome of T287622.
* @see
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
* @param array &$content_navigation
public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $sk, &$content_navigation ) {
$title = $sk->getRelevantTitle();
$skinName = $sk->getSkinName();
if ( self::isVectorSkin( $skinName ) ) {
if (
$sk->getConfig()->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' ) &&
$title && $title->canExist()
) {
self::updateActionsMenu( $content_navigation );
self::updateUserLinksItems( $sk, $content_navigation );
* Adds MediaWiki:Vector.css as the skin style that controls classic Vector.
* @param string $skin
* @param array &$pages
public static function onResourceLoaderSiteStylesModulePages( string $skin, array &$pages ) {
if ( $skin === Constants::SKIN_NAME_MODERN ) {
$pages['MediaWiki:Vector.css'] = [ 'type' => 'style' ];
* Adds MediaWiki:Vector.css as the skin style that controls classic Vector.
* @param string $skin
* @param array &$pages
public static function onResourceLoaderSiteModulePages( string $skin, array &$pages ) {
if ( $skin === Constants::SKIN_NAME_MODERN ) {
$pages['MediaWiki:Vector.js'] = [ 'type' => 'script' ];
* Called one time when initializing a users preferences for a newly created account.
* @param User $user Newly created user object.
* @param bool $isAutoCreated
public static function onLocalUserCreated( User $user, $isAutoCreated ) {
$default = self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_SKIN_VERSION_FOR_NEW_ACCOUNTS );
if ( $default ) {
$optionsManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserOptionsManager();
$default === Constants::SKIN_VERSION_LEGACY ?
* Called when OutputPage::headElement is creating the body tag to allow skins
* and extensions to add attributes they might need to the body of the page.
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param Skin $sk
* @param string[] &$bodyAttrs
public static function onOutputPageBodyAttributes( OutputPage $out, Skin $sk, &$bodyAttrs ) {
$skinName = $out->getSkin()->getSkinName();
if ( !self::isVectorSkin( $skinName ) ) {
// As of 2020/08/13, this CSS class is referred to by the following deployed extensions:
// - VisualEditor
// - CodeMirror
// - WikimediaEvents
// See for an up-to-date
// list.
if ( self::isSkinVersionLegacy( $skinName ) ) {
$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-legacy';
$config = $sk->getConfig();
// Should we disable the max-width styling?
if ( !self::isSkinVersionLegacy( $skinName ) && $sk->getTitle() && self::shouldDisableMaxWidth(
$config->get( 'VectorMaxWidthOptions' ),
) ) {
$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-disable-max-width';
* Per the $options configuration (for use with $wgVectorMaxWidthOptions)
* determine whether max-width should be disabled on the page.
* For the main page: Check the value of $options['exclude']['mainpage']
* For all other pages, the following will happen:
* - the array $options['include'] of canonical page names will be checked
* against the current page. If a page has been listed there, function will return false
* (max-width will not be disabled)
* Max width is disabled if:
* 1) The current namespace is listed in array $options['exclude']['namespaces']
* OR
* 2) The query string matches one of the name and value pairs $exclusions['querystring'].
* Note the wildcard "*" for a value, will match all query string values for the given
* query string parameter.
* @internal only for use inside tests.
* @param array $options
* @param Title $title
* @param array $requestValues
* @return bool
public static function shouldDisableMaxWidth( array $options, Title $title, array $requestValues ) {
$canonicalTitle = $title->getRootTitle();
$inclusions = $options['include'] ?? [];
$exclusions = $options['exclude'] ?? [];
if ( $title->isMainPage() ) {
// only one check to make
return $exclusions['mainpage'] ?? false;
} elseif ( $canonicalTitle->isSpecialPage() ) {
// Check the inclusions based on the canonical title
// The inclusions are checked first as these trump any exclusions.
// Now we have the canonical title and the inclusions link we look for any matches.
foreach ( $inclusions as $titleText ) {
$includedTitle = Title::newFromText( $titleText );
if ( $canonicalTitle->equals( $includedTitle ) ) {
return false;
// Check the exclusions
// If nothing matches the exclusions to determine what should happen
$excludeNamespaces = $exclusions['namespaces'] ?? [];
// Max width is disabled on certain namespaces
if ( $title->inNamespaces( $excludeNamespaces ) ) {
return true;
$excludeQueryString = $exclusions['querystring'] ?? [];
foreach ( $excludeQueryString as $param => $excludedParamValue ) {
$paramValue = $requestValues[$param] ?? false;
if ( $paramValue ) {
if ( $excludedParamValue === '*' ) {
// check wildcard
return true;
} elseif ( $paramValue === $excludedParamValue ) {
// Check if the excluded param value matches
return true;
return false;
* NOTE: Please use ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars hook instead if possible
* for adding config to the page.
* Adds config variables to JS that depend on current page/request.
* Adds a config flag that can disable saving the VectorSidebarVisible
* user preference when the sidebar menu icon is clicked.
* @param array &$vars Array of variables to be added into the output.
* @param OutputPage $out OutputPage instance calling the hook
public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $out ) {
$skin = $out->getSkin();
$skinName = $skin->getSkinName();
if ( !self::isVectorSkin( $skinName ) ) {
$user = $out->getUser();
if ( $user->isRegistered() && self::isSkinVersionLegacy( $skinName ) ) {
$vars[ 'wgVectorDisableSidebarPersistence' ] =
* Get a configuration variable.
* @param string $name Name of configuration option.
* @return mixed Value configured.
* @throws \ConfigException
private static function getConfig( $name ) {
return self::getServiceConfig()->get( $name );
* @return \Config
private static function getServiceConfig() {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( Constants::SERVICE_CONFIG );
* Gets whether the current skin version is the legacy version.
* Should mirror SkinVector::isLegacy
* @see VectorServices::getFeatureManager
* @param string $skinName hint that can be used to detect modern vector.
* @return bool
private static function isSkinVersionLegacy( $skinName ): bool {
return $skinName === Constants::SKIN_NAME_LEGACY;