Nicholas Ray 092a2957af Implement Page, Workspace, Content, and Article Toolbar Containers
This patch closely follows the desired guidelines/desired
styles Alex Hollender has put forth in his prototype, but uses
multiple containers to achieve this look since our DOM order/structure
is different than the DOM structure in the prototype. The following
containers are used, but unlike his prototype, they are sometimes used
more than once:

* Page Container: Contains every other container and limits the overall
max-width of the white part of the page.

* Workspace Container: Contains the sidebar and content container. The
sidebar is displaced ~30 pixels to the start (left) of the workspace
container at all times.

* Content Container: Contains the content. The max-width of this changes
depending on whether you are on a special page/history page vs. other

* Article Toolbar Container: Contains the article toolbar. The max-width
of this is always the same as the max-width of the article content as we
don't want the toolbar to move when going from the article page to the
history/special page.

Changes to be aware:

* To test locally, `$wgVectorLayoutMaxWidth = true;`. This design is
temporarily feature flagged and defaults to being "off".

* Note that layout-max-width.less is a temporary file made to meet the
feature flag requirement of T246420 (intended to derisk the deployment).
After the deploy, we should merge most if not all of the rules into
layout.less where the max-width design will become the default.

* Per Jon's code review comment, I have relaxed the indenting of
skin.mustache to make the diff easier to reason about. If desired, the
correct indenting can be achieved in a (much less risky) follow-up

Bug: T246420
Bug: T153043
Change-Id: Ie49f629bc705850c6996164a516957476c034048
2020-07-07 18:34:38 -06:00

241 lines
8 KiB

namespace Vector;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use HTMLForm;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use OutputPage;
use RequestContext;
use Skin;
use SkinTemplate;
use SkinVector;
use User;
* Presentation hook handlers for Vector skin.
* Hook handler method names should be in the form of:
* on<HookName>()
class Hooks {
* BeforePageDisplayMobile hook handler
* Make Legacy Vector responsive when $wgVectorResponsive = true
* @see
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
public static function onBeforePageDisplay( OutputPage $out, $sk ) {
if ( !$sk instanceof SkinVector ) {
$skinVersionLookup = new SkinVersionLookup(
$out->getRequest(), $sk->getUser(), self::getServiceConfig()
$mobile = false;
if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) ) {
$mobFrontContext = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' );
$mobile = $mobFrontContext->shouldDisplayMobileView();
if ( $skinVersionLookup->isLegacy()
&& ( $mobile || $sk->getConfig()->get( 'VectorResponsive' ) )
) {
$out->addMeta( 'viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' );
$out->addModuleStyles( 'skins.vector.styles.responsive' );
* Add icon class to an existing navigation item inside a menu hook.
* See self::onSkinTemplateNavigation.
* @param array $item
* @return array
private static function navigationLinkToIcon( array $item ) {
if ( !isset( $item['class'] ) ) {
$item['class'] = '';
$item['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
return $item;
* Upgrades Vector's watch action to a watchstar.
* @see
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
* @param array &$content_navigation
public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( $sk, &$content_navigation ) {
if (
$sk->getSkinName() === 'vector' &&
$sk->getConfig()->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' )
) {
$key = null;
if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['watch'] ) ) {
$key = 'watch';
if ( isset( $content_navigation['actions']['unwatch'] ) ) {
$key = 'unwatch';
// Promote watch link from actions to views and add an icon
if ( $key !== null ) {
$content_navigation['views'][$key] = self::navigationLinkToIcon(
unset( $content_navigation['actions'][$key] );
* Add Vector preferences to the user's Special:Preferences page directly underneath skins.
* @param User $user User whose preferences are being modified.
* @param array[] &$prefs Preferences description array, to be fed to a HTMLForm object.
public static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$prefs ) {
if ( !self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_SHOW_SKIN_PREFERENCES ) ) {
// Do not add Vector skin specific preferences.
$skinVersionLookup = new SkinVersionLookup(
RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(), $user, self::getServiceConfig()
// Preferences to add.
$vectorPrefs = [
'type' => 'toggle',
// The checkbox title.
'label-message' => 'prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label',
// Show a little informational snippet underneath the checkbox.
'help-message' => 'prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-help',
// The tab location and title of the section to insert the checkbox. The bit after the slash
// indicates that a prefs-skin-prefs string will be provided.
'section' => 'rendering/skin/skin-prefs',
// Convert the preference string to a boolean presentation.
'default' => $skinVersionLookup->isLegacy() ? '1' : '0',
// Only show this section when the Vector skin is checked. The JavaScript client also uses
// this state to determine whether to show or hide the whole section.
'hide-if' => [ '!==', 'wpskin', Constants::SKIN_NAME ]
// Seek the skin preference section to add Vector preferences just below it.
$skinSectionIndex = array_search( 'skin', array_keys( $prefs ) );
if ( $skinSectionIndex !== false ) {
// Skin preference section found. Inject Vector skin-specific preferences just below it.
// This pattern can be found in Popups too. See T246162.
$vectorSectionIndex = $skinSectionIndex + 1;
$prefs = array_slice( $prefs, 0, $vectorSectionIndex, true )
+ $vectorPrefs
+ array_slice( $prefs, $vectorSectionIndex, null, true );
} else {
// Skin preference section not found. Just append Vector skin-specific preferences.
$prefs += $vectorPrefs;
* Hook executed on user's Special:Preferences form save. This is used to convert the boolean
* presentation of skin version to a version string. That is, a single preference change by the
* user may trigger two writes: a boolean followed by a string.
* @param array $formData Form data submitted by user
* @param HTMLForm $form A preferences form
* @param User $user Logged-in user
* @param bool &$result Variable defining is form save successful
* @param array $oldPreferences
public static function onPreferencesFormPreSave(
array $formData,
HTMLForm $form,
User $user,
) {
$preference = null;
$isVectorEnabled = ( $formData[ 'skin' ] ?? '' ) === Constants::SKIN_NAME;
if ( $isVectorEnabled && array_key_exists( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $formData ) ) {
// A preference was set. However, Special:Preferences converts the result to a boolean when a
// version name string is wanted instead. Convert the boolean to a version string in case the
// preference display is changed to a list later (e.g., a "_new_ new Vector" / '3' or
// 'alpha').
$preference = $formData[ Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION ] ?
} elseif ( array_key_exists( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $oldPreferences ) ) {
// The setting was cleared. However, this is likely because a different skin was chosen and
// the skin version preference was hidden.
$preference = $oldPreferences[ Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION ];
if ( $preference !== null ) {
$user->setOption( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $preference );
* Called one time when initializing a users preferences for a newly created account.
* @param User $user Newly created user object.
* @param bool $isAutoCreated
public static function onLocalUserCreated( User $user, $isAutoCreated ) {
$default = self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_SKIN_VERSION_FOR_NEW_ACCOUNTS );
// Permanently set the default preference. The user can later change this preference, however,
// self::onLocalUserCreated() will not be executed for that account again.
$user->setOption( Constants::PREF_KEY_SKIN_VERSION, $default );
* Called when OutputPage::headElement is creating the body tag to allow skins
* and extensions to add attributes they might need to the body of the page.
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param Skin $sk
* @param string[] &$bodyAttrs
public static function onOutputPageBodyAttributes( OutputPage $out, Skin $sk, &$bodyAttrs ) {
$skinVersionLookup = new SkinVersionLookup(
$out->getRequest(), $sk->getUser(), self::getServiceConfig()
if ( $skinVersionLookup->isLegacy() ) {
$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-legacy';
if ( self::getConfig( Constants::CONFIG_KEY_LAYOUT_MAX_WIDTH ) ) {
$bodyAttrs['class'] .= ' skin-vector-max-width';
* Get a configuration variable such as `Constants::CONFIG_KEY_SHOW_SKIN_PREFERENCES`.
* @param string $name Name of configuration option.
* @return mixed Value configured.
* @throws \ConfigException
private static function getConfig( $name ) {
return self::getServiceConfig()->get( $name );
* @return \Config
private static function getServiceConfig() {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( Constants::SERVICE_CONFIG );