jdlrobson 6a9ee465bc [modern] A new version of Vector with a new logo
Changes to support feature:
* ResourceLoaderSkinModule logo features are dropped
* New layout provided given the fork in layout between legacy and new.
* Legacy sidebar styles now pulled out
* breakpoint styles are not carried over from legacy Vector
The new Vector layout for now has one breakpoint.

Changes to storybook:
* The storybook script now pulls down image assets so that the logos can
be shown in storybook. The script is adjusted to make use of a static folder to
serve these images.

* The legacy mode is not touched as part of this patchset.
* The personal menu is unaffected by this patch and is out of scope.
* The alignment issue is noted, but will be solved at a later date.
* Changes to portal are out of scope.
* Adding storybook for modern descoped, given its not possible to load
both legacy layout and modern layout inside a storybook at current time.

Sample config:

$wgLogos = [
        'icon' => '',
        'tagline' => [
                'src' => '',
                'width' => 117,
                'height' => 13,
        '1x' => '',
        'wordmark' => [
                'src' => '',
                'width' => 116,
                'height' => 18,

Coauthor: Aron Manning

Bug: T246170
Change-Id: Ibc4b055150761388a6b78f9127da342c451ce0e7
2020-04-30 14:11:54 -07:00

95 lines
3.7 KiB

string html-headelement a string of attribute HTML that begins with `<html>` and ends with
`</head>` and contains `meta` tags and ResourceLoader internals.
string|null html-sitenotice the contents of a banner defined in MediaWiki:Sitenotice.
Also used by CentralNotice to inject banners into Vector.
string html-indicators raw HTML containing wiki-defined badges such as "good article",
"featured article". An empty string if none are defined.
string page-langcode the content language of the article. Assumed to be escaped HTML.
string html-title
string html-prebodyhtml
bool page-isarticle
string msg-tagline
string html-subtitle
string html-undelete
string html-newtalk
string msg-jumptonavigation
string msg-jumptosearch
string html-bodycontent
string html-printfooter
string html-catlinks
string html-debuglog
string html-dataAfterContent
string html-navigation-heading heading for entire navigation that is usually hidden to screen
LogoOptions data-logos
MenuDefinition data-personal-menu See PersonalMenu.mustache for documentation.
object data-namespace-tabs. See VectorTabs.mustache for documentation.
object data-variants. See VectorMenu.mustache for documentation.
object data-page-actions. See VectorTabs.mustache for documentation.
object data-page-actions-more. See VectorMenu.mustache for documentation.
object data-search-box. See SearchBox.mustache for documentation.
object data-sidebar. See Sidebar.mustache for documentation.
object data-footer for footer template partial. see Footer.mustache for documentation.
string html-printtail HTML to render at the end of the page contained necessary script tags for
ResourceLoader terminated with `</body></html>`.
<div id="mw-page-base" class="mw-header-placeholder noprint"></div>
<div id="content" class="mw-body" role="main">
<a id="top"></a>
<div id="siteNotice" class="mw-body-content">{{{html-sitenotice}}}</div>
<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="{{page-langcode}}">{{{html-title}}}</h1>
<div id="bodyContent" class="mw-body-content">
{{#page-isarticle}}<div id="siteSub" class="noprint">{{msg-tagline}}</div>{{/page-isarticle}}
<div id="contentSub"{{{html-userlangattributes}}}>{{{html-subtitle}}}</div>
{{#html-undelete}}<div id="contentSub2">{{{html-undelete}}}</div>{{/html-undelete}}
{{#html-newtalk}}<div class="usermessage">{{{html-newtalk}}}</div>{{/html-newtalk}}
Keep this empty `div` for compatibility with gadgets and user scripts
using this place to insert extra elements before.
<div id="jump-to-nav"></div>
<a class="mw-jump-link" href="#mw-head">{{msg-jumptonavigation}}</a>
<a class="mw-jump-link" href="#p-search">{{msg-jumptosearch}}</a>
<div class="printfooter">{{{html-printfooter}}}</div>
<div class="visualClear"></div>
<header class="mw-header">
<div id="mw-navigation">
<div id="mw-head">
<div id="left-navigation">
<div id="right-navigation">