/* eslint-disable quotes */
import { htmlUserLanguageAttributes, placeholder } from './utils';
import footerTemplate from '!!raw-loader!../includes/templates/Footer.mustache';
const FOOTER_ROWS = [
id: 'footer-info',
'array-items': [
id: 'footer-info-lastmod',
html: 'This page was last modified on 10 January 2020, at 21:24.'
id: 'footer-info-copyright',
html: `This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence;
additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details.`
id: 'footer-places',
'array-items': [
id: 'footer-places-privacy',
html: `Privacy policy`
id: 'footer-places-about',
html: `About Wikipedia`
id: 'footer-places-disclaimer',
html: `Disclaimers`
id: 'footer-places-contact',
html: `Contact Wikipedia`
id: 'footer-places-developers',
html: `Developers`
id: 'footer-places-statslink',
html: `Statistics`
id: 'footer-places-cookiestatement',
html: `Cookie statement`
id: 'footer-places-mobileview',
html: `Mobile view`
id: 'footer-icons',
'array-items': [
id: 'footer-copyrightico',
html: ``
id: 'footer-poweredbyico',
html: ``
export { footerTemplate };
export const FOOTER_TEMPLATE_DATA = {
'html-user-language-attributes': htmlUserLanguageAttributes,
'html-hook-vector-before-footer': placeholder( 'output of VectorBeforeFooter hook (deprecated 1.35)', 20 ),
'array-footer-rows': FOOTER_ROWS