@import '../../common/variables.less'; @sidebar-toc-fade-height: 30px; @sidebar-toc-vertical-padding: 20px; @sidebar-toc-right-padding: 12px; // Sidebar TOC uses increased left padding and a negative left margin to achieve // a 15px spacing without clipping the chevron icon // https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T312156#8095894 @sidebar-toc-left-padding: 15px + @icon-padding-md; @toc-subsection-toggle-icon-size: 1.834em; .mw-table-of-contents-container { // Needed for Grid-based layout align-self: start; height: 100%; } // FIXME: Remove selector after Ia263c606dce5a6060b6b29fbaedc49cef3e17a5c has been in prod for 5 days .mw-table-of-contents-container.mw-sticky-header-element { // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/no-unsupported-browser-features position: sticky; top: 0; // Needed for Grid-based layout align-self: start; height: unset; // Needed to align TOC with bottom of title // 1.5em from .mw-table-of-contents-container + 1.5em from .sidebar-toc = 3em @media ( min-width: @min-width-desktop ) { .vector-toc-not-collapsed @{selector-main-menu-closed} ~ & { margin-top: 1.5em; } } } .vector-sticky-toc-container { // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/no-unsupported-browser-features position: sticky; top: 0; @media ( min-width: @min-width-desktop ) { .vector-toc-not-collapsed & { // Default spacing separating the sidebar TOC from the main menu or viewport. // Need to use padding in order for the spacing to apply when sticky padding-top: 1.5em; } .vector-toc-not-collapsed @{selector-main-menu-closed} ~ .mw-table-of-contents-container & { // Needed to align TOC with bottom of title, 1.5em padding + 1.5em margin = 3em margin-top: 1.5em; } } } // FIXME: Remove selector after Ia263c606dce5a6060b6b29fbaedc49cef3e17a5c has been in prod for 5 days .mw-table-of-contents-container > .sidebar-toc { margin-top: 1.5em; } .sidebar-toc { max-height: 75vh; padding: @sidebar-toc-vertical-padding @sidebar-toc-right-padding @sidebar-toc-vertical-padding @sidebar-toc-left-padding; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: auto; background-color: @background-color-page-container; .sidebar-toc-header { padding-bottom: 12px; } .sidebar-toc-title { color: @color-base--subtle; font-size: @font-size-base; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } .sidebar-toc-numb { display: none; } .sidebar-toc-toggle { // For no-js users, toggling is disabled and icon is hidden display: none; position: absolute; top: 1px; // visually center icon left: ~'calc( -1 * @{toc-subsection-toggle-icon-size} - 1px )'; // leaves 6px between icon + text width: @toc-subsection-toggle-icon-size; // ~22px @ 12 height: @toc-subsection-toggle-icon-size; font-size: 0.75em; // reduces size of toggle icon to 12px @ 16 transition: @transition-duration-base; cursor: pointer; } .sidebar-toc-link { word-break: break-word; color: @color-link; display: block; } .sidebar-toc-list-item-active > .sidebar-toc-link { // Highlight active section color: @color-base; font-weight: bold; // increase width to prevent line wrapping due to bold text width: ~'calc( 100% + @{sidebar-toc-right-padding} )'; } .sidebar-toc-text { padding: 4px 0; } .sidebar-toc-contents, .sidebar-toc-list { margin: 0; list-style: none; line-height: 18px; } .sidebar-toc-list-item { display: block; position: relative; list-style-type: none; padding-left: 8px; &.sidebar-toc-level-1 { padding-left: 0; } a { font-size: @font-size-base; } } } // T302076: Add fade scrollable indicator when TOC is in sidebar // Avoid showing indicator when the TOC is floating, or collapsed in the page title/sticky header @media ( min-width: @min-width-desktop ) { .vector-toc-not-collapsed .sidebar-toc:after { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: @sidebar-toc-fade-height; background: linear-gradient( rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0 ), @background-color-page-container ); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: -@sidebar-toc-right-padding; // T311436 Hacky way to prevent the fade from covering the scrollbar pointer-events: none; // Make the link below the fade clickable } } // Collapse ToC sections by default, excluding no-js .client-js .sidebar-toc { .sidebar-toc-level-1 .sidebar-toc-list-item { display: none; } .sidebar-toc-level-1.sidebar-toc-list-item-expanded .sidebar-toc-list-item { display: block; } .sidebar-toc-toggle { display: block; } .sidebar-toc-level-1.sidebar-toc-list-item-expanded .sidebar-toc-toggle { transform: rotate( 0deg ); } } .client-js body.ltr .sidebar-toc .sidebar-toc-toggle { transform: rotate( -90deg ); } .client-js body.rtl .sidebar-toc .sidebar-toc-toggle { transform: rotate( 90deg ); } // FIXME: Can be removed when https://github.com/cssjanus/cssjanus/issues/82 is fixed and in production. body.rtl .sidebar-toc { padding: @sidebar-toc-vertical-padding @sidebar-toc-left-padding @sidebar-toc-vertical-padding @sidebar-toc-right-padding; }