@import '../../../common/variables.less'; @import '../../../common/mixins.less'; .mw-table-of-contents-container { // Needed for Grid-based layout align-self: start; height: 100%; } @media ( min-width: @min-width-desktop ) { #mw-panel-toc { // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned' after line 14 has been in prod for a week. .vector-toc-pinned &, .vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled & { // Support: Chrome // Work around sticky-positioned layers disabling subpixel text rendering (T327460). // NOTE: This property has an effect similar to 'overflow: hidden', and will prevent elements // inside of the panel from being rendered outside of its bounding box, even when they would // be positioned there using absolute positioning, negative margin, transforms, etc. // That's why the negative margins have to be applied here, instead of on #vector-toc. contain: paint; } // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned' after line 26 has been in prod for a week. .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled .vector-toc-pinned &, .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled.vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled & { // Align the left edge of the TOC text with the main menu button icon. margin-left: -27px; } // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned' after line 33 has been in prod for a week. .vector-feature-page-tools-enabled .vector-toc-pinned &, .vector-feature-page-tools-enabled.vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled & { // Align the left edge of the TOC text with the page container margin-left: -@spacing-subsection-toggle; } } #vector-toc-pinned-container { // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/no-unsupported-browser-features position: sticky; top: 0; // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned &' after line 46 has been in prod for a week. .vector-toc-pinned &, .vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled & { // Default spacing separating the sidebar TOC from the main menu. margin-top: 1.5em; } // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned' after line 53 has been in prod for a week. .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled .vector-toc-pinned @{selector-main-menu-closed} ~ .mw-table-of-contents-container &, .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled.vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled @{selector-main-menu-closed} ~ .mw-table-of-contents-container & { // Needed to align TOC with bottom of title. margin-top: @margin-top-pinned-toc; } // FIXME: Remove the following line containing '.vector-toc-pinned' after line 60 has been in prod for a week. .vector-feature-page-tools-enabled.vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-disabled .vector-toc-pinned &, .vector-feature-page-tools-enabled.vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-disabled.vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled & { // Align TOC with bottom of title when main menu is not pinned but the TOC is margin-top: @margin-top-pinned-toc; } // T302076: Add fade scrollable indicator when TOC is in sidebar // Avoid showing indicator when the TOC is floating, or collapsed in the page title/sticky header .vector-toc { max-height: ~'calc( 100vh - @{max-height-bottom-spacing-scroll-indicator} )'; .mixin-vector-scroll-indicator(); } .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled & .vector-toc { padding-top: ~'calc( @{padding-top-pinned-element} + @{padding-top-tabs} )'; } .vector-feature-page-tools-enabled & .vector-toc { padding-top: @padding-top-pinned-element; padding-left: @spacing-subsection-toggle; padding-right: @padding-horizontal-dropdown-menu-item; } } }