import sidebarTemplate from '!!raw-loader!../includes/templates/Sidebar.mustache'; import portalTemplate from '!!raw-loader!../includes/templates/Portal.mustache'; import { PORTALS } from './'; const HTML_LOGO_ATTRIBUTES = `class="mw-wiki-logo" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"`; const SIDEBAR_BEFORE_OUTPUT_HOOKINFO = `Beware: Portals can be added, removed or reordered using SidebarBeforeOutput hook as in this example.`; export { sidebarTemplate }; export const SIDEBAR_TEMPLATE_PARTIALS = { Portal: portalTemplate }; export const SIDEBAR_DATA = { withNoPortals: { 'array-portals': [], 'html-logo-attributes': HTML_LOGO_ATTRIBUTES }, withPortals: { 'array-portals': [ PORTALS.navigation, PORTALS.toolbox, PORTALS.otherProjects, PORTALS.langlinks ], 'html-logo-attributes': HTML_LOGO_ATTRIBUTES }, thirdParty: { 'array-portals': [ PORTALS.toolbox, PORTALS.navigation, { 'html-portal-content': SIDEBAR_BEFORE_OUTPUT_HOOKINFO } ], 'html-logo-attributes': HTML_LOGO_ATTRIBUTES } };