'#', 'id' => 'ca-talk-sticky-header', 'event' => 'talk-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-speechBubbles', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; private const SUBJECT_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-subject-sticky-header', 'event' => 'subject-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-article', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; private const HISTORY_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-history-sticky-header', 'event' => 'history-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-history', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; // Event and icon will be updated depending on watchstar state private const WATCHSTAR_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-watchstar-sticky-header', 'event' => 'watch-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-star', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon mw-watchlink' ]; private const EDIT_VE_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-ve-edit-sticky-header', 'event' => 've-edit-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-edit', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; private const EDIT_WIKITEXT_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-edit-sticky-header', 'event' => 'wikitext-edit-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-wikiText', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; private const EDIT_PROTECTED_ICON = [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-viewsource-sticky-header', 'event' => 've-edit-protected-sticky-header', 'icon' => 'wikimedia-editLock', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon' ]; private const SEARCH_SHOW_THUMBNAIL_CLASS = 'vector-search-box-show-thumbnail'; private const SEARCH_AUTO_EXPAND_WIDTH_CLASS = 'vector-search-box-auto-expand-width'; private const CLASS_PROGRESSIVE = 'mw-ui-progressive'; /** * T243281: Code used to track clicks to opt-out link. * * The "vct" substring is used to describe the newest "Vector" (non-legacy) * feature. The "w" describes the web platform. The "1" describes the version * of the feature. * * @see https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Provenance * @var string */ private const OPT_OUT_LINK_TRACKING_CODE = 'vctw1'; abstract protected function isLegacy(): bool; /** * Calls getLanguages with caching. * @return array */ protected function getLanguagesCached(): array { if ( $this->languages === null ) { $this->languages = $this->getLanguages(); } return $this->languages; } /** * This should be upstreamed to the Skin class in core once the logic is finalized. * Returns false if the page is a special page without any languages, or if an action * other than view is being used. * @return bool */ private function canHaveLanguages(): bool { if ( $this->getContext()->getActionName() !== 'view' ) { return false; } $title = $this->getTitle(); // Defensive programming - if a special page has added languages explicitly, best to show it. if ( $title && $title->isSpecialPage() && empty( $this->getLanguagesCached() ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param string $location Either 'top' or 'bottom' is accepted. * @return bool */ protected function isLanguagesInContentAt( $location ) { if ( !$this->canHaveLanguages() ) { return false; } $featureManager = VectorServices::getFeatureManager(); $inContent = $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LANGUAGE_IN_HEADER ); $isMainPage = $this->getTitle() ? $this->getTitle()->isMainPage() : false; switch ( $location ) { case 'top': return $isMainPage ? $inContent && $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LANGUAGE_IN_MAIN_PAGE_HEADER ) : $inContent; case 'bottom': return $inContent && $isMainPage && !$featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LANGUAGE_IN_MAIN_PAGE_HEADER ); default: throw new RuntimeException( 'unknown language button location' ); } } /** * Whether or not the languages are out of the sidebar and in the content either at * the top or the bottom. * @return bool */ private function isLanguagesInContent() { return $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'top' ) || $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'bottom' ); } /** * Show the ULS button if it's modern Vector, languages in header is enabled, * and the ULS extension is enabled. Hide it otherwise. * There is no point in showing the language button if ULS extension is unavailable * as there is no ways to add languages without it. * @return bool */ protected function shouldHideLanguages() { return $this->isLegacy() || !$this->isLanguagesInContent() || !$this->isULSExtensionEnabled(); } /** * Returns HTML for the create account link inside the anon user links * @param string[] $returnto array of query strings used to build the login link * @return string */ private function getCreateAccountHTML( $returnto ) { $createAccountData = $this->buildCreateAccountData( $returnto ); $createAccountData = array_merge( $createAccountData, [ 'class' => [ 'vector-menu-content-item', ], 'collapsible' => true, 'icon' => $createAccountData['icon'], 'button' => false ] ); $createAccountData = Hooks::updateLinkData( $createAccountData ); return $this->makeLink( 'create-account', $createAccountData ); } /** * Returns HTML for the create account button, login button and learn more link inside the anon user menu * @param string[] $returnto array of query strings used to build the login link * @param bool $useCombinedLoginLink if a combined login/signup link will be used * @param bool $isTempUser * @param bool $includeLearnMoreLink Pass `true` to include the learn more * link in the menu for anon users. This param will be inert for temp users. * @return string */ private function getAnonMenuBeforePortletHTML( $returnto, $useCombinedLoginLink, $isTempUser, $includeLearnMoreLink ) { $templateParser = $this->getTemplateParser(); $loginLinkData = array_merge( $this->buildLoginData( $returnto, $useCombinedLoginLink ), [ 'class' => [ 'vector-menu-content-item', 'vector-menu-content-item-login' ], ] ); $loginLinkData = Hooks::updateLinkData( $loginLinkData ); $templateData = [ 'htmlCreateAccount' => $this->getCreateAccountHTML( $returnto ), 'htmlLogin' => $this->makeLink( 'login', $loginLinkData ), 'data-anon-editor' => [] ]; $templateName = $isTempUser ? 'UserLinks__templogin' : 'UserLinks__login'; if ( !$isTempUser && $includeLearnMoreLink ) { $learnMoreLinkData = [ 'text' => $this->msg( 'vector-anon-user-menu-pages-learn' )->text(), 'href' => Title::newFromText( $this->msg( 'vector-intro-page' )->text() )->getLocalURL(), 'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'vector-anon-user-menu-pages-label' )->text(), ]; $templateData['data-anon-editor'] = [ 'htmlLearnMoreLink' => $this->makeLink( '', $learnMoreLinkData ), 'msgLearnMore' => $this->msg( 'vector-anon-user-menu-pages' ) ]; } return $templateParser->processTemplate( $templateName, $templateData ); } /** * Returns HTML for the logout button that should be placed in the user (personal) menu * after the menu itself. * @return string */ private function getLogoutHTML() { $logoutLinkData = array_merge( $this->buildLogoutLinkData(), [ 'class' => [ 'vector-menu-content-item', 'vector-menu-content-item-logout' ], ] ); $logoutLinkData = Hooks::updateLinkData( $logoutLinkData ); $templateParser = $this->getTemplateParser(); return $templateParser->processTemplate( 'UserLinks__logout', [ 'htmlLogout' => $this->makeLink( 'logout', $logoutLinkData ) ] ); } /** * Returns template data for UserLinks.mustache * @param array $menuData existing menu template data to be transformed and copied for UserLinks * @param User $user the context user * @return array */ private function getUserLinksTemplateData( $menuData, $user ): array { $isAnon = !$user->isRegistered(); $isTempUser = $user->isTemp(); $returnto = $this->getReturnToParam(); $useCombinedLoginLink = $this->useCombinedLoginLink(); $userMenuOverflowData = $menuData[ 'data-vector-user-menu-overflow' ]; $userMenuData = $menuData[ 'data-user-menu' ]; if ( $isAnon || $isTempUser ) { $userMenuData[ 'html-before-portal' ] .= $this->getAnonMenuBeforePortletHTML( $returnto, $useCombinedLoginLink, $isTempUser, // T317789: The `anontalk` and `anoncontribs` links will not be added to // the menu if `$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit']` === false which can // leave the menu empty due to our removal of other user menu items in // `Hooks::updateUserLinksDropdownItems`. In this case, we do not want // to render the anon "learn more" link. !$userMenuData['is-empty'] ); } else { // Appending as to not override data potentially set by the onSkinAfterPortlet hook. $userMenuData[ 'html-after-portal' ] .= $this->getLogoutHTML(); } $moreItems = substr_count( $userMenuOverflowData['html-items'], ' $moreItems > 3, 'data-user-menu-overflow' => $menuData[ 'data-vector-user-menu-overflow' ], 'data-user-menu' => $userMenuData ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( SkinTemplate $skin, &$content_navigation ) { parent::runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, $content_navigation ); Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $skin, $content_navigation ); } /** * Check whether ULS is enabled * * @return bool */ private function isULSExtensionEnabled(): bool { return ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'UniversalLanguageSelector' ); } /** * Generate data needed to generate the sticky header. * @param array $searchBoxData * @param bool $includeEditIcons * @return array */ final protected function getStickyHeaderData( $searchBoxData, $includeEditIcons ): array { $btns = [ self::TALK_ICON, self::SUBJECT_ICON, self::HISTORY_ICON, self::WATCHSTAR_ICON, ]; if ( $includeEditIcons ) { $btns[] = self::EDIT_WIKITEXT_ICON; $btns[] = self::EDIT_PROTECTED_ICON; $btns[] = self::EDIT_VE_ICON; } $btns[] = $this->getAddSectionButtonData(); $tocPortletData = $this->decoratePortletData( 'data-sticky-header-toc', [ 'id' => 'p-sticky-header-toc', 'class' => 'mw-portlet mw-portlet-sticky-header-toc vector-sticky-header-toc', 'html-items' => '', 'html-vector-menu-checkbox-attributes' => 'tabindex="-1"', 'html-vector-menu-heading-attributes' => 'tabindex="-1"', 'button' => true, 'text-hidden' => true, 'icon' => 'listBullet' ] ); // Show sticky ULS if the ULS extension is enabled and the ULS in header is not hidden $showStickyULS = $this->isULSExtensionEnabled() && !$this->shouldHideLanguages(); return [ 'data-sticky-header-toc' => $tocPortletData, 'data-primary-action' => $showStickyULS ? $this->getULSButtonData() : null, 'data-button-start' => [ 'label' => $this->msg( 'search' ), 'icon' => 'wikimedia-search', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'vector-sticky-header-search-toggle', 'event' => 'ui.' . $searchBoxData['form-id'] . '.icon' ], 'data-search' => $searchBoxData, 'data-buttons' => $btns, ]; } /** * Generate data needed to create MainMenuAction item. * @param array $htmlData data to make a link or raw html * @param array $headingOptions optional heading for the html * @return array keyed data for the MainMenuAction template */ private function makeMainMenuActionData( array $htmlData = [], array $headingOptions = [] ): array { $htmlContent = ''; // Populates the main menu as a standalone link or custom html. if ( array_key_exists( 'link', $htmlData ) ) { $htmlContent = $this->makeLink( 'link', $htmlData['link'] ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'html-content', $htmlData ) ) { $htmlContent = $htmlData['html-content']; } return $headingOptions + [ 'html-content' => $htmlContent, ]; } /** * Determines if the language switching alert box should be in the sidebar. * * @return bool */ private function shouldLanguageAlertBeInSidebar(): bool { $featureManager = VectorServices::getFeatureManager(); $isMainPage = $this->getTitle() ? $this->getTitle()->isMainPage() : false; $shouldShowOnMainPage = $isMainPage && !empty( $this->getLanguagesCached() ) && $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LANGUAGE_IN_MAIN_PAGE_HEADER ); return ( $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'top' ) && !$isMainPage && !$this->shouldHideLanguages() && $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_LANGUAGE_ALERT_IN_SIDEBAR ) ) || $shouldShowOnMainPage; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getTemplateData(): array { $skin = $this; $parentData = $this->decoratePortletsData( parent::getTemplateData() ); // SkinVector sometimes serves new Vector as part of removing the // skin version user preference. TCho avoid T302461 we need to unset it here. // This shouldn't be run on SkinVector22. if ( $this->getSkinName() === 'vector' ) { unset( $parentData['data-toc'] ); } // // Naming conventions for Mustache parameters. // // Value type (first segment): // - Prefix "is" or "has" for boolean values. // - Prefix "msg-" for interface message text. // - Prefix "html-" for raw HTML. // - Prefix "data-" for an array of template parameters that should be passed directly // to a template partial. // - Prefix "array-" for lists of any values. // // Source of value (first or second segment) // - Segment "page-" for data relating to the current page (e.g. Title, WikiPage, or OutputPage). // - Segment "hook-" for any thing generated from a hook. // It should be followed by the name of the hook in hyphenated lowercase. // // Conditionally used values must use null to indicate absence (not false or ''). $commonSkinData = array_merge( $parentData, [ 'is-legacy' => $this->isLegacy(), 'input-location' => $this->getSearchBoxInputLocation(), 'is-language-in-content' => $this->isLanguagesInContent(), 'is-language-in-content-top' => $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'top' ), 'is-language-in-content-bottom' => $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'bottom' ), 'data-search-box' => $this->getSearchData( $parentData['data-search-box'], !$this->isLegacy(), // is primary mode of search true, 'searchform', true ) ] ); $user = $skin->getUser(); if ( $user->isRegistered() ) { // Note: This data is also passed to legacy template where it is unused. $optOutUrl = [ 'text' => $this->msg( 'vector-opt-out' )->text(), 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences', false, 'mw-prefsection-rendering-skin' )->getLinkURL( 'useskin=vector&wprov=' . self::OPT_OUT_LINK_TRACKING_CODE ), 'title' => $this->msg( 'vector-opt-out-tooltip' )->text(), 'active' => false, ]; $htmlData = [ 'link' => $optOutUrl, ]; $commonSkinData['data-main-menu-action'][] = $this->makeMainMenuActionData( $htmlData, [] ); } if ( !$this->isLegacy() ) { $commonSkinData['data-vector-user-links'] = $this->getUserLinksTemplateData( $commonSkinData['data-portlets'], $user ); // T295555 Add language switch alert message temporarily (to be removed). if ( $this->shouldLanguageAlertBeInSidebar() ) { $languageSwitchAlert = [ 'html-content' => Html::noticeBox( $this->msg( 'vector-language-redirect-to-top' )->parse(), 'vector-language-sidebar-alert' ), ]; $headingOptions = [ 'heading' => $this->msg( 'vector-languages' )->plain(), ]; $commonSkinData['data-vector-language-switch-alert'][] = $this->makeMainMenuActionData( $languageSwitchAlert, $headingOptions ); } } return $commonSkinData; } /** * Annotates search box with Vector-specific information * * @param array $searchBoxData * @param bool $isCollapsible * @param bool $isPrimary * @param string $formId * @param bool $autoExpandWidth * @return array modified version of $searchBoxData */ final protected function getSearchData( array $searchBoxData, bool $isCollapsible, bool $isPrimary, string $formId, bool $autoExpandWidth ) { $searchClass = 'vector-search-box-vue '; if ( $isCollapsible ) { $searchClass .= ' vector-search-box-collapses '; } if ( $this->doesSearchHaveThumbnails() ) { $searchClass .= ' ' . self::SEARCH_SHOW_THUMBNAIL_CLASS . ( $autoExpandWidth ? ' ' . self::SEARCH_AUTO_EXPAND_WIDTH_CLASS : '' ); } // Annotate search box with a component class. $searchBoxData['class'] = trim( $searchClass ); $searchBoxData['is-collapsible'] = $isCollapsible; $searchBoxData['is-primary'] = $isPrimary; $searchBoxData['form-id'] = $formId; // At lower resolutions the search input is hidden search and only the submit button is shown. // It should behave like a form submit link (e.g. submit the form with no input value). // We'll wire this up in a later task T284242. $collapseIconAttrs = Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'search' ); $searchBoxData['data-collapse-icon'] = array_merge( [ 'href' => Title::newFromText( $searchBoxData['page-title'] )->getLocalUrl(), 'label' => $this->msg( 'search' ), 'icon' => 'wikimedia-search', 'is-quiet' => true, 'class' => 'search-toggle', ], $collapseIconAttrs ); return $searchBoxData; } /** * Gets the value of the "input-location" parameter for the SearchBox Mustache template. * * @return string Either `Constants::SEARCH_BOX_INPUT_LOCATION_DEFAULT` or * `Constants::SEARCH_BOX_INPUT_LOCATION_MOVED` */ private function getSearchBoxInputLocation(): string { if ( $this->isLegacy() ) { return Constants::SEARCH_BOX_INPUT_LOCATION_DEFAULT; } return Constants::SEARCH_BOX_INPUT_LOCATION_MOVED; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isResponsive() { // Check it's enabled by user preference and configuration $responsive = parent::isResponsive() && $this->getConfig()->get( 'VectorResponsive' ); // For historic reasons, the viewport is added when Vector is loaded on the mobile // domain. This is only possible for 3rd parties or by useskin parameter as there is // no preference for changing mobile skin. Only need to check if $responsive is falsey. if ( !$responsive && ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) ) { $mobFrontContext = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' ); if ( $mobFrontContext->shouldDisplayMobileView() ) { return true; } } return $responsive; } /** * Returns `true` if Vue search is enabled to show thumbnails and `false` otherwise. * Note this is only relevant for Vue search experience (not legacy search). * * @return bool */ private function doesSearchHaveThumbnails(): bool { return $this->getConfig()->get( 'VectorWvuiSearchOptions' )['showThumbnail']; } /** * Get the ULS button label, accounting for the number of available * languages. * * @return array */ private function getULSLabels(): array { $numLanguages = count( $this->getLanguagesCached() ); if ( $numLanguages === 0 ) { return [ 'label' => $this->msg( 'vector-no-language-button-label' )->text(), 'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'vector-no-language-button-aria-label' )->text() ]; } else { return [ 'label' => $this->msg( 'vector-language-button-label' )->numParams( $numLanguages )->escaped(), 'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'vector-language-button-aria-label' )->numParams( $numLanguages )->escaped() ]; } } /** * Creates button data for the "Add section" button in the sticky header * * @return array */ private function getAddSectionButtonData() { return [ 'href' => '#', 'id' => 'ca-addsection-sticky-header', 'event' => 'addsection-sticky-header', 'html-vector-button-icon' => Hooks::makeIcon( 'wikimedia-speechBubbleAdd-progressive' ), 'label' => $this->msg( [ 'vector-2022-action-addsection', 'skin-action-addsection' ] ), 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'class' => 'sticky-header-icon mw-ui-primary mw-ui-progressive' ]; } /** * Creates button data for the ULS button in the sticky header * * @return array */ private function getULSButtonData() { $numLanguages = count( $this->getLanguagesCached() ); return [ 'id' => 'p-lang-btn-sticky-header', 'class' => 'mw-interlanguage-selector', 'is-quiet' => true, 'tabindex' => '-1', 'label' => $this->getULSLabels()[ 'label' ], 'html-vector-button-icon' => Hooks::makeIcon( 'wikimedia-language' ), 'event' => 'ui.dropdown-p-lang-btn-sticky-header' ]; } /** * Creates portlet data for the ULS button in the header * * @return array */ private function getULSPortletData() { $numLanguages = count( $this->getLanguagesCached() ); $languageButtonData = [ 'id' => 'p-lang-btn', 'label' => $this->getULSLabels()['label'], 'aria-label' => $this->getULSLabels()['aria-label'], // ext.uls.interface attaches click handler to this selector. 'checkbox-class' => ' mw-interlanguage-selector ', 'icon' => 'language-progressive', 'button' => true, 'heading-class' => self::CLASS_PROGRESSIVE . ' mw-portlet-lang-heading-' . strval( $numLanguages ), ]; // Adds class to hide language button // Temporary solution to T287206, can be removed when ULS dialog includes interwiki links if ( $this->shouldHideLanguages() ) { $languageButtonData['class'] = ' mw-portlet-empty'; } return $languageButtonData; } /** * Creates portlet data for the user menu dropdown * * @param array $portletData * @return array */ private function getUserMenuPortletData( $portletData ) { // T317789: Core can undesirably add an 'emptyPortlet' class that hides the // user menu. This is a result of us manually removing items from the menu // in Hooks::updateUserLinksDropdownItems which can make // SkinTemplate::getPortletData apply the `emptyPortlet` class if there are // no menu items. Since we subsequently add menu items in // SkinVector::getUserLinksTemplateData, the `emptyPortlet` class is // innaccurate. This is why we add the desired classes, `mw-portlet` and // `mw-portlet-personal` here instead. This can potentially be removed upon // completion of T319356. // // Also, add target class to apply different icon to personal menu dropdown for logged in users. $portletData['class'] = 'mw-portlet mw-portlet-personal vector-user-menu'; $portletData['class'] .= $this->loggedin ? ' vector-user-menu-logged-in' : ' vector-user-menu-logged-out'; if ( $this->getUser()->isTemp() ) { $icon = 'userAnonymous'; } elseif ( $this->loggedin ) { $icon = 'userAvatar'; } else { $icon = 'ellipsis'; // T287494 We use tooltip messages to provide title attributes on hover over certain menu icons. // For modern Vector, the "tooltip-p-personal" key is set to "User menu" which is appropriate for // the user icon (dropdown indicator for user links menu) for logged-in users. // This overrides the tooltip for the user links menu icon which is an ellipsis for anonymous users. $portletData['html-tooltip'] = Linker::tooltip( 'vector-anon-user-menu-title' ); } $portletData['icon'] = $icon; $portletData['button'] = true; $portletData['text-hidden'] = true; return $portletData; } /** * Helper for applying Vector menu classes to portlets * * @param array $portletData returned by SkinMustache to decorate * @param int $type representing one of the menu types (see MENU_TYPE_* constants) * @return array modified version of portletData input */ private function updatePortletClasses( array $portletData, int $type = self::MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT ) { $extraClasses = [ self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN => 'vector-menu-dropdown', self::MENU_TYPE_TABS => 'vector-menu-tabs', self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL => 'vector-menu-portal portal', self::MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT => '', ]; if ( $this->isLegacy() ) { $extraClasses[self::MENU_TYPE_TABS] .= ' vector-menu-tabs-legacy'; } $portletData['class'] .= ' ' . $extraClasses[$type]; if ( !isset( $portletData['heading-class'] ) ) { $portletData['heading-class'] = ''; } if ( $type === self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN ) { $portletData = Hooks::updateDropdownMenuData( $portletData ); } $portletData['class'] = trim( $portletData['class'] ); $portletData['heading-class'] = trim( $portletData['heading-class'] ); return $portletData; } /** * Performs updates to all portlets. * * @param array $data * @return array */ private function decoratePortletsData( array $data ) { foreach ( $data['data-portlets'] as $key => $pData ) { $data['data-portlets'][$key] = $this->decoratePortletData( $key, $pData ); } $mainMenuData = $data['data-portlets-sidebar']; $mainMenuData['data-portlets-first'] = $this->decoratePortletData( 'navigation', $mainMenuData['data-portlets-first'] ); $rest = $mainMenuData['array-portlets-rest']; foreach ( $rest as $key => $pData ) { $rest[$key] = $this->decoratePortletData( $pData['id'], $pData ); } $mainMenuData['array-portlets-rest'] = $rest; $data['data-portlets-main-menu'] = $mainMenuData; return $data; } /** * Performs the following updates to portlet data: * - Adds concept of menu types * - Marks the selected variant in the variant portlet * - modifies tooltips of personal and user-menu portlets * @param string $key * @param array $portletData * @return array */ private function decoratePortletData( string $key, array $portletData ): array { $isIconDropdown = false; switch ( $key ) { case 'data-user-menu': $type = self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN; $isIconDropdown = true; break; case 'data-actions': case 'data-variants': case 'data-sticky-header-toc': $type = self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN; break; case 'data-views': case 'data-associated-pages': case 'data-namespaces': $type = self::MENU_TYPE_TABS; break; case 'data-notifications': case 'data-personal': case 'data-user-page': case 'data-vector-user-menu-overflow': $type = self::MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT; break; case 'data-languages': $type = $this->isLanguagesInContent() ? self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN : self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL; break; default: $type = self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL; break; } if ( $key === 'data-languages' && $this->isLanguagesInContent() ) { $portletData = array_merge( $portletData, $this->getULSPortletData() ); } if ( $key === 'data-user-menu' && !$this->isLegacy() ) { $portletData = $this->getUserMenuPortletData( $portletData ); } if ( $key === 'data-vector-user-menu-overflow' ) { $portletData['class'] .= ' vector-user-menu-overflow'; } $isDropdown = $type === self::MENU_TYPE_DROPDOWN; if ( $isDropdown && !$isIconDropdown ) { $portletData['class'] .= ' vector-menu-dropdown-noicon'; } if ( $key === 'data-personal' && $this->isLegacy() ) { // Set tooltip to empty string for the personal menu for both logged-in and logged-out users // to avoid showing the tooltip for legacy version. $portletData['html-tooltip'] = ''; $portletData['class'] .= ' vector-user-menu-legacy'; } // Special casing for Variant to change label to selected. // Hopefully we can revisit and possibly remove this code when the language switcher is moved. if ( $key === 'data-variants' ) { $languageConverterFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageConverterFactory(); $pageLang = $this->getTitle()->getPageLanguage(); $converter = $languageConverterFactory->getLanguageConverter( $pageLang ); $portletData['label'] = $pageLang->getVariantname( $converter->getPreferredVariant() ); // T289523 Add aria-label data to the language variant switcher. $portletData['aria-label'] = $this->msg( 'vector-language-variant-switcher-label' ); } $portletData = $this->updatePortletClasses( $portletData, $type ); return $portletData + [ 'is-dropdown' => $isDropdown, 'is-portal' => $type === self::MENU_TYPE_PORTAL, ]; } }