const features = require( './features.js' ); const PINNED_HEADER_CLASS = 'vector-pinnable-header-pinned'; const UNPINNED_HEADER_CLASS = 'vector-pinnable-header-unpinned'; const popupNotification = require( './popupNotification.js' ); /** * Callback for matchMedia listener that overrides the pinnable header's stored state * at a certain breakpoint and forces it to unpin. * Usage of 'e.matches' assumes a `max-width` not `min-width` media query. * * @param {HTMLElement} header * @param {MediaQueryList|MediaQueryListEvent} e */ function disablePinningAtBreakpoint( header, e ) { const { pinnableElementId, pinnedContainerId, unpinnedContainerId, featureName } = header.dataset; const savedPinnedState = JSON.parse( header.dataset.savedPinnedState || 'false' ); // (typescript null check) if ( !( pinnableElementId && unpinnedContainerId && pinnedContainerId && featureName ) ) { return; } if ( e.matches && savedPinnedState === true ) { features.toggleDocClasses( featureName, false ); movePinnableElement( pinnableElementId, unpinnedContainerId ); } if ( !e.matches && savedPinnedState === true ) { features.toggleDocClasses( featureName, true ); movePinnableElement( pinnableElementId, pinnedContainerId ); } } /** * Saves the persistent pinnable state in the element's dataset * so that it can be overridden at lower resolutions and the * reverted to at wider resolutions. * * This is not necessarily the elements current state, but it * seeks to represent the state of the saved user preference. * * @param {HTMLElement} header */ function setSavedPinnableState( header ) { header.dataset.savedPinnedState = String( isPinned( header ) ); } /** * Toggle classes on the body and pinnable element * * @param {HTMLElement} header pinnable element */ function togglePinnableClasses( header ) { const featureName = /** @type {string} */ ( header.dataset.featureName ); // Leverage features.js to toggle the body classes and persist the state // for logged-in users. features.toggle( featureName ); // Toggle pinned class header.classList.toggle( PINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); header.classList.toggle( UNPINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); } /** * Create the indicators for the pinnable element * * @param {string} pinnableElementId */ function addPinnableElementIndicator( pinnableElementId ) { const dropdownSelector = document.querySelector( `#${ pinnableElementId }-dropdown` ); const container = dropdownSelector && dropdownSelector.parentElement; if ( container ) { // Possible messages include: // * vector-page-tools-unpinned-popup // * vector-main-menu-unpinned-popup const message = mw.msg( `${ pinnableElementId }-unpinned-popup` ); popupNotification.add( container, message, pinnableElementId ) .then( ( popupWidget ) => { if ( popupWidget ) { popupWidget ); } } ); } } /** * Event handler that toggles the pinnable elements pinned state. * Also moves the pinned element when those params are provided * (via data attributes). * * @param {HTMLElement} header PinnableHeader element. */ function pinnableElementClickHandler( header ) { const { pinnableElementId, pinnedContainerId, unpinnedContainerId } = header.dataset; togglePinnableClasses( header ); const isPinnedElement = isPinned( header ); // Optional functionality of moving the pinnable element in the DOM // to different containers based on it's pinned status if ( pinnableElementId && pinnedContainerId && unpinnedContainerId ) { setSavedPinnableState( header ); const newContainerId = isPinnedElement ? pinnedContainerId : unpinnedContainerId; movePinnableElement( pinnableElementId, newContainerId ); window.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'resize' ) ); setFocusAfterToggle( pinnableElementId ); if ( !isPinnedElement ) { addPinnableElementIndicator( pinnableElementId ); } } } /** * Sets focus on the correct toggle button depending on the pinned state. * Also opens the dropdown containing the unpinned element. * * @param {string} pinnableElementId */ function setFocusAfterToggle( pinnableElementId ) { let focusElement; const pinnableElement = document.getElementById( pinnableElementId ); const header = /** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ ( pinnableElement && pinnableElement.querySelector( '.vector-pinnable-header' ) ); if ( !pinnableElement || !header ) { return; } if ( isPinned( header ) ) { focusElement = /** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ ( pinnableElement.querySelector( '.vector-pinnable-header-unpin-button' ) ); } else { const dropdown = pinnableElement.closest( '.vector-dropdown' ); focusElement = /** @type {HTMLInputElement|null} */ ( dropdown && dropdown.querySelector( '.vector-menu-checkbox' ) ); } if ( focusElement ) { focusElement.focus(); } } /** * Binds all the toggle buttons in a pinnableElement * to the click handler that enables pinnability. * * @param {HTMLElement} header */ function bindPinnableToggleButtons( header ) { const toggleButtons = header.querySelectorAll( '.vector-pinnable-header-toggle-button' ); toggleButtons.forEach( function ( button ) { button.addEventListener( 'click', pinnableElementClickHandler.bind( null, header ) ); } ); } /** * Binds pinnable breakpoint to allow automatic unpinning * of pinnable elements with pinnedContainerId and unpinnedContainerId defined * * @param {HTMLElement} header */ function bindPinnableBreakpoint( header ) { const { pinnedContainerId, unpinnedContainerId } = header.dataset; if ( !unpinnedContainerId || !pinnedContainerId ) { return; } const pinnableBreakpoint = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 999px)' ); // Set saved pinned state for narrow breakpoint behaviour. setSavedPinnableState( header ); // Check the breakpoint in case an override is needed on pageload. disablePinningAtBreakpoint( header, pinnableBreakpoint ); // Add match media handler. if ( pinnableBreakpoint.addEventListener ) { pinnableBreakpoint.addEventListener( 'change', disablePinningAtBreakpoint.bind( null, header ) ); } else { // Before Safari 14, MediaQueryList is based on EventTarget, // so you must use addListener() and removeListener() to observe media query lists. pinnableBreakpoint.addListener( disablePinningAtBreakpoint.bind( null, header ) ); } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} header * @return {boolean} Returns true if the element is pinned and false otherwise. */ function isPinned( header ) { const featureName = /** @type {string} */ ( header.dataset.featureName ); return features.isEnabled( featureName ); } /** * Ensures the header classes are in sync with the pinnable headers state * in the case that it's moved via movePinnableElement(). * * @param {HTMLElement} pinnableElement */ function updatePinnableHeaderClass( pinnableElement ) { const header = pinnableElement.querySelector( '.vector-pinnable-header' ); // Because Typescript if ( !header || !( header instanceof HTMLElement ) ) { return; } // Toggle header classes if ( isPinned( header ) ) { header.classList.add( PINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); header.classList.remove( UNPINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); } else { header.classList.remove( PINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); header.classList.add( UNPINNED_HEADER_CLASS ); } } /** * @param {string} pinnableElementId * @param {string} newContainerId */ function movePinnableElement( pinnableElementId, newContainerId ) { const pinnableElem = document.getElementById( pinnableElementId ); const newContainer = document.getElementById( newContainerId ); const currContainer = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( pinnableElem && pinnableElem.parentElement ); if ( !pinnableElem || !newContainer || !currContainer ) { return; } // Avoid moving element if unnecessary if ( !== newContainerId ) { newContainer.insertAdjacentElement( 'beforeend', pinnableElem ); updatePinnableHeaderClass( pinnableElem ); } popupNotification.hideAll(); } /** * Update the pinnable element location in the DOM based off of whether its pinned or not. * This is only necessary with pinnable elements that use client preferences (i.e. appearance menu) * as all other pinnable elements should be serverside rendered in the correct location * * @param {HTMLElement} header */ function updatePinnableElementLocation( header ) { const newContainerId = isPinned( header ) ? header.dataset.pinnedContainerId : header.dataset.unpinnedContainerId; if ( header.dataset.pinnableElementId && newContainerId ) { movePinnableElement( header.dataset.pinnableElementId, newContainerId ); } } function initPinnableElement() { const pinnableHeader = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ ( document.querySelectorAll( '.vector-pinnable-header' ) ); pinnableHeader.forEach( ( header ) => { if ( header.dataset.featureName && header.dataset.pinnableElementId ) { bindPinnableToggleButtons( header ); bindPinnableBreakpoint( header ); updatePinnableElementLocation( header ); } } ); } // T349924: Remove hasPinnedElements after one cycle of analyticsPinnedState() merge. /** * Checks if at least one of the elements in the HTML document is pinned based on CSS class names. * * @method * @return {boolean} True if at least one pinned element is found, otherwise false. */ function hasPinnedElements() { const suffixesToCheck = [ 'pinned-clientpref-1', 'pinned-enabled' ]; const htmlElement = document.documentElement; return Array.from( htmlElement.classList ).some( ( className ) => { return suffixesToCheck.some( ( suffix ) => className.endsWith( suffix ) ); } ); } /** * @stable for use in WikimediaEvents only. * Checks if at least one of the elements in the HTML document is pinned based on CSS class names. * * @method * @return {boolean} True if at least one pinned element is found, otherwise false. */ function analyticsPinnedState() { const htmlElement = document.documentElement; return htmlElement.classList.contains( 'vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-enabled' ) || htmlElement.classList.contains( 'vector-feature-page-tools-pinned-enabled' ); } module.exports = { // T349924: Remove hasPinnedElements. hasPinnedElements, analyticsPinnedState, initPinnableElement, movePinnableElement, setFocusAfterToggle, isPinned, PINNED_HEADER_CLASS, UNPINNED_HEADER_CLASS };