window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || function () { return { matches: false, onchange: () => {} }; }; const { test } = require( '../../../resources/skins.vector.js/setupIntersectionObservers.js' ); const { STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME, STICKY_HEADER_EDIT_EXPERIMENT_NAME } = require( '../../../resources/skins.vector.js/stickyHeader.js' ); describe( 'main.js', () => { it( 'getHeadingIntersectionHandler', () => { const section = document.createElement( 'div' ); section.setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-body-content' ); section.setAttribute( 'id', 'mw-content-text' ); const heading = document.createElement( 'h2' ); const headline = document.createElement( 'span' ); headline.classList.add( 'mw-headline' ); headline.setAttribute( 'id', 'headline' ); heading.appendChild( headline ); section.appendChild( heading ); [ [ section, 'toc-mw-content-text' ], [ heading, 'toc-headline' ] ].forEach( ( testCase ) => { const node = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ( testCase[ 0 ] ); const fn = jest.fn(); const handler = test.getHeadingIntersectionHandler( fn ); handler( node ); expect( fn ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testCase[ 1 ] ); } ); } ); it( 'initStickyHeaderABTests', () => { const STICKY_HEADER_AB = { name: STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME, enabled: true }; const STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT = { name: STICKY_HEADER_EDIT_EXPERIMENT_NAME, enabled: true }; const DISABLED_STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT = { name: STICKY_HEADER_EDIT_EXPERIMENT_NAME, enabled: false }; [ { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT, isEnabled: false, isUserInTreatmentBucket: false, expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: false, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT, isEnabled: true, isUserInTreatmentBucket: false, expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: false, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT, isEnabled: true, isUserInTreatmentBucket: true, expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: true, disableEditIcons: false } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB, isEnabled: false, // sticky header unavailable isUserInTreatmentBucket: false, // not in treatment bucket expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: false, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB, isEnabled: true, // sticky header available isUserInTreatmentBucket: false, // not in treatment bucket expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: false, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB, isEnabled: false, // sticky header is not available isUserInTreatmentBucket: true, // but the user is in the treatment bucket expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: false, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: STICKY_HEADER_AB, isEnabled: true, isUserInTreatmentBucket: true, expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: true, disableEditIcons: true } }, { abConfig: DISABLED_STICKY_HEADER_AB_EDIT, isEnabled: true, isUserInTreatmentBucket: false, expectedResult: { showStickyHeader: true, disableEditIcons: false } } ].forEach( ( { abConfig, isEnabled, isUserInTreatmentBucket, expectedResult } ) => { document.documentElement.classList.add( 'vector-sticky-header-enabled' ); const result = test.initStickyHeaderABTests( abConfig, // isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed isEnabled, ( experiment ) => ( { name:, isInBucket: () => true, isInSample: () => true, getBucket: () => 'bucket', isInTreatmentBucket: () => { return isUserInTreatmentBucket; } } ) ); expect( result ).toMatchObject( expectedResult ); // Check that there are no side effects expect( document.documentElement.classList.contains( 'vector-sticky-header-enabled' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); } ); const sectionObserverFn = () => ( { pause: () => {}, resume: () => {}, mount: () => {}, unmount: () => {}, setElements: () => {}, calcIntersection: () => {} } ); describe( 'Table of contents re-rendering', () => { const mockMwHook = () => { /** @type {Object.} */ const callback = {}; jest.spyOn( mw, 'hook' ).mockImplementation( ( name ) => { return { add: function ( fn ) { callback[ name ] = fn; return this; }, fire: ( data ) => { if ( callback[ name ] ) { callback[ name ]( data ); } } }; } ); }; afterEach( () => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); } ); it( 'listens to wikipage.tableOfContents hook when mounted', () => { mockMwHook(); const spy = jest.spyOn( mw, 'hook' ); const tocElement = document.createElement( 'div' ); const bodyContent = document.createElement( 'article' ); const toc = test.setupTableOfContents( tocElement, bodyContent, sectionObserverFn ); expect( toc ).not.toBe( null ); expect( spy ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'wikipage.tableOfContents' ); expect( spy ).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'wikipage.tableOfContents.vector' ); } ); it( 'Firing wikipage.tableOfContents triggers reloadTableOfContents', async () => { mockMwHook(); const tocElement = document.createElement( 'div' ); const bodyContent = document.createElement( 'article' ); const toc = test.setupTableOfContents( tocElement, bodyContent, sectionObserverFn ); if ( !toc ) { // something went wrong expect( true ).toBe( false ); return; } const spy = jest.spyOn( toc, 'reloadTableOfContents' ).mockImplementation( () => Promise.resolve() ); mw.hook( 'wikipage.tableOfContents' ).fire( [ // Add new section to see how the re-render performs. { toclevel: 1, number: '4', line: 'bat', anchor: 'bat', 'is-top-level-section': true, 'is-parent-section': false, 'array-sections': null } ] ); expect( spy ).toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); } );