{{! string|null html-site-notice the contents of a banner defined in MediaWiki:Sitenotice. Also used by CentralNotice to inject banners into Vector. Indicator[] array-indicators wiki-defined badges such as "good article", "featured article". An empty array if none are defined. string html-title bool is-article string msg-tagline string html-subtitle string html-undelete-link string html-newtalk string msg-vector-jumptonavigation string msg-vector-jumptosearch string msg-vector-jumptocontent string html-body-content string html-categories string html-after-content LogoOptions data-logos object data-portlets MenuDefinition data-portlets.data-personal MenuDefinition data-portlets.data-namespaces MenuDefinition data-portlets.data-variants MenuDefinition data-portlets.data-views MenuDefinition data-portlets.data-actions object data-search-box. See SearchBox.mustache for documentation. boolean main-menu-visible For users that want to see the sidebar on initial render, this should be true. string msg-vector-action-toggle-sidebar The label used by the sidebar button. string msg-vector-main-menu-tooltip The title attribute for the main menu icon. object data-portlets-main-menu. See MainMenu.mustache for documentation. object data-footer for footer template partial. see Footer.mustache for documentation. }}