/** * This file is a LESS import match for "mediawiki.skin.variables.less" * when legacy Vector (useskin=vector) is the active skin. */ @import 'mediawiki.skin.defaults.less'; // Use the legacy version (for a 14px base font size) of the wikimedia-ui theme @import 'mediawiki.skin.codex-design-tokens/theme-wikimedia-ui-legacy.less'; // Overrides for Codex variables: // Viewport @max-width-breakpoint-tablet: 719px; // Codex: calc( 1120px - 1px ) // Opacity @opacity-medium: 0.67; // Codex: 0.65 @opacity-low: 0.33; // Codex: 0.30 @opacity-icon-base: 1; // Codex: 0.87 @opacity-icon-base--hover: 0.8; // = `#333` on `background-color: #fff`. Codex: 0.74 @opacity-base--disabled: 0.55; // = `#737373` on `background-color: #fff`, still within WCAG level AA. Codex: 0.51 // Fonts @font-size-base: 1em; // Codex: 14px // Body content uses the user setting in browser / the system default sans-serif font: // Arial on Windows, Roboto on Android. // FIXME: Use WikimediaUI Base's OS specific default sans-serif fonts. @font-family-sans: sans-serif; // Codex: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Liberation Sans', 'Arial', sans-serif; // Overrides for non-Codex variables: // Set pre July 2022 colors for links (T213778). @color-link: #0645ad; @color-link--visited: #0b0080; @color-link--active: #faa700; @color-link-new: #ba0000; @color-link-new--visited: #a55858; // Note these colors are different from Vector 2022 for historic reasons: @color-link-external: #36b; @color-link-external--visited: #636; @color-link-external--active: #b63;