[ 'mainpage' => $excludeMainPage, 'namespaces' => $excludeNamespaces, 'querystring' => $querystring, ], 'include' => $include ]; } public function provideGetVectorResourceLoaderConfig() { return [ [ [ 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [], 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org' ], [ 'wgVectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [], ] ], [ [ 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, 'buckets' => [ 'unsampled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 1, ], 'control' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], 'stickyHeaderEnabled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], 'stickyHeaderDisabled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], ], ], 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org' ], [ 'wgVectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, 'buckets' => [ 'unsampled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 1, ], 'control' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], 'stickyHeaderEnabled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], 'stickyHeaderDisabled' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], ], ], ] ], ]; } public function provideGetVectorResourceLoaderConfigWithExceptions() { return [ # Bad experiment (no buckets) [ [ 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, ], ] ], # Bad experiment (no unsampled bucket) [ [ 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, 'buckets' => [ 'a' => [ 'samplingRate' => 0 ], ] ], ] ], # Bad experiment (wrong format) [ [ 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, 'buckets' => [ 'unsampled' => 1, ] ], ] ], # Bad experiment (samplingRate defined as string) [ [ 'VectorSearchHost' => 'en.wikipedia.org', 'VectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [ 'name' => 'vector.sticky_header', 'enabled' => true, 'buckets' => [ 'unsampled' => [ 'samplingRate' => '1' ], ] ], ] ], ]; } /** * @covers ::shouldDisableMaxWidth */ public function providerShouldDisableMaxWidth() { $excludeTalkFooConfig = self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ NS_TALK ], [ 'Talk:Foo' ], [] ); return [ [ 'No options, nothing disables max width', [], Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ), [], false ], [ 'Main page disables max width if exclude.mainpage set', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( true ), Title::newMainPage(), [], true ], [ 'Namespaces can be excluded', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ NS_CATEGORY ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, 'Category' ), [], true ], [ 'Namespaces are included if not excluded', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ NS_CATEGORY ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'SpecialPages' ), [], false ], [ 'More than one namespace can be included', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ NS_CATEGORY, NS_SPECIAL ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Specialpages' ), [], true ], [ 'Can be disabled on history page', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ /* no namespaces excluded */ ], [ /* no includes */ ], [ 'action' => 'history' ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'History page' ), [ 'action' => 'history' ], true ], [ 'Can be disabled with a regex match.', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ /* no namespaces excluded */ ], [ /* no includes */ ], [ 'foo' => '[0-9]+' ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), [ 'foo' => '1234' ], true ], [ 'Can be disabled with a non-regex wildcard (for backwards compatibility).', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ /* no namespaces excluded */ ], [ /* no includes */ ], [ 'foo' => '*' ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), [ 'foo' => 'bar' ], true ], [ 'Include can override exclusions', self::makeMaxWidthConfig( false, [ NS_CATEGORY, NS_SPECIAL ], [ 'Special:Specialpages' ], [ 'action' => 'history' ] ), Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Specialpages' ), [ 'action' => 'history' ], false ], [ 'Max width can be disabled on talk pages', $excludeTalkFooConfig, Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'A talk page' ), [], true ], [ 'includes can be used to override any page in a disabled namespace', $excludeTalkFooConfig, Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo' ), [], false ], [ 'Excludes/includes are based on root title so should apply to subpages', $excludeTalkFooConfig, Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo/subpage' ), [], false ] ]; } /** * @covers ::shouldDisableMaxWidth * @dataProvider providerShouldDisableMaxWidth */ public function testShouldDisableMaxWidth( $msg, $options, $title, $requestValues, $shouldDisableMaxWidth ) { $this->assertSame( $shouldDisableMaxWidth, Hooks::shouldDisableMaxWidth( $options, $title, $requestValues ), $msg ); } /** * @covers ::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig * @dataProvider provideGetVectorResourceLoaderConfig */ public function testGetVectorResourceLoaderConfig( $configData, $expected ) { $config = new HashConfig( $configData ); $vectorConfig = Hooks::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig( $this->createMock( ResourceLoaderContext::class ), $config ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $vectorConfig ); } /** * @covers ::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig * @dataProvider provideGetVectorResourceLoaderConfigWithExceptions */ public function testGetVectorResourceLoaderConfigWithExceptions( $configData ) { $config = new HashConfig( $configData ); $this->expectException( RuntimeException::class ); Hooks::getVectorResourceLoaderConfig( $this->createMock( ResourceLoaderContext::class ), $config ); } /** * @covers ::onLocalUserCreated */ public function testOnLocalUserCreatedLegacy() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForNewAccounts' => Constants::SKIN_VERSION_LEGACY, ] ); $user = $this->createMock( User::class ); $userOptionsManager = $this->createMock( UserOptionsManager::class ); $userOptionsManager->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'setOption' ) ->with( $user, 'skin', Constants::SKIN_NAME_LEGACY ); $this->setService( 'UserOptionsManager', $userOptionsManager ); // NOTE: Using $this->getServiceContainer()->getHookContainer()->run( ... ) // will instead call Echo's legacy hook as that is already registered which // will break this test. Use Vector's hook handler instead. ( new Hooks() )->onLocalUserCreated( $user, false ); } /** * @covers ::onLocalUserCreated */ public function testOnLocalUserCreatedLatest() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForNewAccounts' => Constants::SKIN_VERSION_LATEST, ] ); $user = $this->createMock( User::class ); $userOptionsManager = $this->createMock( UserOptionsManager::class ); $userOptionsManager->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'setOption' ) ->with( $user, 'skin', Constants::SKIN_NAME_MODERN ); $this->setService( 'UserOptionsManager', $userOptionsManager ); // NOTE: Using $this->getServiceContainer()->getHookContainer()->run( ... ) // will instead call Echo's legacy hook as that is already registered which // will break this test. Use Vector's hook handler instead. ( new Hooks() )->onLocalUserCreated( $user, false ); } /** * @covers ::onSkinTemplateNavigation */ public function testOnSkinTemplateNavigation() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgVectorUseIconWatch' => true ] ); $skin = new SkinVector22( [ 'name' => 'vector' ] ); $skin->getContext()->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Foo' ) ); $contentNavWatch = [ 'actions' => [ 'watch' => [ 'class' => 'watch' ], ] ]; $contentNavUnWatch = [ 'actions' => [ 'move' => [ 'class' => 'move' ], 'unwatch' => [], ], ]; Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $skin, $contentNavUnWatch ); Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $skin, $contentNavWatch ); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'icon', $contentNavWatch['views']['watch']['class'] ) !== false, 'Watch list items require an "icon" class' ); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'icon', $contentNavUnWatch['views']['unwatch']['class'] ) !== false, 'Unwatch list items require an "icon" class' ); $this->assertFalse( strpos( $contentNavUnWatch['actions']['move']['class'], 'icon' ) !== false, 'List item other than watch or unwatch should not have an "icon" class' ); } /** * @covers ::updateUserLinksItems */ public function testUpdateUserLinksItems() { $vector2022Skin = new SkinVector22( [ 'name' => 'vector-2022' ] ); $contentNav = [ 'user-page' => [ 'userpage' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'userpage' ], ], 'user-menu' => [ 'login' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'login' ], ] ]; $vectorLegacySkin = new SkinVectorLegacy( [ 'name' => 'vector' ] ); $contentNavLegacy = [ 'user-page' => [ 'userpage' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'userpage' ], ] ]; Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $vector2022Skin, $contentNav ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $contentNav['user-page']['login'] ), 'updateUserLinksDropdownItems is called when not legacy' ); Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $vectorLegacySkin, $contentNavLegacy ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $contentNavLegacy['user-page'] ), 'user-page is unset for legacy vector' ); } /** * @covers ::updateUserLinksDropdownItems */ public function testUpdateUserLinksDropdownItems() { $updateUserLinksDropdownItems = new ReflectionMethod( Hooks::class, 'updateUserLinksDropdownItems' ); $updateUserLinksDropdownItems->setAccessible( true ); // Anon users $skin = new SkinVector22( [ 'name' => 'vector-2022' ] ); $contentAnon = [ 'user-menu' => [ 'anonuserpage' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'anonuserpage' ], 'createaccount' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'createaccount' ], 'login' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'login' ], 'login-private' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'login-private' ], ], ]; $updateUserLinksDropdownItems->invokeArgs( null, [ $skin, &$contentAnon ] ); $this->assertTrue( count( $contentAnon['user-menu'] ) === 0, 'Anon user page, create account, login, and login private links are removed from anon user links dropdown' ); // Registered user $registeredUser = $this->createMock( User::class ); $registeredUser->method( 'isRegistered' )->willReturn( true ); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->setUser( $registeredUser ); $skin->setContext( $context ); $contentRegistered = [ 'user-menu' => [ 'userpage' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'userpage' ], 'watchlist' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'watchlist' ], 'logout' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'logout' ], ], ]; $updateUserLinksDropdownItems->invokeArgs( null, [ $skin, &$contentRegistered ] ); $this->assertContains( 'user-links-collapsible-item', $contentRegistered['user-menu']['userpage']['class'], 'User page link in user links dropdown requires collapsible class' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $contentRegistered['user-menu']['userpage']['link-html'], 'User page link in user links dropdown has link-html' ); $this->assertContains( 'user-links-collapsible-item', $contentRegistered['user-menu']['watchlist']['class'], 'Watchlist link in user links dropdown requires collapsible class' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $contentRegistered['user-menu']['watchlist']['link-html'], 'Watchlist link in user links dropdown has link-html' ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $contentRegistered['user-menu']['logout'] ), 'Logout link in user links dropdown is not set' ); } /** * @covers ::updateUserLinksOverflowItems */ public function testUpdateUserLinksOverflowItems() { $updateUserLinksOverflowItems = new ReflectionMethod( Hooks::class, 'updateUserLinksOverflowItems' ); $updateUserLinksOverflowItems->setAccessible( true ); $skin = new SkinVector22( [ 'name' => 'vector-2022' ] ); // Registered user $registeredUser = $this->createMock( User::class ); $registeredUser->method( 'isRegistered' )->willReturn( true ); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->setUser( $registeredUser ); $skin->setContext( $context ); $content = [ 'notifications' => [ 'alert' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'alert' ], ], 'user-interface-preferences' => [ 'uls' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'uls' ], ], 'user-page' => [ 'userpage' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'userpage' ], 'watchlist' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'watchlist' ], ], 'user-menu' => [ 'watchlist' => [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'watchlist' ], ], ]; $updateUserLinksOverflowItems->invokeArgs( null, [ $skin, &$content ] ); $this->assertContains( 'user-links-collapsible-item', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['uls']['class'], 'ULS link in user links overflow requires collapsible class' ); $this->assertContains( 'user-links-collapsible-item', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['userpage']['class'], 'User page link in user links overflow requires collapsible class' ); $this->assertNotContains( 'mw-ui-icon', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['userpage']['class'], 'User page link in user links overflow does not have icon classes' ); $this->assertContains( 'user-links-collapsible-item', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist']['class'], 'Watchlist link in user links overflow requires collapsible class' ); $this->assertContains( 'mw-ui-button', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist']['link-class'], 'Watchlist link in user links overflow requires button classes' ); $this->assertContains( 'mw-ui-quiet', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist']['link-class'], 'Watchlist link in user links overflow requires quiet button classes' ); $this->assertContains( 'mw-ui-icon-element', $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist']['link-class'], 'Watchlist link in user links overflow hides text' ); $this->assertTrue( $content['vector-user-menu-overflow']['watchlist']['id'] === 'pt-watchlist-2', 'Watchlist link in user links has unique id' ); } public function provideUpdateMenuItem() { return [ // Removes extra attributes [ [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => '', 'button' => false, 'text-hidden' => false, 'collapsible' => false ], false, [ 'class' => [] ], ], // Adds link-html [ [ 'class' => [], 'icon' => 'userpage' ], false, [ 'class' => [], 'link-html' => '' ], ], // Adds collapsible class [ [ 'class' => [], 'collapsible' => true ], false, [ 'class' => [ 'user-links-collapsible-item' ] ], ], // Adds button classes [ [ 'class' => [], 'button' => true ], false, [ 'class' => [], 'link-class' => [ 'mw-ui-button', 'mw-ui-quiet' ] ], ], // Adds text hidden classes [ [ 'class' => [], 'text-hidden' => true, 'icon' => 'userpage' ], false, [ 'class' => [], 'link-class' => [ 'mw-ui-icon', 'mw-ui-icon-element', 'mw-ui-icon-userpage', 'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-userpage' ] ], ], // Adds classes for link data [ [ 'class' => [], 'button' => true, 'text-hidden' => true, 'icon' => 'userpage' ], true, [ 'class' => [ 'mw-ui-button', 'mw-ui-quiet', 'mw-ui-icon', 'mw-ui-icon-element', 'mw-ui-icon-userpage', 'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-userpage' ] ], ] ]; } /** * @covers ::updateMenuItem * @dataProvider provideUpdateMenuItem */ public function testUpdateMenuItem( array $menuItem, bool $isLinkData, array $expected ) { $updateMenuItem = new ReflectionMethod( Hooks::class, 'updateMenuItem' ); $updateMenuItem->setAccessible( true ); $data = $updateMenuItem->invokeArgs( null, [ $menuItem, $isLinkData ] ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $data ); } }