/** * Functions and variables to implement sticky header. */ const initSearchToggle = require( './searchToggle.js' ), STICKY_HEADER_ID = 'vector-sticky-header', STICKY_HEADER_APPENDED_ID = '-sticky-header', STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS = 'vector-sticky-header-visible', STICKY_HEADER_USER_MENU_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'vector-sticky-header-icon-end', FIRST_HEADING_ID = 'firstHeading', USER_MENU_ID = 'p-personal', ULS_STICKY_CLASS = 'uls-dialog-sticky', ULS_HIDE_CLASS = 'uls-dialog-sticky-hide', VECTOR_USER_LINKS_SELECTOR = '.vector-user-links', SEARCH_TOGGLE_SELECTOR = '.vector-sticky-header-search-toggle', STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'vector.sticky_header'; /** * Copies attribute from an element to another. * * @param {Element} from * @param {Element} to * @param {string} attribute */ function copyAttribute( from, to, attribute ) { const fromAttr = from.getAttribute( attribute ); if ( fromAttr ) { to.setAttribute( attribute, fromAttr ); } } /** * Show the sticky header. */ function show() { document.body.classList.add( STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS ); document.body.classList.remove( ULS_HIDE_CLASS ); } /** * Hide the sticky header. */ function hide() { document.body.classList.remove( STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS ); document.body.classList.add( ULS_HIDE_CLASS ); } /** * Copies attribute from an element to another. * * @param {Element} from * @param {Element} to */ function copyButtonAttributes( from, to ) { copyAttribute( from, to, 'href' ); copyAttribute( from, to, 'title' ); } /** * Suffixes an attribute with a value that indicates it * relates to the sticky header to support click tracking instrumentation. * * @param {Element} node * @param {string} attribute */ function suffixStickyAttribute( node, attribute ) { const value = node.getAttribute( attribute ); if ( value ) { node.setAttribute( attribute, value + STICKY_HEADER_APPENDED_ID ); } } /** * Makes a node trackable by our click tracking instrumentation. * * @param {Element} node */ function makeNodeTrackable( node ) { suffixStickyAttribute( node, 'id' ); suffixStickyAttribute( node, 'data-event-name' ); } /** * @param {Element} node */ function removeNode( node ) { if ( node.parentNode ) { node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } } /** * @param {NodeList} nodes * @param {string} className */ function removeClassFromNodes( nodes, className ) { Array.prototype.forEach.call( nodes, function ( node ) { node.classList.remove( className ); } ); } /** * @param {NodeList} nodes */ function removeNodes( nodes ) { Array.prototype.forEach.call( nodes, function ( node ) { node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } ); } /** * Ensures a sticky header button has the correct attributes * * @param {Element} watchSticky * @param {string} status 'watched', 'unwatched', or 'temporary' */ function updateStickyWatchlink( watchSticky, status ) { watchSticky.classList.toggle( 'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-star', status === 'unwatched' ); watchSticky.classList.toggle( 'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-unStar', status === 'watched' ); watchSticky.classList.toggle( 'mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-halfStar', status === 'temporary' ); watchSticky.setAttribute( 'data-event-name', status === 'unwatched' ? 'watch-sticky-header' : 'unwatch-sticky-header' ); } /** * Callback for watchsar * * @param {jQuery} $link Watchstar link * @param {boolean} isWatched The page is watched * @param {string} [expiry] Optional expiry time */ function watchstarCallback( $link, isWatched, expiry ) { updateStickyWatchlink( // @ts-ignore $link[ 0 ], expiry !== 'infinity' ? 'temporary' : isWatched ? 'watched' : 'unwatched' ); } /** * Makes sticky header icons functional for modern Vector. * * @param {Element} header * @param {Element|null} history * @param {Element|null} talk * @param {Element|null} watch */ function prepareIcons( header, history, talk, watch ) { const historySticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-history-sticky-header' ), talkSticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-talk-sticky-header' ), watchSticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-watchstar-sticky-header' ); if ( !historySticky || !talkSticky || !watchSticky ) { throw new Error( 'Sticky header has unexpected HTML' ); } if ( history ) { copyButtonAttributes( history, historySticky ); } else { removeNode( historySticky ); } if ( talk ) { copyButtonAttributes( talk, talkSticky ); } else { removeNode( talkSticky ); } if ( watch && watch.parentNode instanceof Element ) { const watchContainer = watch.parentNode; copyButtonAttributes( watch, watchSticky ); updateStickyWatchlink( watchSticky, watchContainer.classList.contains( 'mw-watchlink-temp' ) ? 'temporary' : watchContainer.getAttribute( 'id' ) === 'ca-watch' ? 'unwatched' : 'watched' ); const watchLib = require( /** @type {string} */( 'mediawiki.page.watch.ajax' ) ); watchLib.watchstar( $( watchSticky ), mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ), watchstarCallback ); } else { removeNode( watchSticky ); } } /** * Render sticky header edit or protected page icons for modern Vector. * * @param {Element} header * @param {Element|null} primaryEdit * @param {boolean} isProtected * @param {Element|null} secondaryEdit * @param {Function} disableStickyHeader function to call to disable the sticky * header. */ function prepareEditIcons( header, primaryEdit, isProtected, secondaryEdit, disableStickyHeader ) { const primaryEditSticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-ve-edit-sticky-header' ), protectedSticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-viewsource-sticky-header' ), wikitextSticky = header.querySelector( '#ca-edit-sticky-header' ); // If no primary edit icon is present the feature is disabled. if ( !primaryEditSticky || !wikitextSticky || !protectedSticky ) { return; } if ( !primaryEdit ) { removeNode( protectedSticky ); removeNode( wikitextSticky ); removeNode( primaryEditSticky ); return; } else if ( isProtected ) { removeNode( wikitextSticky ); removeNode( primaryEditSticky ); copyButtonAttributes( primaryEdit, protectedSticky ); } else { removeNode( protectedSticky ); copyButtonAttributes( primaryEdit, primaryEditSticky ); primaryEditSticky.addEventListener( 'click', function ( ev ) { const target = ev.target; const $ve = $( primaryEdit ); if ( target && $ve.length ) { const event = $.Event( 'click' ); $ve.trigger( event ); // The link has been progressively enhanced. if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { disableStickyHeader(); ev.preventDefault(); } } } ); if ( secondaryEdit ) { copyButtonAttributes( secondaryEdit, wikitextSticky ); wikitextSticky.addEventListener( 'click', function ( ev ) { const target = ev.target; if ( target ) { const $edit = $( secondaryEdit ); if ( $edit.length ) { const event = $.Event( 'click' ); $edit.trigger( event ); // The link has been progressively enhanced. if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { disableStickyHeader(); ev.preventDefault(); } } } } ); } else { removeNode( wikitextSticky ); } } } /** * Check if element is in viewport. * * @param {Element} element * @return {boolean} */ function isInViewport( element ) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= ( window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) && rect.right <= ( window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth ) ); } /** * Add hooks for sticky header when Visual Editor is used. * * @param {Element} stickyIntersection intersection element * @param {IntersectionObserver} observer */ function addVisualEditorHooks( stickyIntersection, observer ) { // When Visual Editor is activated, hide the sticky header. mw.hook( 've.activationStart' ).add( () => { hide(); observer.unobserve( stickyIntersection ); } ); // When Visual Editor is deactivated (by clicking "Read" tab at top of page), show sticky header // by re-triggering the observer. mw.hook( 've.deactivationComplete' ).add( () => { // Wait for the next repaint or we might calculate that // sticky header should not be visible (T299114) requestAnimationFrame( () => { observer.observe( stickyIntersection ); } ); } ); // After saving edits, re-apply the sticky header if the target is not in the viewport. mw.hook( 'postEdit.afterRemoval' ).add( () => { if ( !isInViewport( stickyIntersection ) ) { show(); observer.observe( stickyIntersection ); } } ); } /** * @param {Element} userMenu * @return {Element} cloned userMenu */ function prepareUserMenu( userMenu ) { const // Type declaration needed because of https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/3734#issuecomment-118934518 userMenuClone = /** @type {Element} */( userMenu.cloneNode( true ) ), userMenuStickyElementsWithIds = userMenuClone.querySelectorAll( '[ id ], [ data-event-name ]' ); // Update all ids of the cloned user menu to make them unique. makeNodeTrackable( userMenuClone ); userMenuStickyElementsWithIds.forEach( makeNodeTrackable ); // Remove portlet links added by gadgets using mw.util.addPortletLink, T291426 removeNodes( userMenuClone.querySelectorAll( '.mw-list-item-js' ) ); removeClassFromNodes( userMenuClone.querySelectorAll( '.user-links-collapsible-item' ), 'user-links-collapsible-item' ); // Prevents user menu from being focusable, T290201 const userMenuCheckbox = userMenuClone.querySelector( 'input' ); if ( userMenuCheckbox ) { userMenuCheckbox.setAttribute( 'tabindex', '-1' ); } return userMenuClone; } /** * Makes sticky header functional for modern Vector. * * @param {Element} header * @param {Element} userMenu * @param {Element} userMenuStickyContainer * @param {IntersectionObserver} stickyObserver * @param {Element} stickyIntersection */ function makeStickyHeaderFunctional( header, userMenu, userMenuStickyContainer, stickyObserver, stickyIntersection ) { const userMenuStickyContainerInner = userMenuStickyContainer .querySelector( VECTOR_USER_LINKS_SELECTOR ); // Clone the updated user menu to the sticky header. if ( userMenuStickyContainerInner ) { userMenuStickyContainerInner.appendChild( prepareUserMenu( userMenu ) ); } prepareIcons( header, document.querySelector( '#ca-history a' ), document.querySelector( '#ca-talk a' ), document.querySelector( '#ca-watch a, #ca-unwatch a' ) ); const veEdit = document.querySelector( '#ca-ve-edit a' ); const ceEdit = document.querySelector( '#ca-edit a' ); const protectedEdit = document.querySelector( '#ca-viewsource a' ); const isProtected = !!protectedEdit; const primaryEdit = protectedEdit || ( veEdit || ceEdit ); const secondaryEdit = veEdit ? ceEdit : null; const disableStickyHeader = () => { document.body.classList.remove( STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS ); stickyObserver.unobserve( stickyIntersection ); }; prepareEditIcons( header, primaryEdit, isProtected, secondaryEdit, disableStickyHeader ); stickyObserver.observe( stickyIntersection ); } /** * @param {Element} header */ function setupSearchIfNeeded( header ) { const searchToggle = header.querySelector( SEARCH_TOGGLE_SELECTOR ); if ( !document.body.classList.contains( 'skin-vector-search-vue' ) ) { return; } if ( searchToggle ) { initSearchToggle( searchToggle ); } } /** * Determines if sticky header should be visible for a given namespace. * * @param {number} namespaceNumber * @return {boolean} */ function isAllowedNamespace( namespaceNumber ) { // Corresponds to Main, User, Wikipedia, Template, Help, Category, Portal, Module. const allowedNamespaceNumbers = [ 0, 2, 4, 10, 12, 14, 100, 828 ]; return allowedNamespaceNumbers.indexOf( namespaceNumber ) > -1; } /** * Determines if sticky header should be visible for a given action. * * @param {string} action * @return {boolean} */ function isAllowedAction( action ) { const disallowedActions = [ 'history', 'edit' ], hasDiffId = mw.config.get( 'wgDiffOldId' ); return disallowedActions.indexOf( action ) < 0 && !hasDiffId; } /** * @typedef {Object} StickyHeaderProps * @property {Element} header * @property {Element} userMenu * @property {IntersectionObserver} observer * @property {Element} stickyIntersection */ /** * @param {StickyHeaderProps} props */ function initStickyHeader( props ) { const userMenuStickyContainer = document.getElementsByClassName( STICKY_HEADER_USER_MENU_CONTAINER_CLASS )[ 0 ]; makeStickyHeaderFunctional( props.header, props.userMenu, userMenuStickyContainer, props.observer, props.stickyIntersection ); setupSearchIfNeeded( props.header ); addVisualEditorHooks( props.stickyIntersection, props.observer ); // Make sure ULS outside sticky header disables the sticky header behaviour. // @ts-ignore mw.hook( 'mw.uls.compact_language_links.open' ).add( function ( $trigger ) { if ( $trigger.attr( 'id' ) !== 'p-lang-btn-sticky-header' ) { const bodyClassList = document.body.classList; bodyClassList.remove( ULS_HIDE_CLASS ); bodyClassList.remove( ULS_STICKY_CLASS ); } } ); // Make sure ULS dialog is sticky. const langBtn = props.header.querySelector( '#p-lang-btn-sticky-header' ); if ( langBtn ) { langBtn.addEventListener( 'click', function () { const bodyClassList = document.body.classList; bodyClassList.remove( ULS_HIDE_CLASS ); bodyClassList.add( ULS_STICKY_CLASS ); } ); } } module.exports = { show, hide, prepareUserMenu, isAllowedNamespace, isAllowedAction, initStickyHeader, STICKY_HEADER_ID, FIRST_HEADING_ID, USER_MENU_ID, STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME };