Difference between 0.2.2 and 0.4.0
* Make disallowUnusedTranslations default to false (Ed Sanders)
* Make disallowDuplicateTranslations default to false (Ed Sanders)
* build: Remove use of global grunt-cli (Timo Tijhof)
* build: Add Node.js v0.12 and v4.0 (Timo Tijhof)
* tests: Migrate Travis to container-based infrastructure (James D.
* Forrester)
* readme: Add line break between images and h1 (Timo Tijhof)
* Fail if the target directory doesn't exist (James D. Forrester)
* Allow individual checks to be disabled in config (James D. Forrester)
* Be able to require complete translations, or specific messages in all
* translations (James D. Forrester)
* build: Bump grunt-jscs to latest version (James D. Forrester)
* Enforce disallowBlankTranslations, disallowDuplicateTranslations and
* disallowUnusedTranslations (James D. Forrester)
Change-Id: I68c5c747d2f92fdedd7e4450f618f577f493fb4a