Ideally the TOC has an h2 after the article title h1, but because of the TOC sticky positioning and its placement in the grid, we cant use an h2 without messing up the heading order.
Bug: T301051
Change-Id: I462ddfb618ddd422c9f71293280d1790c4846f50
* Bucket and sample on server by using the
`WikimediaEvents.WebABTestArticleIdFactory` service from
WikimediaEvents (soft dependency)
* Add linkHijack.js so that users bucketed in one group have the
possibility of remaining in that group if they click a link to another
Bug: T302046
Depends-On: Ie6627de98effb3d37a3bedda5023d08af319837f
Change-Id: Iff231a976c473217b0fa4da1aa9a8d1c2a1a19f2
* Eliminates AB.js dependency on sticky header
* Code coverage has been raised to 100%
* Instead of importing ABTestConfig, these props are now passed into the
function along with a token.
* WikimediaEvents hook is now fired when experiment is initialized. The
experiment should not be initialized if it is not enabled.
* Removes several methods (e.g. initAB, getEnabledExperiment) due to the
preceeding changes.
* Adds `isInSample` and `isInTreatmentBucket` methods so that the client
has less work.
Treatment buckets now follow a naming convention so that the client can
do less work querying if the subject is part of the treatment:
* Treatment buckets should have the case-insensitive `treatment`
substring somewhere in their name (e.g. 'treatment',
'stickyHeaderTreatment', 'sticky-header-treatment' )
Bug: T302046
Change-Id: I4febec42b4c471b2f2ef02be2e334bd6d2c31eec
Removed class "vector-menu-checkbox-expanded" and "vector-menu-checkbox-collapsed" in
includes/templates/Menu.mustache and deleted the necessary lines in
resources/common/components/MenuDropdown.less, tests/jest/stickyHeader.test.js,
includes/templates/skin.mustache, skin.json, i18n/en.json and i18n/qqq.json.
Bug: T299173
Change-Id: Ibf8a08e6e5d1a6c607abf170c030a0285e84ad74
Server render the table of contents in a collapsed state when the total
number of headings is equal or greater than the value of
`$wgVectorTableOfContentsCollapseAtCount`. Otherwise, the table of
contents will be server rendered in its "expanded" state.
In addition:
* Revise table of contents tests to call one `assertion` per element so
that it is easier to see the exact element that may fail an assertion.
* Revise table of contents tests to call a mount function that can merge
props to allow for a more flexible set of tests.
* Revise table of contents tests by wrapping a `describe` around tests
that expect the same prop state.
* Adds typedef for table of sections props
Bug: T300973
Depends-On: Ifaee451e1903f2accd0ada2f2ed6dfa3f83037b6
Change-Id: I382200bc603b6abf757a91f14a8a55a6581969bd
Collapses sub-sections in the new table of contents by default
(except for non-js and reduced-motion users) and expands the
sections when the top-level section link has been clicked.
Refactors the `activateSection` TableOfContents methods into separate
`activateSection` and `deactivateSection` functions.
Adds `expandSection` and `collapseSection` methods.
Adds triangle icon as a visual expand/collapsed indicator
next to all ToC section headings and are hidden via CSS based on
whether or not the section contains subsections.
Adds test for tableOfContents.
Bug: T299361
Change-Id: I36b3ae7f9f633877683bc17a9444c970d7fa7293
We want the link that the user has clicked inside the TOC to be "active"
(e.g. bolded) regardless of whether the browser's scroll position
corresponds to that section. Therefore, we need to temporarily ignore
section observer until the browser has finished scrolling to the section
(if needed).
However, because the scroll event happens asyncronously after the user
clicks on a link and may not even happen at all (e.g. the user has
scrolled all the way to the bottom and clicks a section that is already
in the viewport), determining when we should resume section observer is
a bit tricky.
Because a scroll event may not even be triggered after clicking the
link, we instead allow the browser to perform a maximum number of
repaints before resuming sectionObserver. Per T297614#7687656, Firefox
wasn't consistently activating the table of contents section that the
user clicked even after waiting 2 frames. After further investigation,
it sometimes waits up to 3 frames before painting the new scroll
position so we have that as the limit.
Bug: T297614
Change-Id: If3632529f58c15348a7200258f4f5999ea0dadc4