
187 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

@import '../../common/variables.less';
@import 'mediawiki.mixins.less';
@import '../layouts/screen.less';
@import './checkboxHack.less';
// T305069 Layout adjustments of sidebar elements:
// Vertically align the left edge of sidebar elements with the visible edge of the sidebar toggle hamburger menu.
@margin-start-sidebar-content: unit( 12px / @font-size-browser, em ); // 0.75em @ 16
// Top of sidebar TOC border horizontally aligns with page title underline rule.
@top-margin-sidebar-toc_title_inline: 3.5em;
// Top of sidebar TOC border normal spacing.
@top-margin-sidebar-toc: 1.5em;
// Top of sidebar main menu border horizontally aligns with top of tool tabs above page title.
@top-margin-sidebar-content: -2.5em;
.mw-sidebar {
width: @width-grid-column-one;
// To avoid the white part of the gradient colliding with the sidebar links
// we apply top and bottom padding.
padding: 8px 0 40px @padding-left-sidebar;
background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, @background-color-base 0%, @background-color-secondary--modern 10%, @background-color-secondary--modern 90%, @background-color-base 100% );
.box-sizing( border-box );
// Hide #p-navigation label
#p-navigation .vector-menu-heading {
display: none;
// Update styling when TOC is enabled
.vector-toc-enabled {
.mw-sidebar {
width: @width-sidebar;
// Temporary magic number, will be calculated after TOC specs are finalized
padding: 12px 19px 12px 9px;
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-content;
background-image: none;
background-color: @border-color-sidebar;
@media ( min-width: @width-breakpoint-desktop-wide ) {
width: @width-sidebar-wide;
.sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc_title_inline;
.sidebar-toc {
margin-left: 0;
@media ( min-width: @width-breakpoint-desktop-wide ) {
margin-left: @margin-start-sidebar-content;
// T305069 Apply different top spacing to the topmost sidebar element during menu toggling when sidebar is open.
.mw-checkbox-hack-checkbox:checked ~ .mw-workspace-container {
.sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc;
@media ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-desktop ) {
.mw-sidebar {
margin-top: 0;
margin-left: 0;
.sidebar-toc {
display: none;
margin-top: 0;
// T305069 When scrolling down, override the top margin of the sticky TOC
// so that the top of sticky TOC remains at the top of the viewport with normal padding.
&.vector-sticky-header-visible .sidebar-toc {
margin-top: @top-margin-sidebar-toc;
.mw-sidebar-action {
// Align with the portal heading/links
// `.portal` + `.portal .body`
margin: 8px @margin-end-portal 8px @margin-start-portal + @margin-start-portal-body;
// Styles for SidebarAction template.
.mw-sidebar-action-item { {
display: block;
background-image: url( ../common/images/portal-separator.png ); // Support: IE 9, Fx 3.6-15, Safari 5.1-6, Chrome 10-25
background-image: linear-gradient( to right, @border-color-portal-heading-transparent 0, @border-color-portal-heading 33%, @border-color-portal-heading 66%, @border-color-portal-heading-transparent 100% ); // Standard (Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Safari 6.1+, Chrome 26+)
background-position: center bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% @border-width-base;
color: @color-base--subtle;
margin: 0.75em 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0.3em 0;
font-size: @font-size-nav-main-heading;
font-weight: normal;
cursor: default;
.mw-sidebar-action-content {
> * {
font-size: @font-size-portal-list-item;
> a {
font-weight: bold;
// T295555 style overrides for temporary language switch alert (can be removed later ).
.vector-language-sidebar-alert {
padding: 0.75em;
#mw-sidebar-button {
&:before {
// Equals `#555`, closest to `#54595d` on background-color `#fff`.
opacity: 0.67;
/* @embed */
background-image: url( images/chevronHorizontal-ltr.svg );
#mw-sidebar-checkbox:not( :checked ) ~ .mw-header & {
/* @embed */
background-image: url( images/menu.svg );
&:hover {
&:before {
opacity: 1;
// Use the MediaWiki checkbox hack class from checkboxHack.less. This class exists on the
// checkbox input for the menu panel.
#mw-sidebar-checkbox:not( :checked ) ~ .mw-workspace-container .mw-sidebar {
// Turn off presentation so that screen readers get the same effect as visually hiding.
// Visibility and opacity can be animated. If animation is unnecessary, use `display: none`
// instead to avoid hidden rendering.
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
.transform( translateX( -100% ) );
@media ( min-width: ( @max-width-workspace-container + ( 2 * @padding-horizontal-page-container ) ) ) {
.mw-sidebar {
background: @background-color-page-container;
border-right: 1px solid @border-color-sidebar;
// Disable transitions on page load. No-JS users will unfortunately miss out. A similar pattern is
// used in Minerva's DropDownList. See enableCssAnimations() in skin.vector.js/index.js for context
// and additional details on how this class is added.
.vector-animations-ready {
Implement Page, Workspace, Content, and Article Toolbar Containers This patch closely follows the desired guidelines/desired styles Alex Hollender has put forth in his prototype, but uses multiple containers to achieve this look since our DOM order/structure is different than the DOM structure in the prototype. The following containers are used, but unlike his prototype, they are sometimes used more than once: * Page Container: Contains every other container and limits the overall max-width of the white part of the page. * Workspace Container: Contains the sidebar and content container. The sidebar is displaced ~30 pixels to the start (left) of the workspace container at all times. * Content Container: Contains the content. The max-width of this changes depending on whether you are on a special page/history page vs. other pages. * Article Toolbar Container: Contains the article toolbar. The max-width of this is always the same as the max-width of the article content as we don't want the toolbar to move when going from the article page to the history/special page. Changes to be aware: * To test locally, `$wgVectorLayoutMaxWidth = true;`. This design is temporarily feature flagged and defaults to being "off". * Note that layout-max-width.less is a temporary file made to meet the feature flag requirement of T246420 (intended to derisk the deployment). After the deploy, we should merge most if not all of the rules into layout.less where the max-width design will become the default. * Per Jon's code review comment, I have relaxed the indenting of skin.mustache to make the diff easier to reason about. If desired, the correct indenting can be achieved in a (much less risky) follow-up commit. Bug: T246420 Bug: T153043 Change-Id: Ie49f629bc705850c6996164a516957476c034048
2020-06-23 18:02:32 +00:00
// Enable transition on all widths by default.
.mw-sidebar {
Implement Page, Workspace, Content, and Article Toolbar Containers This patch closely follows the desired guidelines/desired styles Alex Hollender has put forth in his prototype, but uses multiple containers to achieve this look since our DOM order/structure is different than the DOM structure in the prototype. The following containers are used, but unlike his prototype, they are sometimes used more than once: * Page Container: Contains every other container and limits the overall max-width of the white part of the page. * Workspace Container: Contains the sidebar and content container. The sidebar is displaced ~30 pixels to the start (left) of the workspace container at all times. * Content Container: Contains the content. The max-width of this changes depending on whether you are on a special page/history page vs. other pages. * Article Toolbar Container: Contains the article toolbar. The max-width of this is always the same as the max-width of the article content as we don't want the toolbar to move when going from the article page to the history/special page. Changes to be aware: * To test locally, `$wgVectorLayoutMaxWidth = true;`. This design is temporarily feature flagged and defaults to being "off". * Note that layout-max-width.less is a temporary file made to meet the feature flag requirement of T246420 (intended to derisk the deployment). After the deploy, we should merge most if not all of the rules into layout.less where the max-width design will become the default. * Per Jon's code review comment, I have relaxed the indenting of skin.mustache to make the diff easier to reason about. If desired, the correct indenting can be achieved in a (much less risky) follow-up commit. Bug: T246420 Bug: T153043 Change-Id: Ie49f629bc705850c6996164a516957476c034048
2020-06-23 18:02:32 +00:00
@timing: @transition-duration-base ease-out;
.transition( transform @timing, opacity @timing, visibility @timing; );
@media ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-tablet ) {
.mw-sidebar {
transition: none;
// Enable sidebar button transitions.
#mw-sidebar-button {
background-color @transition-duration-base,
border-color @transition-duration-base,
box-shadow @transition-duration-base;