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// Enable Vector features limited to ES6 browse
stickyHeader = require( './stickyHeader.js' ),
scrollObserver = require( './scrollObserver.js' ),
initExperiment = require( './AB.js' ),
Add sectionObserver and tableOfContents component JS to respond to intersection changes This commits sets up the Table of Contents to bold the active section when the section is scrolled. Unfortunately, because our content does not have actual sections but instead has a flat list of headings and paragraphs, we can't use IntersectionObserver in the conventional way as it is optimized to find intersections of elements that are *within* the viewport and the callback will not reliably fire during certain scenarios (e.g. with fast scrolling or when the headings are not currently within the viewport). Furthermore, iterating through a list of elements and calling `getBoundingClientRect()` can be expensive and can also cause significant forced synchronous layouts that block the main thread. The best compromise in terms of performance and function that I've found is to use a combination of a throttled scroll event listener and IntersectionObserver's ability to asyncronously find the boundingClientRect of all elements off the main thread when `.observe` is called which is the approach this patch takes. Although this is an unorthodox way to use IntersectionObserver, performance profiles recorded while holding the "down" arrow and scrolling for 10 seconds with a 6x CPU throttle are comparable between master and this patch: master: this patch: Bug: T297614 Change-Id: I4077d86a1786cc1f4a7d85b20b7cf402960940e7
2022-01-21 20:15:34 +00:00
initSectionObserver = require( './sectionObserver.js' ),
initTableOfContents = require( './tableOfContents.js' ),
pinnableElement = require( './pinnableElement.js' ),
popupNotification = require( './popupNotification.js' ),
features = require( './features.js' ),
deferUntilFrame = require( './deferUntilFrame.js' ),
ABTestConfig = require( /** @type {string} */ ( './activeABTest.json' ) ),
STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS = 'vector-sticky-header-visible',
TOC_ID = 'vector-toc',
Add sectionObserver and tableOfContents component JS to respond to intersection changes This commits sets up the Table of Contents to bold the active section when the section is scrolled. Unfortunately, because our content does not have actual sections but instead has a flat list of headings and paragraphs, we can't use IntersectionObserver in the conventional way as it is optimized to find intersections of elements that are *within* the viewport and the callback will not reliably fire during certain scenarios (e.g. with fast scrolling or when the headings are not currently within the viewport). Furthermore, iterating through a list of elements and calling `getBoundingClientRect()` can be expensive and can also cause significant forced synchronous layouts that block the main thread. The best compromise in terms of performance and function that I've found is to use a combination of a throttled scroll event listener and IntersectionObserver's ability to asyncronously find the boundingClientRect of all elements off the main thread when `.observe` is called which is the approach this patch takes. Although this is an unorthodox way to use IntersectionObserver, performance profiles recorded while holding the "down" arrow and scrolling for 10 seconds with a 6x CPU throttle are comparable between master and this patch: master: this patch: Bug: T297614 Change-Id: I4077d86a1786cc1f4a7d85b20b7cf402960940e7
2022-01-21 20:15:34 +00:00
BODY_CONTENT_ID = 'bodyContent',
HEADLINE_SELECTOR = '.mw-headline',
PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS = 'vector-below-page-title';
const belowDesktopMedia = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 999px)' );
* @callback OnIntersection
* @param {HTMLElement} element The section that triggered the new intersection change.
* @ignore
* @param {Function} changeActiveSection
* @return {OnIntersection}
const getHeadingIntersectionHandler = ( changeActiveSection ) => {
* @param {HTMLElement} section
return ( section ) => {
const headline = section.classList.contains( 'mw-body-content' ) ?
section :
section.querySelector( HEADLINE_SELECTOR );
if ( headline ) {
changeActiveSection( `${TOC_SECTION_ID_PREFIX}${}` );
* Initialize sticky header AB tests and determine whether to show the sticky header
* based on which buckets the user is in.
* @typedef {Object} InitStickyHeaderABTests
* @property {boolean} showStickyHeader - Should the sticky header be shown
* @param {ABTestConfig} abConfig
* @param {boolean} isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed and the user is logged in
* @param {function(ABTestConfig): initExperiment.WebABTest} getEnabledExperiment
* @return {InitStickyHeaderABTests}
function initStickyHeaderABTests( abConfig, isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed, getEnabledExperiment ) {
let showStickyHeader = isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed,
// One of the sticky header AB tests is specified in the config
const abTestName =,
isStickyHeaderExperiment = abTestName === stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME;
// Determine if user is eligible for sticky header AB test
if (
isStickyHeaderFeatureAllowed && // The sticky header can be shown on the page
abConfig.enabled && // An AB test config is enabled
isStickyHeaderExperiment // The AB test is one of the sticky header experiments
) {
// If eligible, initialize the AB test
stickyHeaderExperiment = getEnabledExperiment( abConfig );
// If running initial or edit AB test, show sticky header to treatment groups
// only. Unsampled and control buckets do not see sticky header.
if ( abTestName === stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_EXPERIMENT_NAME ) {
showStickyHeader = stickyHeaderExperiment.isInTreatmentBucket();
return {
* Updates TOC's location in the DOM (in sidebar or sticky header)
* depending on if the TOC is collapsed and if the sticky header is visible
* @return {void}
const updateTocLocation = () => {
const isPinned = features.isEnabled( 'toc-pinned' );
const isStickyHeaderVisible = document.body.classList.contains( STICKY_HEADER_VISIBLE_CLASS );
const isBelowDesktop = belowDesktopMedia.matches;
const pinnedContainerId = 'vector-toc-pinned-container';
const stickyHeaderUnpinnedContainerId = 'vector-sticky-header-toc-unpinned-container';
const pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId = 'vector-page-titlebar-toc-unpinned-container';
let newContainerId = '';
if ( isPinned ) {
if ( isBelowDesktop ) {
// Automatically move the ToC into the page titlebar when pinned on smaller resolutions
newContainerId = pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId;
} else {
newContainerId = pinnedContainerId;
} else {
if ( isStickyHeaderVisible && !isBelowDesktop ) {
newContainerId = stickyHeaderUnpinnedContainerId;
} else {
newContainerId = pageTitlebarUnpinnedContainerId;
pinnableElement.movePinnableElement( TOC_ID, newContainerId );
* Return the computed value of the `scroll-margin-top` CSS property of the document element
* which is also used for the scroll intersection threshold (T317661).
* @return {number} Value of scroll-margin-top OR 75 if falsy.
* 75 derived from @scroll-padding-top LESS variable
* ?
function getDocumentScrollPaddingTop() {
const defaultScrollPaddingTop = 75;
const documentStyles = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement );
const scrollPaddingTopString = documentStyles.getPropertyValue( 'scroll-padding-top' );
return ( parseInt( scrollPaddingTopString, 10 ) || defaultScrollPaddingTop );
* @param {HTMLElement|null} tocElement
* @param {HTMLElement|null} bodyContent
* @param {initSectionObserver} initSectionObserverFn
* @return {tableOfContents|null}
const setupTableOfContents = ( tocElement, bodyContent, initSectionObserverFn ) => {
if ( !(
tocElement &&
) ) {
return null;
const handleTocSectionChange = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
// T297614: We want the link that the user has clicked inside the TOC or the
// section that corresponds to the hashchange event to be "active" (e.g.
// bolded) regardless of whether the browser's scroll position corresponds
// to that section. Therefore, we need to temporarily ignore section
// observer until the browser has finished scrolling to the section (if
// needed).
// However, because the scroll event happens asynchronously after the user
// clicks on a link and may not even happen at all (e.g. the user has
// scrolled all the way to the bottom and clicks a section that is already
// in the viewport), determining when we should resume section observer is a
// bit tricky.
// Because a scroll event may not even be triggered after clicking the link,
// we instead allow the browser to perform a maximum number of repaints
// before resuming sectionObserver. Per T297614#7687656, Firefox 97.0 wasn't
// consistently activating the table of contents section that the user
// clicked even after waiting 2 frames. After further investigation, it
// sometimes waits up to 3 frames before painting the new scroll position so
// we have that as the limit.
deferUntilFrame( () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
}, 3 );
const tableOfContents = initTableOfContents( {
container: tocElement,
onHeadingClick: handleTocSectionChange,
onHashChange: handleTocSectionChange,
onTogglePinned: () => {
pinnableElement.setFocusAfterToggle( TOC_ID );
if ( !features.isEnabled( 'toc-pinned' ) ) {
const isStickyHeaderVisible = document.body.classList
const containerSelector = !isStickyHeaderVisible ?
'.vector-page-titlebar .vector-toc-landmark' : '#vector-sticky-header .vector-toc-landmark';
const container = /** @type {HTMLElement} */(
document.querySelector( containerSelector )
if ( container ) {
const containerId = !isStickyHeaderVisible ? 'toc-page-titlebar' : 'toc-sticky-header';
popupNotification.add( container, mw.message( 'vector-toc-unpinned-popup' ).text(), containerId )
.then( ( popupWidget ) => {
if ( popupWidget ) { popupWidget );
} );
} );
const headingSelector = [
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
].map( ( tag ) => `.mw-parser-output ${tag}` ).join( ',' );
const elements = () => bodyContent.querySelectorAll( `${headingSelector}, .mw-body-content` );
const sectionObserver = initSectionObserverFn( {
elements: elements(),
topMargin: getDocumentScrollPaddingTop(),
onIntersection: getHeadingIntersectionHandler( tableOfContents.changeActiveSection )
} );
const updateElements = () => {
sectionObserver.setElements( elements() );
mw.hook( 've.activationStart' ).add( () => {
} );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.tableOfContents' ).add( function ( sections ) {
tableOfContents.reloadTableOfContents( sections ).then( function () {
mw.hook( 'wikipage.tableOfContents.vector' ).fire( sections );
} );
} );
mw.hook( 've.deactivationComplete' ).add( updateElements );
const setInitialActiveSection = () => {
const hash = location.hash.slice( 1 );
// If hash fragment is blank, determine the active section with section
// observer.
if ( hash === '' ) {
// T325086: If hash fragment is present and corresponds to a toc section,
// expand the section.
const hashSection = /** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ ( mw.util.getTargetFromFragment( `${TOC_SECTION_ID_PREFIX}${hash}` ) );
if ( hashSection ) {
tableOfContents.expandSection( );
// T325086: If hash fragment corresponds to a section AND the user is at
// bottom of page, activate the section. Otherwise, use section observer to
// calculate the active section.
// Note that even if a hash fragment is present, it's possible for the
// browser to scroll to a position that is different from the position of
// the section that corresponds to the hash fragment. This can happen when
// the browser remembers a prior scroll position after refreshing the page,
// for example.
if (
hashSection &&
Math.round( window.innerHeight + window.scrollY ) >= document.body.scrollHeight
) {
tableOfContents.changeActiveSection( );
} else {
// Fallback to section observer's calculation for the active section.
return tableOfContents;
* @return {void}
const main = () => {
const isIntersectionObserverSupported = 'IntersectionObserver' in window;
// Table of contents
const tocElement = document.getElementById( TOC_ID );
const bodyContent = document.getElementById( BODY_CONTENT_ID );
const isToCUpdatingAllowed = isIntersectionObserverSupported &&
const tableOfContents = isToCUpdatingAllowed ?
setupTableOfContents( tocElement, bodyContent, initSectionObserver ) : null;
// Sticky header
stickyHeaderElement = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.STICKY_HEADER_ID ),
stickyIntersection = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.FIRST_HEADING_ID ),
userLinksDropdown = document.getElementById( stickyHeader.USER_LINKS_DROPDOWN_ID ),
allowedNamespace = stickyHeader.isAllowedNamespace( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ),
allowedAction = stickyHeader.isAllowedAction( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) );
const isStickyHeaderAllowed =
!!stickyHeaderElement &&
!!stickyIntersection &&
!!userLinksDropdown &&
allowedNamespace &&
allowedAction &&
const { showStickyHeader } = initStickyHeaderABTests(
isStickyHeaderAllowed && !mw.user.isAnon(),
( config ) => initExperiment(
String( mw.user.getId() )
// Set up intersection observer for page title
// Used to show/hide sticky header and add class used by collapsible TOC (T307900)
const observer = scrollObserver.initScrollObserver(
() => {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {;
document.body.classList.add( PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS );
if ( tableOfContents ) {
tableOfContents.updateTocToggleStyles( true );
scrollObserver.firePageTitleScrollHook( 'down' );
() => {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {
document.body.classList.remove( PAGE_TITLE_INTERSECTION_CLASS );
if ( tableOfContents ) {
tableOfContents.updateTocToggleStyles( false );
scrollObserver.firePageTitleScrollHook( 'up' );
// Handle toc location when sticky header is hidden on lower viewports
belowDesktopMedia.onchange = () => {
if ( !showStickyHeader ) {
if ( isStickyHeaderAllowed && showStickyHeader ) {
stickyHeader.initStickyHeader( {
header: stickyHeaderElement,
} );
} else if ( stickyIntersection ) {
observer.observe( stickyIntersection );
module.exports = {
test: {