"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label":"Label for the checkbox to force Legacy Vector operation accessible via Special:Preferences. When this checkbox is enabled, the December 2019 of Vector is used. When this checkbox is disabled, the actively developed version of Vector is used instead.",
"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-help":"Detail explaining the operation of the prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label checkbox.",
"vector-opt-out":"Text of link that takes the user to the Special:Preferences page so they can opt-out of the latest version of Vector and go back to legacy Vector.",
"vector-action-toggle-sidebar":"Accessibility label for the button that toggles the sidebar's visibility, as well as audible presentation for screen readers.",
"vector-language-button-aria-label":"Accessibility label for language button dropdown menu in modern Vector.\n* $1 - the count of languages available, supports plural",
"vector-action-delete":"Used in the Vector skin, as the name of a tab at the top of the page. See for example {{canonicalurl:Translating:MediaWiki|useskin=vector}}\n\n{{Identical|Delete}}",
"vector-action-move":"The \"Move\" action renames pages.\n\nUsed in the Vector skin, on the tabs at the top of the page. See for example {{canonicalurl:Talk:Main_Page|useskin=vector}}\n\n{{Identical|Move}}",
"vector-view-create":"Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Foo|useskin=vector}}\n\nWhen Visual Editor is enabled, it appears next to {{msg-mw|Visualeditor-ca-createsource}}.\n\n{{Identical|Create}}",
"vector-view-edit":"Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Translating:MediaWiki|useskin=vector}}\n{{Identical|Edit}}",
"vector-view-history":"Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Translating:MediaWiki|useskin=vector}}\n{{Identical|View history}}",
"vector-view-view":"Tab label in the Vector skin (verb). See for example {{canonicalurl:Translating:MediaWiki|useskin=vector}}.\n{{Identical|Read}}",
"vector-more-actions":"Label in the Vector skin's menu for the less-important or rarer actions which are not shown as tabs (like moving the page, or for sysops deleting or protecting the page), as well as (for users with a narrow viewing window in their browser) the less-important tab actions which the user's browser is unable to fit in. {{Identical|More}}",
"vector-feature-limited-width-name":"Heading label for limited width. The title of a list that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-0-label}}",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-name":"Heading label for font size. The title of a list that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label}}",
"vector-feature-limited-width-0-label":"Label for option to disable limited width. An item in a list that has the title {{msg-mw|Vector-feature-limited-width-name}} and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-0-label}}",
"vector-feature-limited-width-1-label":"Label for option to enable limited width. An item in a list that has the title {{msg-mw|Vector-feature-limited-width-name}} and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-limited-width-0-label}}",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label":"Label for small (legacy) font size. An item in a list that has the title {{msg-mw|Vector-feature-custom-font-size-name}} and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label}}",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label":"Label for standard font size. An item in a list that has the title {{msg-mw|Vector-feature-custom-font-size-name}} and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label}}",
"vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label":"Label for large font size. An item in a list that has the title {{msg-mw|Vector-feature-custom-font-size-name}} and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-0-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-1-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|vector-feature-custom-font-size-2-label}}",
"skin-theme-name":"Label for setting that allows you to change theme. A title of a list that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-os-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-day-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-night-label}}",
"skin-theme-day-label":"Label for light theme (standard mode). A title of a list that has the title {{msg-mw|skin-theme-name}}, and that includes the following items:\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-os-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-day-label}}\n* {{msg-mw|skin-theme-night-label}}",
"skin-theme-night-label":"Label for night theme (dark/night mode). \"Dark\" should be translated consistently with {{msg-mw|Skin-minerva-night-mode-launch-subtitle}}.",
"skin-theme-exclusion-notice":"Text that informs you that the page is always in light mode. The word \"light\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Skin-theme-day-label}}.",
"vector-searchsuggest-containing":"Label used in the special item of the search suggestions list which gives the user an option to perform a full text search for the term. Used in the Codex typeahead search component.",
"vector-intro-page":"Introduction or tutorial page for the wiki. Typically either Project/Help:Introduction ([[d:Q3945]]) or Project/Help:Tutorial ([[d:Q915263]]).",
"vector-2022-prefs-talkpage":"Link to the desktop improvements project talk page which is shown before the preview link in skin preferences. See T307113 for more information.",
"empty-language-selector-body":"Text of the body of the dropdown that explains to the user that the page is not supported in other languages. The dropdown opens when the less prominent language button is clicked, inside non-content pages",