
532 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Vector;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageConverterFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentAppearance;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentButton;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentDropdown;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentLanguageDropdown;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentMainMenu;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentPageTools;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentPinnableContainer;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentSearchBox;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentStickyHeader;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentTableOfContents;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentUserLinks;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\Components\VectorComponentVariants;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\FeatureManagement\FeatureManager;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\FeatureManagement\FeatureManagerFactory;
use RuntimeException;
use SkinMustache;
use SkinTemplate;
* @ingroup Skins
* @package Vector
* @internal
class SkinVector22 extends SkinMustache {
private const STICKY_HEADER_ENABLED_CLASS = 'vector-sticky-header-enabled';
/** @var null|array for caching purposes */
private $languages;
private LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory;
private FeatureManagerFactory $featureManagerFactory;
private ?FeatureManager $featureManager = null;
public function __construct(
LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory,
FeatureManagerFactory $featureManagerFactory,
array $options
) {
parent::__construct( $options );
$this->languageConverterFactory = $languageConverterFactory;
// Cannot use the context in the constructor, setContext is called after construction
$this->featureManagerFactory = $featureManagerFactory;
* @inheritDoc
protected function runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( SkinTemplate $skin, &$content_navigation ) {
parent::runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, $content_navigation );
Hooks::onSkinTemplateNavigation( $skin, $content_navigation );
* @inheritDoc
public function isResponsive() {
// Check it's enabled by user preference and configuration
$responsive = parent::isResponsive() && $this->getConfig()->get( 'VectorResponsive' );
// For historic reasons, the viewport is added when Vector is loaded on the mobile
// domain. This is only possible for 3rd parties or by useskin parameter as there is
// no preference for changing mobile skin. Only need to check if $responsive is falsey.
if ( !$responsive && ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) ) {
$mobFrontContext = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' );
if ( $mobFrontContext->shouldDisplayMobileView() ) {
return true;
return $responsive;
* Whether or not toc data is available
* @param array $parentData Template data
* @return bool
private function isTocAvailable( array $parentData ): bool {
return !empty( $parentData['data-toc'][ 'array-sections' ] );
* This should be upstreamed to the Skin class in core once the logic is finalized.
* Returns false if the page is a special page without any languages, or if an action
* other than view is being used.
* @return bool
private function canHaveLanguages(): bool {
$action = $this->getActionName();
// FIXME: This logic should be moved into the ULS extension or core given the button is hidden,
// it should not be rendered, short term fix for T328996.
if ( $action === 'history' ) {
return false;
$title = $this->getTitle();
// Defensive programming - if a special page has added languages explicitly, best to show it.
if ( $title && $title->isSpecialPage() && $this->getLanguagesCached() === [] ) {
return false;
return true;
* Remove the add topic button from data-views if present
* @param array &$parentData Template data
* @return bool An add topic button was removed
private function removeAddTopicButton( array &$parentData ): bool {
$views = $parentData['data-portlets']['data-views']['array-items'];
$hasAddTopicButton = false;
$html = '';
foreach ( $views as $i => $view ) {
if ( $view['id'] === 'ca-addsection' ) {
array_splice( $views, $i, 1 );
$hasAddTopicButton = true;
$html .= $view['html-item'];
$parentData['data-portlets']['data-views']['array-items'] = $views;
$parentData['data-portlets']['data-views']['html-items'] = $html;
return $hasAddTopicButton;
private function getFeatureManager(): FeatureManager {
if ( $this->featureManager === null ) {
$this->featureManager = $this->featureManagerFactory->createFeatureManager( $this->getContext() );
return $this->featureManager;
* @param string $location Either 'top' or 'bottom' is accepted.
* @return bool
protected function isLanguagesInContentAt( string $location ): bool {
if ( !$this->canHaveLanguages() ) {
return false;
$featureManager = $this->getFeatureManager();
$inContent = $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled(
$title = $this->getTitle();
$isMainPage = $title ? $title->isMainPage() : false;
switch ( $location ) {
case 'top':
return $isMainPage ? $inContent && $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled(
) : $inContent;
case 'bottom':
return $inContent && $isMainPage && !$featureManager->isFeatureEnabled(
throw new RuntimeException( 'unknown language button location' );
* Whether or not the languages are out of the sidebar and in the content either at
* the top or the bottom.
* @return bool
final protected function isLanguagesInContent(): bool {
return $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'top' ) || $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'bottom' );
* Calls getLanguages with caching.
* @return array
protected function getLanguagesCached(): array {
if ( $this->languages === null ) {
$this->languages = $this->getLanguages();
return $this->languages;
* Check whether ULS is enabled
* @return bool
final protected function isULSExtensionEnabled(): bool {
return ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'UniversalLanguageSelector' );
* Check whether Visual Editor Tab Position is first
* @param array $dataViews
* @return bool
final protected function isVisualEditorTabPositionFirst( $dataViews ): bool {
$names = [ 've-edit', 'edit' ];
// find if under key 'name' 've-edit' or 'edit' is the before item in the array
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $dataViews[ 'array-items' ] ); $i++ ) {
if ( in_array( $dataViews[ 'array-items' ][ $i ][ 'name' ], $names ) ) {
return $dataViews[ 'array-items' ][ $i ][ 'name' ] === $names[ 0 ];
return false;
* Show the ULS button if it's modern Vector, languages in header is enabled,
* the ULS extension is enabled, and we are on a subect page. Hide it otherwise.
* There is no point in showing the language button if ULS extension is unavailable
* as there is no ways to add languages without it.
* @return bool
protected function shouldHideLanguages(): bool {
$title = $this->getTitle();
$isSubjectPage = $title && $title->exists() && !$title->isTalkPage();
return !$this->isLanguagesInContent() || !$this->isULSExtensionEnabled() || !$isSubjectPage;
* Merges the `view-overflow` menu into the `action` menu.
* This ensures that the previous state of the menu e.g. emptyPortlet class
* is preserved.
* @param array $data
* @return array
private function mergeViewOverflowIntoActions( array $data ): array {
$portlets = $data['data-portlets'];
$actions = $portlets['data-actions'];
$overflow = $portlets['data-views-overflow'];
// if the views overflow menu is not empty, then signal that the more menu despite
// being initially empty now has collapsible items.
if ( !$overflow['is-empty'] ) {
$data['data-portlets']['data-actions']['class'] .= ' vector-has-collapsible-items';
$data['data-portlets']['data-actions']['html-items'] = $overflow['html-items'] . $actions['html-items'];
return $data;
* @inheritDoc
public function getHtmlElementAttributes() {
$original = parent::getHtmlElementAttributes();
$featureManager = $this->getFeatureManager();
$original['class'] .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $featureManager->getFeatureBodyClass() );
if ( $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled( Constants::FEATURE_STICKY_HEADER ) ) {
// T290518: Add scroll padding to root element when the sticky header is
// enabled. This class needs to be server rendered instead of added from
// JS in order to correctly handle situations where the sticky header
// isn't visible yet but we still need scroll padding applied (e.g. when
// the user navigates to a page with a hash fragment in the URI). For this
// reason, we can't rely on the `vector-sticky-header-visible` class as it
// is added too late.
// Please note that this class applies scroll padding which does not work
// when applied to the body tag in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox (and
// possibly others). It must instead be applied to the html tag.
$original['class'] = implode( ' ', [ $original['class'] ?? '', self::STICKY_HEADER_ENABLED_CLASS ] );
$original['class'] = trim( $original['class'] );
return $original;
* Pulls the page tools menu out of $sidebar into $pageToolsMenu
* @param array &$sidebar
* @param array &$pageToolsMenu
private static function extractPageToolsFromSidebar( array &$sidebar, array &$pageToolsMenu ) {
$restPortlets = $sidebar[ 'array-portlets-rest' ] ?? [];
$toolboxMenuIndex = array_search(
if ( $toolboxMenuIndex !== false ) {
// Splice removes the toolbox menu from the $restPortlets array
// and current returns the first value of array_splice, i.e. the $toolbox menu data.
$pageToolsMenu = array_splice( $restPortlets, $toolboxMenuIndex );
$sidebar['array-portlets-rest'] = $restPortlets;
* Get the ULS button label, accounting for the number of available
* languages.
* @return array
final protected function getULSLabels(): array {
$numLanguages = count( $this->getLanguagesCached() );
if ( $numLanguages === 0 ) {
return [
'label' => $this->msg( 'vector-no-language-button-label' )->text(),
'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'vector-no-language-button-aria-label' )->text()
} else {
return [
'label' => $this->msg( 'vector-language-button-label' )->numParams( $numLanguages )->text(),
'aria-label' => $this->msg( 'vector-language-button-aria-label' )->numParams( $numLanguages )->text()
* @return array
public function getTemplateData(): array {
$parentData = parent::getTemplateData();
$parentData = $this->mergeViewOverflowIntoActions( $parentData );
$portlets = $parentData['data-portlets'];
$langData = $portlets['data-languages'] ?? null;
$config = $this->getConfig();
$featureManager = $this->getFeatureManager();
$sidebar = $parentData[ 'data-portlets-sidebar' ];
$pageToolsMenu = [];
self::extractPageToolsFromSidebar( $sidebar, $pageToolsMenu );
$hasAddTopicButton = $config->get( 'VectorPromoteAddTopic' ) &&
$this->removeAddTopicButton( $parentData );
$langButtonClass = $langData['class'] ?? '';
$ulsLabels = $this->getULSLabels();
$user = $this->getUser();
$localizer = $this->getContext();
$title = $this->getTitle();
// If the table of contents has no items, we won't output it.
// empty array is interpreted by Mustache as falsey.
$tocComponents = [];
if ( $this->isTocAvailable( $parentData ) ) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line SecurityCheck-XSS
$dataToc = new VectorComponentTableOfContents(
$isPinned = $dataToc->isPinned();
$tocComponents = [
'data-toc' => $dataToc,
'data-toc-pinnable-container' => new VectorComponentPinnableContainer(
'data-page-titlebar-toc-dropdown' => new VectorComponentDropdown(
// label
$this->msg( 'vector-toc-collapsible-button-label' ),
// class
'vector-page-titlebar-toc vector-button-flush-left',
// icon
'data-page-titlebar-toc-pinnable-container' => new VectorComponentPinnableContainer(
'data-sticky-header-toc-dropdown' => new VectorComponentDropdown(
// label
$this->msg( 'vector-toc-collapsible-button-label' ),
// class
'mw-portlet mw-portlet-sticky-header-toc vector-sticky-header-toc vector-button-flush-left',
// icon
'data-sticky-header-toc-pinnable-container' => new VectorComponentPinnableContainer(
$this->getOutput()->addHtmlClasses( 'vector-toc-available' );
} else {
$this->getOutput()->addHtmlClasses( 'vector-toc-not-available' );
$isRegistered = $user->isRegistered();
$userPage = $isRegistered ? $this->buildPersonalPageItem() : [];
$components = $tocComponents + [
'data-add-topic-button' => $hasAddTopicButton ? new VectorComponentButton(
$this->msg( [ 'vector-2022-action-addsection', 'skin-action-addsection' ] )->text(),
[ 'data-event-name' => 'addsection-header' ],
$title->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'edit', 'section' => 'new' ] )
) : null,
'data-variants' => new VectorComponentVariants(
$this->msg( 'vector-language-variant-switcher-label' )
'data-vector-user-links' => new VectorComponentUserLinks(
$userPage[ 'icon' ] ?? ''
'data-lang-dropdown' => $langData ? new VectorComponentLanguageDropdown(
count( $this->getLanguagesCached() ),
$langData['html-items'] ?? '',
$langData['html-before-portal'] ?? '',
$langData['html-after-portal'] ?? '',
) : null,
'data-search-box' => new VectorComponentSearchBox(
// is primary mode of search
'data-main-menu' => new VectorComponentMainMenu(
$portlets['data-languages'] ?? [],
'data-main-menu-dropdown' => new VectorComponentDropdown(
VectorComponentMainMenu::ID . '-dropdown',
$this->msg( VectorComponentMainMenu::ID . '-label' )->text(),
VectorComponentMainMenu::ID . '-dropdown' . ' vector-button-flush-left vector-button-flush-right',
'data-page-tools' => new VectorComponentPageTools(
array_merge( [ $portlets['data-actions'] ?? [] ], $pageToolsMenu ),
'data-page-tools-dropdown' => new VectorComponentDropdown(
VectorComponentPageTools::ID . '-dropdown',
$this->msg( 'toolbox' )->text(),
VectorComponentPageTools::ID . '-dropdown',
'data-appearance' => new VectorComponentAppearance( $localizer, $featureManager ),
'data-appearance-dropdown' => new VectorComponentDropdown(
$this->msg( 'vector-appearance-label' )->text(),
Html::expandAttributes( [
'title' => $this->msg( 'vector-appearance-tooltip' ),
] )
'data-vector-sticky-header' => $featureManager->isFeatureEnabled(
) ? new VectorComponentStickyHeader(
new VectorComponentSearchBox(
// Collapse inside search box is disabled.
// Show sticky ULS if the ULS extension is enabled and the ULS in header is not hidden
$this->isULSExtensionEnabled() && !$this->shouldHideLanguages() ?
new VectorComponentButton(
$ulsLabels[ 'label' ],
'tabindex' => '-1',
'data-event-name' => 'ui.dropdown-p-lang-btn-sticky-header'
) : null,
$this->isVisualEditorTabPositionFirst( $portlets[ 'data-views' ] )
) : null,
foreach ( $components as $key => $component ) {
// Array of components or null values.
if ( $component ) {
$parentData[$key] = $component->getTemplateData();
return array_merge( $parentData, [
'is-language-in-content' => $this->isLanguagesInContent(),
'has-buttons-in-content-top' => $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'top' ) || $hasAddTopicButton,
'is-language-in-content-bottom' => $this->isLanguagesInContentAt( 'bottom' ),
// Cast empty string to null
'html-subtitle' => $parentData['html-subtitle'] === '' ? null : $parentData['html-subtitle'],
] );