mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 20:24:54 +00:00
Resubmission of Ib68f45d93a (548e94da98
), which caused an error due
to `require('../../`)` not working outside the module base directory.
This is fixed with regression test in T373065.
Further confirmed in this repo by viewing
with this patch applied. Without the T373065 fix, the console warns:
> Error: Cannot require undefined file …/ToggleList.js
Support for private require() in tests is available since MW 1.41:
This fixes a confusing assertion in page-issues/index.test.js,
where for "insertBannersOrNotice()" it was asserting that the HTML
contain "⧼skin-minerva-issue-learn-more⧽", where the ⧼ character
indicates the message is not found (i.e. an error).
The test had to be written this way in order to pass, because
the skins.minerva.scripts module was not actually loaded, and thus
its templates and messages are not present either. This lack was
filled in by index.js for mw.templates, but not mw.messages.
By adopting private require(), these workarounds can all be removed.
== Motivation ==
In change I3a4024ccf90e505581, I'm working on improving the testrunner
config to enforce uselang=qqx on all tests. This is passing except
for GrowthExperiments and Minerva, both of which have the above
workarounds in place that caused a message to be undefined, and then
kept in the assertion expectation. When using uselang=qqx, values are
returned as (key) instead of ⧼key⧽, which exposes these message
existence errors.
By removing this workaround, the test will simply import the module
in the test as normal, thus the messages will exist, and thus it
will expect (key), and thus it will continue to pass even after
enforcing uselang=qqx.
Bug: T373482
Depends-On: I777f2c12e845a738edeac00e19818d4c939a1ef1
Change-Id: I6348e5ae00776c2c01d91fa90a431b6ffe3da25d
197 lines
8.2 KiB
197 lines
8.2 KiB
( function () {
const VALID_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 6 Build/LYZ28E) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const spinner = () => ( {
$el: $( '<span>' )
} );
const Deferred = $.Deferred;
const windowChrome = { chrome: true };
const windowNotChrome = {};
const downloadAction = require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/downloadPageAction.js' );
const onClick = downloadAction.test.onClick;
const isAvailable = downloadAction.test.isAvailable;
class Page {
constructor( options ) {
this.isMissing = options.isMissing;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
this._isMainPage = !!options.isMainPage;
isMainPage() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
return this._isMainPage;
getNamespaceId() {
return 0;
QUnit.module( 'Minerva DownloadIcon', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.getOnClickHandler = function ( onLoadAllImages ) {
const portletLink = document.createElement( 'li' );
return function () {
onClick( portletLink, spinner(), onLoadAllImages );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getOnClickHandler (print after image download)', function ( assert ) {
d = Deferred(),
handler = this.getOnClickHandler( () => d.resolve() ),
spy = this.sandbox.stub( window, 'print' );
d.then( () => {
assert.strictEqual( spy.callCount, 1, 'Print occurred.' );
} );
return d;
} );
QUnit.test( '#getOnClickHandler (print via timeout)', function ( assert ) {
d = Deferred(),
handler = this.getOnClickHandler( () => d.resolve() ),
spy = this.sandbox.stub( window, 'print' );
window.setTimeout( () => {
}, 3400 );
d.then( () => {
assert.strictEqual( spy.callCount, 1,
'Print was called once despite loadImages resolving after MAX_PRINT_TIMEOUT' );
} );
return d;
} );
QUnit.test( '#getOnClickHandler (multiple clicks)', function ( assert ) {
const d = Deferred(),
handler = this.getOnClickHandler( () => d.resolve() ),
spy = this.sandbox.stub( window, 'print' );
window.setTimeout( () => {
}, 3400 );
d.then( () => {
assert.strictEqual( spy.callCount, 1,
'Print was called once despite multiple clicks' );
} );
return d;
} );
QUnit.module( 'isAvailable()', {
beforeEach: function () {
const page = new Page( {
id: 0,
title: 'Test',
isMissing: false,
isMainPage: false
} );
this.page = page;
this.isAvailable = function ( ua ) {
return isAvailable( windowChrome, page, ua,
this.notChromeIsAvailable = function ( ua ) {
return isAvailable( windowNotChrome, page, ua,
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly correct namespace', function ( assert ) {
assert.true( this.isAvailable( VALID_UA ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly not supported namespace', function ( assert ) {
assert.false( isAvailable( windowChrome, this.page, VALID_UA, [ 9999 ] ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles missing pages', ( assert ) => {
const page = new Page( {
id: 0,
title: 'Missing',
isMissing: true
} );
assert.false( isAvailable( windowChrome, page, VALID_UA, VALID_SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly main page', ( assert ) => {
const page = new Page( {
id: 0,
title: 'Test',
isMissing: false,
isMainPage: true
} );
assert.false( isAvailable( windowChrome, page, VALID_UA, VALID_SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() returns false for iOS', function ( assert ) {
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'ipad' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() uses window.chrome to filter certain chrome-like browsers', function ( assert ) {
// Dolphin
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( ' Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G950U1 Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/61.0.3163.98 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
// Opera
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G950U1 Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.116 Mobile Safari/537.36 OPR/44.1.2246.123029' ) );
// Maxthon
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G950U1 Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/63.0.3239.111 Mobile Safari/537.36 MxBrowser/' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly browsers', function ( assert ) {
// IPhone 6 Safari
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13A405 Safari/601.1' ) );
// Nokia Lumia 930 Windows Phone 8.1
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; Microsoft; Virtual) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537' ) );
// Firefox @ Ubuntu
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly non-chrome browsers', function ( assert ) {
// IPhone 6 Safari
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13A405 Safari/601.1' ) );
// Nokia Lumia 930 Windows Phone 8.1
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; Microsoft; Virtual) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537' ) );
// Firefox @ Ubuntu
assert.false( this.notChromeIsAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly old devices', function ( assert ) {
// Samsung Galaxy S5, Android 4.4, Chrome 28
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; en-us; SAMSUNG SM-G900F Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/1.6 Chrome/28.0.1500.94 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
// Samsung Galaxyu S1, Android 4.2.2 Cyanogenmod + built in Samsung Browser
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; en-ca; GT-I9000 Build/JDQ39E) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30 CyanogenMod/10.1.0/galaxysmtd' ) );
// Samsung Galaxy S3
assert.false( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; GT-I9300 Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.84 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAvailable() handles properly supported browsers', function ( assert ) {
// Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 6, Chrome 44
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SAMSUNG SM-G930F Build/MMB29K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/4.0 Chrome/44.0.2403.133 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
// Samsung Galaxy A5, Android 7, Samsung Browser 5.2
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SAMSUNG SM-A510F Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/5.2 Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
// Galaxy J2, Android 5, Chrome 65
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; SM-J200G Build/LMY47X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3320.0 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
// Desktop, Chrome 63
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36' ) );
// Desktop, Ubuntu, Chromium 61
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/61.0.3163.100 Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36' ) );
// Galaxy S8, Android 8, Samsung Browser 6.2
assert.true( this.isAvailable( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SAMSUNG SM-G950U1 Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/6.2 Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Mobile Safari/537.36' ) );
} );
}() );