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@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables';
@import 'mediawiki.skin.variables.less';
* System font stack for sans-serif fonts
* `-apple-system` ('San Francisco') – Support: Safari 9+ macOS and iOS, Firefox macOS
* `BlinkMacSystemFont` ('San Francisco') – Chrome 48+ macOS and iOS
* `Segoe UI` – Windows Vista & newer
* `Roboto` – Android 4.0
* `Lato` – Wikimedia Design choice, OFL licensed
* `Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif` – (Generic) Web fallback
* Note that CSS Fonts Module Level 4's `system-ui` value has resulted in unresolved
* side-effects in certain OS/language combinations and is therefore not included as of now.
@font-family-system-sans: -apple-system, 'BlinkMacSystemFont', 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Lato', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;
@font-family-base: @font-family-system-sans;
@font-size-browser: 16; // Assumed browser default of `16px`.
@font-size-root: 100%;
@font-size-root--feature-phone: 0.8 * @font-size-root;
// T282315: Use rem instead of em to avoid font-size compounding, resulting in smaller than intended text
@font-size-minerva-small: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser, rem ); // Equals `14px` at `16px` browser default.
@font-size-minerva-smallest: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, rem ); // Equals `13px` at `16px` browser default.
// colors
@grayMediumLight: @colorGray10;
@grayMediumDark: @colorGray5;
@grayMedium: @colorGray7;
@grayLight: @colorGray12;
@grayLightest: @colorGray14;
@background-color-primary: @wmui-color-accent90;
@grayDrawerShadow: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.35 );
* FIXME: Use these variables directly from wikimedia-ui-base when available.
@wmui-color-accent90: #eaf3ff;
@wmui-color-green30: #14866d;
@wmui-color-red30: #b32424;
@wmui-color-grey30: #a2a9b1;
// Icons
@icon-touch-area-sm: 34;
@icon-touch-area-md: 44;
@icon-color: @colorGray5;
// Small icon
@icon-glyph-size-sm: 16;
@icon-size-sm: unit( @icon-glyph-size-sm / @font-size-browser, em );
@icon-padding-sm: unit( ( @icon-touch-area-sm - @icon-glyph-size-sm ) / 2 / @font-size-browser, em );
// Medium icon
@icon-glyph-size-md: 20;
@icon-size-md: unit( @icon-glyph-size-md / @font-size-browser, em );
@icon-padding-md: unit( ( @icon-touch-area-md - @icon-glyph-size-md ) / 2 / @font-size-browser, em );
@margin-icon-md-labelled: 8px;
// Navigation Drawers
@rightDrawerWidth: 60%;
@primaryNavBackgroundColor: @colorGray14;
@menuButtonIconSize: 3.5em;
// Headings
@fontSizeH1: 1.7em;
@fontSizeH2: 1.5em;
@fontSizeH3: 1.2em;
// Content
@contentPadding: 16px;
@contentMargin: 16px;
// Header
@siteHeaderHeight: unit( 54 / @font-size-browser, em );
@overlayHeaderHeight: unit( 48 / @font-size-browser, em );
@headerVerticalPadding: 0.15em;
@headerMarginTop: -1px; // used to hide the header border top when a banner is not present
@searchBoxWidth: 375/16em;
@deviceWidthTabletEms: unit( @width-breakpoint-tablet / @font-size-browser, em );
@brandingBoxWidth: @deviceWidthTabletEms - (3 * @menuButtonIconSize + @iconGutterWidth) - @searchBoxWidth;
@titleSectionSpacingTop: 20px;
// Page actions
@taglineFontSize: 0.85em;
@pageActionBorder: 1px;
// colors
@chromeColor: @grayLightest;
@semiTransparent: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8 );
@lastModifiedBarActiveBackgroundColor: #00af89;
@toastNotificationColor: @colorGray2;
// Typography
@font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
* System font stack for monospace fonts, see T221043.
* `Menlo` – macOS 10.6+
* `Consolas` – Windows Vista & newer
* `Liberation Mono` – Fedora, Ubuntu, … OFL licensed
* `Courier New` – (Generic) web font fallback
@font-family-monospace: 'Menlo', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;
@line-height-content: 1.65;
@headingMargin: 0.5em;
// blockquote
@padding-start-blockquote: 32px;
// Make it a tad smaller on mobile to fit more contents.
@padding-end-blockquote: 24px;
@padding-vertical-blockquote: 8px;
// custom tablet styling
@contentPaddingTablet: 3.35em;
// note since content does not use view border box we have to include padding.
@contentMaxWidthTablet: @width-breakpoint-desktop - ( 2 * @contentPaddingTablet );
// Wiki specific variables
@infoboxWidth: 320px;
@lastModifiedBarBgColor: @chromeColor;
@lastModifiedBarTextColor: @colorTextLight;
@footerBorderColor: @grayLight;
@notificationBackgroundRead: @colorGray14;
@notificationColorRead: @colorGray5;
@notificationBackgroundUnread: @colorDestructive;
@notificationColorUnread: #fff;
// Opacity
@opacity-icon-base: 0.87; // = `#222` on `background-color: #fff`, closest to `#202122`
@opacity-icon-subtle: 0.66; // = `#565656 on `background-color: #fff`, closest to `#54595d`
// z-index:
@z-indexOccluded: -1;
@z-indexBase: 0;
@z-indexAboveContent: 1;
@z-indexDrawer: 2;
@z-indexOverlay: 3;
@z-indexOverOverlay: 4;
// Print specific
@colorPrintSubtle: #999;
@borderColorPrint: #999;
// Animations & Transitions
// Transitions > Timing Functions
@transition-timing-function-menu: ease-in-out;