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synced 2024-11-18 03:31:34 +00:00
Following up on Jon's POC, this will get rid of the talk board component in favor of linking to the server rendered talk page. Additional Changes: * Cleaned up talk selenium tests. Removed talk_steps.rb which doesn't appear to be used anymore. * Changed talk add button classes to a single class * Moved "Add discussion" button to postheadinghtml per design mock * Added "...talk-explained", "...talk-explained-empty" messages to postheadinghtml per design mock * Due to undesirable jumps in window scroll caused by the section anchor & Toggler.js code when opening the TalkSectionOverlay (read fixme in code), a Promise is always returned from OverlayManager route to reset the scroll position to the top when the section overlay is opened. * Moved "mobile-frontend-talk-fullpage", "mobile-frontend-talk-reply-success", "mobile-frontend-talk-topic-feedback", "mobile-frontend-talk-explained" "mobile-frontend-talk-explained-empty" messages to minerva as minerva is the one who initiates those messages now. * Limited $talk selector to only `.talk` elements since amc talk tab does not need to be targeted * After saving a reply from TalkSectionOverlay, the DOM that is not part of the overlay becomes out of sync since a new reply was created. To get around this, an `onSaveComplete` callback was passed (similar to the TalkSectionAddOverlay) to execute a full page refresh. Although this is clunky, it is the easiest way to resync. Bug: T230695 Depends-On: I80201394fd7015db6700446142b0b4b20829f12e Change-Id: I243f1193bce0da9fa710fc3b5379f90b2d079680
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const { defineSupportCode } = require( 'cucumber' ),
{ iClickOnTheCategoryButton,
iShouldSeeTheCategoriesOverlay, iShouldSeeAListOfCategories
} = require( './category_steps' ),
{ iAmInAWikiThatHasCategories,
iAmViewingAWatchedPage, iAmViewingAnUnwatchedPage,
iGoToAPageThatHasLanguages } = require( './create_page_api_steps' ),
pageExists, iAmOnAPageThatDoesNotExist, iShouldSeeAToastNotification,
iShouldSeeAToastNotificationWithMessage, iAmUsingMobileScreenResolution,
iAmUsingTheMobileSite, iClickTheBrowserBackButton,
iClickTheOverlayCloseButton, iDoNotSeeAnOverlay,
iAmOnPage, iAmInBetaMode
} = require( './common_steps' ),
iShouldSeeAddedContent, iShouldSeeRemovedContent
} = require( './diff_steps' ),
iClickTheEditButton, iSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay, iClearTheEditor,
iTypeIntoTheEditor, iClickContinue, iClickSubmit, iSayOkayInTheConfirmDialog,
theTextOfTheFirstHeadingShouldBe, thereShouldBeARedLinkWithText
} = require( './editor_steps' ),
theWatchstarShouldNotBeSelected, theWatchstarShouldBeSelected,
iClickTheWatchstar, iClickTheUnwatchStar } = require( './watch_steps' ),
{ iVisitMyUserPage, iShouldBeOnMyUserPage, thereShouldBeALinkToMyContributions,
} = require( './user_page_steps' ),
} = require( './search_steps' ),
} = require( './talk_steps' ),
{ iSeeALinkToAboutPage, iShouldSeeAUserPageLinkInMenu,
iShouldSeeALinkInMenu, iShouldSeeALinkToDisclaimer
} = require( './menu_steps' ),
{ iHaveNoNotifications, iClickOnTheNotificationIcon,
iShouldSeeTheNotificationsOverlay, iClickTheNotificationsOverlayCloseButton,
} = require( './notification_steps' ),
} = require( './history_steps' );
defineSupportCode( function ( { Then, When, Given } ) {
// Editor steps
Given( /^I click the edit button$/, iClickTheEditButton );
Then( /^I see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay );
When( /^I clear the editor$/, iClearTheEditor );
When( /^I type "(.+)" into the editor$/, iTypeIntoTheEditor );
When( /^I click continue$/, iClickContinue );
When( /^I click submit$/, iClickSubmit );
When( /^I say OK in the confirm dialog$/, iSayOkayInTheConfirmDialog );
When( /^I click the wikitext editor overlay close button$/, iClickTheOverlayCloseButton );
Then( /^I do not see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iDoNotSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay );
Then( /^the text of the first heading should be "(.+)"$/, theTextOfTheFirstHeadingShouldBe );
Then( /^there should be a red link with text "(.+)"$/, thereShouldBeARedLinkWithText );
Then( /^I should not see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iDoNotSeeAnOverlay );
// common steps
Given( /^I am using the mobile site$/, iAmUsingTheMobileSite );
When( /^I am viewing the site in mobile mode$/, iAmUsingMobileScreenResolution );
Given( /^I am in beta mode$/, iAmInBetaMode );
Given( /^I am on the "(.+)" page$/, iAmOnPage );
Given( /^I am logged into the mobile website$/, iAmLoggedIntoTheMobileWebsite );
Then( /^I should see a toast notification$/, iShouldSeeAToastNotification );
Then( /^I should see a toast with message "(.+)"$/, iShouldSeeAToastNotificationWithMessage );
When( /I click the browser back button/, iClickTheBrowserBackButton );
// Page steps
Given( /^I am on a talk page with no talk topics$/, iAmOnATalkPageWithNoTalkTopics );
Given( /^I am in a wiki that has categories$/, () => {
iAmInAWikiThatHasCategories( 'Selenium categories test page' );
} );
Given( /^I am on a page that has the following edits:$/, iAmOnAPageThatHasTheFollowingEdits );
Given( /^I am on a page that does not exist$/, iAmOnAPageThatDoesNotExist );
Given( /^I go to a page that has languages$/, iGoToAPageThatHasLanguages );
Given( /^the page "(.+)" exists$/, pageExists );
Given( /^I am viewing a watched page$/, iAmViewingAWatchedPage );
Given( /^I am viewing an unwatched page$/, iAmViewingAnUnwatchedPage );
// history steps
When( /^I open the latest diff$/, iOpenTheLatestDiff );
When( /^I click on the history link in the last modified bar$/,
iClickOnTheHistoryLinkInTheLastModifiedBar );
// diff steps
Then( /^I should see "(.*?)" as added content$/, iShouldSeeAddedContent );
Then( /^I should see "(.*?)" as removed content$/, iShouldSeeRemovedContent );
// notifications
Then( /I have no notifications/, iHaveNoNotifications );
When( /I click on the notification icon/, iClickOnTheNotificationIcon );
When( /I click the notifications overlay close button/, iClickTheNotificationsOverlayCloseButton );
Then( /after 1 seconds I should not see the notifications overlay/, iShouldNotSeeTheNotificationsOverlay );
Then( /I should see the notifications overlay/, iShouldSeeTheNotificationsOverlay );
// talk
When( /^I click the add talk button$/, iClickTheAddTalkButton );
When( /^I add a topic called "(.+)"$/, iAddATopic );
Then( /^I see the talk overlay$/, iSeeTheTalkOverlay );
Then( /^I should see the talk overlay$/, iSeeTheTalkOverlay );
Then( /^there should be a save discussion button$/, thereShouldBeASaveDiscussionButton );
Then( /^no topic is present$/, noTopicIsPresent );
Then( /^there should be an add discussion button$/, thereShouldBeAnAddDiscussionButton );
Then( /^there should be a talk button/, thereShouldBeATalkButton );
Then( /^there should be no talk button$/, thereShouldBeNoTalkButton );
Then( /^I should see the topic called "(.+)" in the list of topics$/, iShouldSeeTheTopicInTheListOfTopics );
// user page
Given( /^I visit my user page$/, iVisitMyUserPage );
When( /^I should be on my user page$/, iShouldBeOnMyUserPage );
Then( /^there should be a link to my contributions$/, thereShouldBeALinkToMyContributions );
Then( /^there should be a link to my talk page$/, thereShouldBeALinkToMyTalkPage );
// search
When( /^I click the search icon$/, iClickTheSearchIcon );
When( /^I type into search box "(.+)"$/, iTypeIntoTheSearchBox );
When( /^I click a search watch star$/, iClickASearchWatchstar );
Then( /^I see the search overlay$/, iSeeTheSearchOverlay );
// main menu
When( /^I click on the main navigation button$/, iClickOnTheMainNavigationButton );
When( /^I should see a link to the about page$/, iSeeALinkToAboutPage );
Then( /^I should see a link to my user page in the main navigation menu$/, iShouldSeeAUserPageLinkInMenu );
Then( /^I should see a link to "(.+)" in the main navigation menu$/, iShouldSeeALinkInMenu );
Then( /^I should see a link to the disclaimer$/, iShouldSeeALinkToDisclaimer );
// watchstar
When( /^I click the watch star$/, iClickTheWatchstar );
When( /^I click the unwatch star$/, iClickTheUnwatchStar );
Then( /^the watch star should not be selected$/, theWatchstarShouldNotBeSelected );
Then( /^the watch star should be selected$/, theWatchstarShouldBeSelected );
// Category steps
When( /^I click on the category button$/, iClickOnTheCategoryButton );
Then( /^I should see the categories overlay$/, iShouldSeeTheCategoriesOverlay );
Then( /^I should see a list of categories$/, iShouldSeeAListOfCategories );
} );