mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 08:40:49 +00:00
This prevent multiple notifications for the same message. Change-Id: I6487852350497a48e1710fb04d3af01fc5c18116
470 lines
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470 lines
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* Initialise code that requires MobileFrontend.
module.exports = function () {
ms = require( 'mobile.startup' ),
PageHTMLParser = ms.PageHTMLParser,
permissions = mw.config.get( 'wgMinervaPermissions' ) || {},
notifyOnPageReload = ms.notifyOnPageReload,
time = ms.time,
preInit = require( './preInit.js' ),
mobileRedirect = require( './mobileRedirect.js' ),
search = require( './search.js' ),
references = require( './references.js' ),
TitleUtil = require( './TitleUtil.js' ),
issues = require( './page-issues/index.js' ),
Toolbar = require( './Toolbar.js' ),
ToggleList = require( '../../includes/Skins/ToggleList/ToggleList.js' ),
TabScroll = require( './TabScroll.js' ),
router = require( 'mediawiki.router' ),
ctaDrawers = require( './ctaDrawers.js' ),
drawers = require( './drawers.js' ),
desktopMMV = mw.loader.getState( 'mmv.bootstrap' ),
overlayManager = ms.getOverlayManager(),
currentPage = ms.currentPage(),
currentPageHTMLParser = ms.currentPageHTMLParser(),
api = new mw.Api(),
namespaceIDs = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' );
* Event handler for clicking on an image thumbnail
* @param {MouseEvent} ev
* @ignore
function onClickImage( ev ) {
// Do not interfere when a modifier key is pressed.
if ( ev.altKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey || ev.metaKey ) {
const el = ev.target.closest( PageHTMLParser.THUMB_SELECTOR );
if ( !el ) {
const thumb = currentPageHTMLParser.getThumbnail( $( el ) );
if ( !thumb ) {
routeThumbnail( thumb );
* @param {jQuery.Element} thumbnail
* @ignore
function routeThumbnail( thumbnail ) {
router.navigate( '#/media/' + encodeURIComponent( thumbnail.getFileName() ) );
* Add routes to images and handle clicks
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {HTMLElement} container Container to search within
function initMediaViewer( container ) {
// T360781 Ensure correct type before using `addEventListener`.
if ( container instanceof HTMLElement ) {
container.addEventListener( 'click', onClickImage );
* Hijack the Special:Languages link and replace it with a trigger to a languageOverlay
* that displays the same data
* @ignore
function initButton() {
// This catches language selectors in page actions and in secondary actions (e.g. Main Page)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
const $primaryBtn = $( '.language-selector' );
if ( $primaryBtn.length ) {
// We only bind the click event to the first language switcher in page
$primaryBtn.on( 'click', ( ev ) => {
if ( $primaryBtn.attr( 'href' ) || $primaryBtn.find( 'a' ).length ) {
router.navigate( '/languages' );
} else {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-languages-not-available' ), {
tag: 'languages-not-available'
} );
} );
* Returns a rejected promise if MultimediaViewer is available. Otherwise
* returns the mediaViewerOverlay
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {string} title the title of the image
* @return {void|Overlay} note must return void if the overlay should not show (see T262703)
* otherwise an Overlay is expected and this can lead to e.on/off is not a function
function makeMediaViewerOverlayIfNeeded( title ) {
if ( mw.loader.getState( 'mmv.bootstrap' ) === 'ready' ) {
// This means MultimediaViewer has been installed and is loaded.
// Avoid loading it (T169622)
try {
title = decodeURIComponent( title );
} catch ( e ) {
// e.g. https://ro.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeta_I_a_Angliei#/media/Fi%C8%18ier:Elizabeth_I_Rainbow_Portrait.jpg
return ms.mediaViewer.overlay( {
thumbnails: currentPageHTMLParser.getThumbnails(),
} );
// Routes
overlayManager.add( /^\/media\/(.+)$/, makeMediaViewerOverlayIfNeeded );
overlayManager.add( /^\/languages$/, () => ms.languages.languageOverlay() );
// Register a LanguageInfo overlay which has no built-in functionality;
// a hook is fired when a language is selected, and extensions can respond
// to that hook. See GrowthExperiments WelcomeSurvey feature (in gerrit
// Ib558dc7c46cc56ff667957f9126bbe0471d25b8e for example usage).
overlayManager.add( /^\/languages\/all$/, () => ms.languages.languageInfoOverlay( api, true ) );
overlayManager.add( /^\/languages\/all\/no-suggestions$/, () => ms.languages.languageInfoOverlay( api, false ) );
// Setup
$( () => {
} );
* Initialisation function for last modified module.
* Enhances an element representing a time
* to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
* @param {jQuery} $lastModifiedLink
function initHistoryLink( $lastModifiedLink ) {
const ts = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'timestamp' );
if ( ts ) {
const username = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'user-name' ) || false;
const gender = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'user-gender' );
const delta = time.getTimeAgoDelta( parseInt( ts, 10 ) );
if ( time.isRecent( delta ) ) {
const $bar = $lastModifiedLink.closest( '.last-modified-bar' );
$bar.addClass( 'active' );
const $msg = $( '<span>' )
// The new element should maintain the non-js element's CSS classes.
.attr( 'class', $lastModifiedLink.attr( 'class' ) )
time.getLastModifiedMessage( ts, username, gender,
// For cached HTML
$lastModifiedLink.attr( 'href' )
$lastModifiedLink.replaceWith( $msg );
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
function amcHistoryClickHandler( ev ) {
const self = this;
const amcOutreach = ms.amcOutreach;
const amcCampaign = amcOutreach.loadCampaign();
const onDismiss = function () {
notifyOnPageReload( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-amc-outreach-dismissed-message' ) );
window.location = self.href;
const drawer = amcCampaign.showIfEligible( amcOutreach.ACTIONS.onHistoryLink, onDismiss, currentPage.title, 'action=history' );
if ( drawer ) {
// stopPropagation is needed to prevent drawer from immediately closing
// when shown (drawers.js adds a click event to window when drawer is
// shown
drawers.displayDrawer( drawer, {} );
* @method
* @param {jQuery} $lastModifiedLink
* @ignore
function initAmcHistoryLink( $lastModifiedLink ) {
$lastModifiedLink.one( 'click', amcHistoryClickHandler );
* Initialisation function for last modified times
* Enhances .modified-enhancement element
* to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
function initModifiedInfo() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '.modified-enhancement' ).each( ( _i, el ) => {
initHistoryLink( $( el ) );
} );
Array.prototype.forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll( '.mw-diff-timestamp' ), ( tsNode ) => {
const ts = tsNode.dataset.timestamp;
if ( ts ) {
const ago = time.getTimeAgoDelta(
( new Date( ts ) ).getTime() / 1000,
// Supported messages:
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-seconds
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-minutes
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-hours
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-days
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-months
// * skin-minerva-time-ago-years
tsNode.textContent = mw.msg(
`skin-minerva-time-ago-${ ago.unit }`,
mw.language.convertNumber( ago.value )
} );
* Initialisation function for user creation module.
* Enhances an element representing a time
* to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
* @param {jQuery} [$tagline]
function initRegistrationDate( $tagline ) {
const ts = $tagline.data( 'userpage-registration-date' );
if ( ts ) {
const msg = time.getRegistrationMessage( ts, $tagline.data( 'userpage-gender' ) );
$tagline.text( msg );
* Initialisation function for registration date on user page
* Enhances .tagline-userpage element
* to show human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
function initRegistrationInfo() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '#tagline-userpage' ).each( ( _i, el ) => {
initRegistrationDate( $( el ) );
} );
* Tests a URL to determine if it links to a local User namespace page or not.
* Assuming the current page visited is hosted on metawiki, the following examples would return
* true:
* https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/User:Nonexistent_user_page
* The following examples return false:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/Foo
* /wiki/User_talk:Foo
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
function isUserUri( url ) {
const title = TitleUtil.newFromUri( url );
const namespace = title ? title.getNamespaceId() : undefined;
return namespace === namespaceIDs.user;
* Strip the edit action from red links to nonexistent User namespace pages.
* @param {jQuery} $redLinks
function initUserRedLinks( $redLinks ) {
// Filter out non-User namespace pages.
( _, element ) => isUserUri( element.href )
).each( ( _, element ) => {
const uri = new mw.Uri( element.href );
if ( uri.query.action !== 'edit' ) {
// Nothing to strip.
// Strip the action.
delete uri.query.action;
// Update the element with the new link.
element.href = uri.toString();
} );
* Wires up the notification badge to Echo extension
function setupEcho() {
const echoBtn = document.querySelector( '.minerva-notifications .mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs' );
if ( echoBtn ) {
echoBtn.addEventListener( 'click', ( ev ) => {
router.navigate( '#/notifications' );
// prevent navigation to original Special:Notifications URL
// DO NOT USE stopPropagation or you'll break click tracking in WikimediaEvents
// Mark as read.
echoBtn.dataset.counterNum = 0;
echoBtn.dataset.counterText = mw.msg( 'echo-badge-count',
mw.language.convertNumber( 0 )
} );
$( () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
const $watch = $( '#page-actions-watch' );
const toolbarElement = document.querySelector( Toolbar.selector );
const userMenu = document.querySelector( '.minerva-user-menu' ); // See UserMenuDirector.
const navigationDrawer = document.querySelector( '.navigation-drawer' );
// The `minerva-animations-ready` class can be used by clients to prevent unwanted
// CSS transitions from firing on page load in some browsers (see
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=332189 as well as
// https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T234570#5779890). Since JS adds this
// class after the CSS transitions loads, this issue is circumvented. See
// MainMenu.less for an example of how this is used.
$( document.body ).addClass( 'minerva-animations-ready' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '.mw-mf-page-center__mask' ).on( 'click', ( ev ) => {
const path = router.getPath();
// avoid jumping to the top of the page and polluting history by avoiding the
// resetting of the hash unless the hash is being utilised (T237015).
if ( !path ) {
} );
// Init:
// - main menu closes when you click outside of it
// - redirects show a toast.
// - references
// - search
// - mobile redirect
mobileRedirect( ms.amcOutreach, currentPage );
// Enhance timestamps on last-modified bar and watchlist
// to show relative time.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
initAmcHistoryLink( $( '.last-modified-bar__text a' ) );
if ( toolbarElement ) {
Toolbar.bind( window, toolbarElement );
// Update the edit icon and add a download icon.
Toolbar.render( window, toolbarElement );
if ( userMenu ) {
ToggleList.bind( window, userMenu );
if ( navigationDrawer ) {
ToggleList.bind( window, navigationDrawer );
const navigationDrawerMask = navigationDrawer.querySelector( '.main-menu-mask' );
// The 'for' attribute is used to close the drawer when the mask is clicked without JS
// Since we are using JS to enhance the drawer behavior, we need to
// remove the attribute to prevent the drawer from being toggled twice
navigationDrawerMask.removeAttribute( 'for' );
// Setup the issues banner on the page
// Pages which dont exist (id 0) cannot have issues
if (
!currentPage.isMissing &&
) {
issues.init( overlayManager, currentPageHTMLParser );
// If MobileFrontend installed we add a table of contents icon to the table of contents.
// This should probably be done in the parser.
// setup toc icons
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( ( $container ) => {
// If the MMV module is missing or disabled from the page, initialise our version
if ( desktopMMV === null || desktopMMV === 'registered' ) {
initMediaViewer( $container[ 0 ] );
// Mutate TOC.
const $toctitle = $container.find( '.toctitle' );
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'toc-title-icon' ).prependTo( $toctitle );
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'toc-title-state-icon' ).appendTo( $toctitle );
// Init red links.
const $redLinks = currentPageHTMLParser.getRedLinks();
// Filter out local User namespace pages.
( _, element ) => !isUserUri( element.href )
initUserRedLinks( $redLinks );
} );
// wire up watch icon if necessary
if ( permissions.watchable && !permissions.watch ) {
ctaDrawers.initWatchstarCta( $watch );
// If Echo is installed, wire it up.
const echoState = mw.loader.getState( 'ext.echo.mobile' );
// If Echo is installed, set it up.
if ( echoState !== null && echoState !== 'registered' ) {
} );