jdlrobson 72cd31f221 Remove page issues instrumentation
Note, since the page issues code is not feature flagged,
the new treatment will only be accessible via query
string until T206179 is taken care of.

Bug: T206178
Change-Id: I5ab2f3396e642f7b973263e2bb3963e0e82721b3
2018-10-23 12:19:25 -07:00

220 lines
7.7 KiB

( function ( M, $ ) {
var Page = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Page' ),
allIssues = {},
config = mw.config,
NS_MAIN = 0,
NS_TALK = 1,
CURRENT_NS = config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ),
pageIssuesParser = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/pageIssuesParser' ),
PageIssuesOverlay = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/PageIssuesOverlay' ),
QUERY_STRING_FLAG = mw.util.getParamValue( 'minerva-issues' ),
// T206179 should update this value to enable it
newTreatmentEnabled = QUERY_STRING_FLAG === 'b';
* Create a link element that opens the issues overlay.
* @ignore
* @param {string} labelText The text value of the element
* @return {JQuery}
function createLinkElement( labelText ) {
return $( '<a class="cleanup mw-mf-cleanup"></a>' )
.text( labelText );
* Render a banner in a containing element.
* if in group B, a learn more link will be append to any amboxes inside $container
* if in group A or control, any amboxes in container will be removed and a link "page issues"
* will be rendered above the heading.
* This function comes with side effects. It will populate a global "allIssues" object which
* will link section numbers to issues.
* @param {Page} page to search for page issues inside
* @param {string} labelText what the label of the page issues banner should say
* @param {string} section that the banner and its issues belong to.
* If string KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS banner should apply to entire page.
* @param {boolean} inline - if true the first ambox in the section will become the entry point
* for the issues overlay
* and if false, a link will be rendered under the heading.
* @param {OverlayManager} overlayManager
* @ignore
* @return {JQuery.Object}
function createBanner( page, labelText, section, inline, overlayManager ) {
var $learnMore, $metadata,
issueUrl = section === KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ? '#/issues/' + KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS : '#/issues/' + section,
selector = 'table.ambox, table.tmbox, table.cmbox, table.fmbox',
issues = [],
if ( section === KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ) {
$metadata = page.$( selector );
} else {
// find heading associated with the section
$metadata = page.findChildInSectionLead( parseInt( section, 10 ), selector );
// clean it up a little
$metadata.find( '.NavFrame' ).remove();
$metadata.each( function () {
var issue,
$this = $( this );
if ( $this.find( selector ).length === 0 ) {
issue = pageIssuesParser.extract( $this );
// Some issues after "extract" has been run will have no text.
// For example in Template:Talk header the table will be removed and no issue found.
// These should not be rendered.
if ( issue.text ) {
issues.push( issue );
} );
// store it for later
allIssues[section] = issues;
// If issues were extracted and there are inline amboxes, add learn more
// and icon to the UI element.
if ( issues.length && $metadata.length && inline ) {
issues[0].issue.icon.$el.prependTo( $metadata.eq( 0 ).find( '.mbox-text' ) );
$learnMore = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'ambox-learn-more' )
.text( mw.msg( 'skin-minerva-issue-learn-more' ) );
if ( $( '.mw-collapsible-content' ).length ) {
// e.g. Template:Multiple issues
$learnMore.insertAfter( $metadata.find( '.mbox-text-span' ) );
} else {
// e.g. Template:merge from
$learnMore.appendTo( $metadata.find( '.mbox-text' ) );
$ function () {
overlayManager.router.navigate( issueUrl );
return false;
} );
} else {
$link = createLinkElement( labelText );
$link.attr( 'href', '#/issues/' + section );
if ( $metadata.length ) {
$link.insertAfter( $( 'h1#section_0' ) );
return $metadata;
* Obtains the list of issues for the current page and provided section
* @param {number|string} section either KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS or a number relating to the
* section the issues belong to
* @return {jQuery.Object[]} array of all issues.
function getIssues( section ) {
if ( section !== KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ) {
return allIssues[section] || [];
// Note section.all may not exist, depending on the structure of the HTML page.
// It will only exist when Minerva has been run in desktop mode.
// If it's absent, we'll reduce all the other lists into one.
return allIssues.all || Object.keys( allIssues ).reduce(
function ( all, key ) {
return all.concat( allIssues[key] );
* Returns an array containing the section of each page issue.
* In the case that several page issues are grouped in a 'multiple issues' template,
* returns the section of those issues as one item.
* @param {Object} allIssues mapping section {Number} to {IssueSummary}
* @return {array}
function getAllIssuesSections( allIssues ) {
return Object.keys( allIssues ).reduce( function ( acc, section ) {
if ( allIssues[ section ].length ) {
allIssues[ section ].forEach( function ( issue, i ) {
var lastIssue = allIssues[ section ][i - 1];
// If the last issue belongs to a "Multiple issues" template,
// and so does the current one, don't add the current one.
if ( lastIssue && lastIssue.grouped && issue.grouped ) {
acc[ acc.length - 1 ] = section;
} else {
acc.push( section );
} );
return acc;
}, [] );
* Scan an element for any known cleanup templates and replace them with a button
* that opens them in a mobile friendly overlay.
* @ignore
* @param {OverlayManager} overlayManager
* @param {Page} page
function initPageIssues( overlayManager, page ) {
var label,
$lead = page.getLeadSectionElement(),
issueOverlayShowAll = CURRENT_NS === NS_CATEGORY || CURRENT_NS === NS_TALK || !$lead,
inline = newTreatmentEnabled && CURRENT_NS === 0;
// set A-B test class.
$( 'html' ).addClass( newTreatmentEnabled ? 'issues-group-B' : 'issues-group-A' );
// e.g. Template:English variant category; Template:WikiProject
createBanner( page, mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-header-talk' ),
KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS, inline, overlayManager );
} else if ( CURRENT_NS === NS_MAIN ) {
label = mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-header' );
if ( issueOverlayShowAll ) {
createBanner( page, label, KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS, inline, overlayManager );
} else {
// parse lead
createBanner( page, label, '0', inline, overlayManager );
if ( newTreatmentEnabled ) {
// parse other sections but only in group B. In treatment A no issues are shown
// for sections.
page.$( Page.HEADING_SELECTOR ).each( function ( i, headingEl ) {
var $headingEl = $( headingEl ),
sectionNum = $headingEl.find( '.edit-page' ).data( 'section' );
// Note certain headings matched using Page.HEADING_SELECTOR may not be
// headings and will not have a edit link. E.g. table of contents.
if ( sectionNum ) {
// Render banner for sectionNum associated with headingEl inside
// Page
page, label, sectionNum.toString(), inline, overlayManager
} );
// Setup the overlay route.
overlayManager.add( new RegExp( '^/issues/(\\d+|' + KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS + ')$' ), function ( section ) {
return new PageIssuesOverlay(
getIssues( section ), section, CURRENT_NS );
} );
M.define( 'skins.minerva.scripts/pageIssues', {
init: initPageIssues,
test: {
getAllIssuesSections: getAllIssuesSections,
createBanner: createBanner
} );
}( mw.mobileFrontend, jQuery ) );